“King… killed Seismosaurus?!”

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Allosaurus was slowly digging up the corpse of Velociraptor when he heard the sound of battle. He looked up right in time to witness Seismosaurus’ death.

However, he could not clearly see the distant battle. He could only see that Seismosaurus’ silhouette had his neck broken by a shiny sphere the size of a basketball.

“Hiii, is this strength of a super expert? He killed Seismosaurus with just a small pebble?” Allosaurus gulped, “King is too scary. My previous analysis was correct; King’s strength far exceeds ours. Fortunately, I tactfully chose to surrender. Otherwise, I would have died gruesomely!”

He rejoiced in his heart. It seemed that the mind was very important, no matter if he was a human or a Monster.

“Whoops, not good. Just now, King ordered me to dig out the corpse of Velociraptor, but I…” Allosaurus poked at the rubbles he barely made a dent on, “I have to pick up my pace. if King comes back and sees me slacking off, he might kill me in anger!”

Bang! Bang!

His movement suddenly sped up, throwing rocks and sand everywhere. Allosaurus looked like a mole, quickly tearing apart the ruin to find Velociraptor’s corpse.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a three-star Monster – Seismosaurus!”

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King watched Saitama leave and touched Seismosaurus’ corpse. He successfully recovered the three-star Monster.

“I’ve gained a lot recently!”

He flew back towards Allosaurus and could not help but think that this recent crisis had been particularly smooth. Previously in the Monster Prison riot, he had obtained more than a dozen Tiger- and Wolf-level Monster Cards. Now with the dinosaur invasion, he had gathered more than 20 Tiger- and Wolf-level Monsters and even several Demon-level Monsters.

Thinking about it carefully, using all of these Cards, he could definitely rise to more than level 20. The thought made him a little excited.

“Lord King, I’ve already dug out Velociraptor’s corpse. Please witness the results of my work.”

When King returned to Allosaurus, the Allosaurus respectfully reported the results of his excavation. Velociraptor’s two-meter-long body was neatly offered to King.

“Yeah, not bad.”

King was delighted. He quickly stepped forward and touched Velociraptor’s battered corpse.

“Ding! Congratulations to host for obtaining a 3-star Monster – Velociraptor!”

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He nodded in satisfaction as he took the Demon-level Monster Card.

Seeing that King seemed to be in a good mood, Allosaurus asked respectfully, “King, is there anything else I can do for you? Please tell me; I will do my best to help you complete it.”

King stared blankly at the dinosaur, and he could not help but laugh. The dignified Demon-level Monster became so servile. The world made such an unheard-of massive joke.

(Black Sperm: You haven’t seen a Dragon-level Monster worshiping a human, have you?)

However, although it was funny and surprising, how could he solve this Allosaurus problem?

He frowned slightly. It was impossible to keep him as a pet. System clearly said that he can only bind Monsters that he hatched himself as a pet. Allosaurus could not be bound as a pet, so he was afraid that Allosaurus would betray him in the future. Therefore, he cannot keep Allosaurus with him.

Kill it? Stop messing around. To kill Allosaurus, he estimated that he would have to spend a few Demon-level Cards. He might even have to spend Dragon-level Monster Card.

“Leave it to Heroes Association to handle!”

After some consideration, King decided to hand Allosaurus over to the Heroes Association so they could lock him up in the Headquarters’ prison.

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Heroes Association’s Monster Prison was personally built by Metal Knight.
The advanced defense system in the sturdy prison can lock up even Demon-level Monsters just fine.

“Lord King, do you need me to fight? Although my strength can’t compare to one of your fingers, I can be your lackey. If you don’t like someone, you can just tell me, and I will handle them. You won’t have to do anything.”

“Lord King, do you need a steed? I would go anywhere for you. You can see all the mountains, lakes, and seas. I walk very steadily; you would not feel the slightest jolt as you sit on my back. Also, my back is very wide and soft. It will be very comfortable for you to sit on it. You don’t need to hesitate.”

The Allosaurus chattered away, afraid that it would be killed if he could not prove valuable to King.

“Ding, System detected that this Monster has been completely subdued by the host and is willing to become the host’s mount… ”

“Ding, opening System’s mount panel… ”

“Ding, System’s mount panel opened successfully. Will the host bind this mount to become your exclusive mount? ”

A string of System notifications suddenly popped up in King’s mind.

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The corners of his mouth twitched. He inexplicably thought of the annoying Vaccine Man. His original intention was to take Demon-level Monster as a bodyguard. He never expected that after being bound by System, the mighty Vaccine Man would become a weakling that could not defeat even him. Not only did he fail to achieve his goal, but he also had to bother with Vaccine Man’s upgrade.

Now, System wanted to give him a mount pet?

He decided not to do it. It was already very tiring to bring a pet to level up. If there was another mount pet, he would die of anger.

Moreover, he could fly now! Did he need a steed to travel? Although his current Flight Speed was not very fast, he could increase as he leveled up. Sooner or later, he would be able to reach flight speed beyond Tornado.

At that time, what use is a mount? On top of that, the Allosaurus was so big. If he rode him on the streets, he would probably cause traffic jams, which would anger the people. And his house has no place to raise the massive Allosaurus.

More importantly, he needed to pay a large sum of money to buy fresh meat every day. He could not afford to raise it.

If it were Velociraptor, he could consider it. After all, a velociraptor was smaller and faster. It would have been an excellent mount. Unfortunately, Velociraptor had already died. It made King feel slightly regretful. He did not know if there were other dinosaurs that could run fast. Perhaps he could look for them. If he could find another agile dinosaur, he could try to tame them into a mount.

After thinking about it, he finally decided that there was no value in getting Allosaurus as a mount.

Therefore, he ignored the Allosaurus who was trying to please him, and he closed the System mount binding panel. He instead took out his phone and called Heroes Association Headquarter
s, telling them to collect the corpse and arrest the noisy Allosaurus.

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