Chapter 65 - Hunter Self-Defense Forces

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At the junction between J City and M City…


Booming footsteps echoed between the mountains. Hammond emerged on the peak with the proud posture of a Tyrannosaurus rex, overlooking the world.

“King, where should I go to find you?” He stared at the looming tall buildings of M City in the distance. He narrowed his eyes. “Maybe I can lure his identity as Hero.”

He smiled faintly and leaped from a mountain peak hundreds of meters high. Whoosh! Whoosh! He crashed to the ground with fierce winds, landing on a smaller hill.


After the thunderous explosion, smoke and dust filled the air as rocks flew everywhere. Birds and beasts scattered in panic, setting the mountain into chaos.

A while later, as the smoke and dust dispersed, the hill that was more than ten meters high had disappeared. Two deep pits appeared in its place, large enough to fit two buses.

If one looked down from the sky, they would clearly see that the deep pits were actually the footprints of Tyrannosaurus rex.

Hammond ignored the shattered hill and proceeded directly to the M City shelter. He had lived in M City for many years and knew the iconic buildings of M City like the back of his hand. Moreover, the shelter has appeared frequently in the news in recent years. It would be weirder for him not to know it.

“According to past incidents involving Monsters, most M City residents should have escaped into the Heroes Association’s specially built shelter. King, if the citizens in the shelter were attacked, would you gallantly rush over? ”

“Hehe, I will be waiting in the shelter… to take your life!”

“Angel Charge! Angel Charge! Angel Charge! ”

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Puri Puri Prisoner rushed with extreme speed and perfect athletic posture. The dust stirred by his movement formed a long smoke curtain, like the contrails left by a plane across the clouds.

“Huh, I’ve arrived in M City.”

After running for half an hour, he started seeing “M City” written on the road signs. The streets were already empty, with cars strewn about. The houses were destroyed to varying degrees, and the ground was littered with all kinds of trash and debris.

Where is that Demon-level Monster? He should still be wandering in L City. After all, his speed could not compare to my speed in pursuing a handsome man.

He took a light breath and took out his phone, preparing to search for the tracks of Demon-level Monster from L City.


A beastly roar suddenly came from not far away in the street.

Boom! Boom!

Sounds of impact and collapse alternated between one another.

“The 1st Division attracts the attention of Monster, the 2nd Division attacks Monster, and the 3rd Division as the backup force, ready to replace the injured members of 1st Division to kill Monster.”

“The 1st Division, understood.”

“The 2nd Division, roger that.”

“3rd Division, understood.”

On the other side of the street, thirty or so loud voices answered in unison, carrying an equal amount of momentum and acceptance of death.

“Brothers, we are poor people. Our loved ones died miserably at the hands of Monster. We were abandoned by our own relatives and friends, left to live and suffer the tragedy of the past alone. Monsters destroyed our homes, separated our wives and children, and destroyed our families. This unforgettable pain is deeply engraved in our bones, making us live in waking nightmares day and night.

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When Monsters arrived, we hoped that a Hero would fall from the sky and save us. However, the Hero we worshipped and admired in the past did not come. We watched our loved ones die in the hands of Monsters, unable to do anything but shout and grieve.

We can no longer rely on and trust the Heroes’ strength. From today on, we will fight for ourselves. We will destroy those vicious Monsters and return peace to the world with our own power.”

“Kill Monster!”

“We will be our own Hero! The sorrow in our hearts is our greatest strength. We can kill Monsters even without Heroes Association.”

“Captain Accel, we will listen to you. We will fight for ourselves!”

In front of the Monster stood a group of men in black and white combat suits. Their expressions were ferocious, and they waved their hands and shouted angrily, as if they wanted to sweep away the depression in their hearts.

“Remember our team name – Hunter Self-Defense Forces. We are… Hunters who hunt Monster!”

In front of the men stood a heroic man wearing a black long-sleeved T-shirt, a white vest, white gloves on his hands, and a pair of white knee-length combat pants. He was the team leader and captain of the Self-Defense Forces – Accel. His face was heavy, and his passionate speech roused his forces’ hatred and courage.




The men roared thunderously, their strength manifested in their voices.


The roar of the Hunter Self-Defense Forces caught the attention of the dinosaur. The dinosaur destroyed a series of buildings, and the Hunter Self-Defense Forces entered its line of vision.

“Hunters, it’s time for the hunt!” The captain of the Self-Defense Forces raised his right hand and waved it down fiercely. “Move!”

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The Hunters of the Self-Defense Forces held their weapons and rushed toward the dinosaur. The first team held steel balls and chains of various lengths. Depending on the individual strength and the group tactics, they were ten to forty or fifty meters long.

In accordance with Accel’s commands, t
he Hunters waved their weapons and threw them at the neck, calves, forelimbs, tails, and other parts of the dinosaur. The weight of the steel balls caused the chain to loop around the body parts, tightly binding them.


When the Hunters saw that their chain had bound their target on the dinosaur’s body, they pulled the chains. Even though the dinosaur was a strong Monster, it was caught off guard and staggered by the Hunters.

Bang! Bang!

The second team launched their attacks. They used submachine guns, assault rifles, pistols, sniper rifles, and other firearms to shoot at the dinosaur’s weak spots, such as the eyes and abdomen.

Roar! Ah!

The roar of the dinosaur and the scream of the Hunters quickly intertwined into a heroic symphony equally beautiful and harrowing!

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

The dinosaur roared again and again. Its tail swung, its neck twisted, and its legs kicked in an attempt to get rid of the chains, but the hunters held them tightly.

Roar —

After a while, the dinosaur fell into a frenzy. It no longer cared about the chains. It lowered its head and rushed into the Hunters. Its two sharp horns smashed through the building behind the Hunters with unstoppable momentum. Then it raised its head and forcibly overturned the building.


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The building collapsed unto several Hunters who didn’t manage to avoid it.

Boom! Boom!

The battle continued.

“Add three more people to the first team and target the neck of the dinosaur!”

“The first team spread out according to the drill, reduce casualties!”

“Second team, increase the firepower. Try to kill the dinosaur as soon as possible!”

Accel calmly set up a plan against the weakness of the dinosaur, steadily piling damage on the dinosaurs in order to win as soon as possible.

“Damn reptile, do you have no heart? To hurt the young and strong boys… unforgivable, go to hell!”


An angry roar exploded like thunder in the middle of the heated battle between Self-Defense Forces and the dinosaur. A burly figure descended from the sky and punched the head of the dinosaur that was struggling to free itself.

Bang! Roar!

A muffled sound and a miserable howl echoed. The dinosaur’s head abruptly caved. The skull was shattered, and its ping pong ball eyes fell out. The entire face of the dinosaur became unrecognizable. It was a horrible sight to behold.

The dinosaur’s huge body swayed a few times before it fell down with a bang. The chains on its body kept banging against each other. It groaned and cried out a few times, and its body twitched from time to time.

Half a minute later, the dinosaur finally quieted down. Its suffering had ended at last.

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