Chapter 66 - The Defeated Puri Puri Prisoner

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“Young boys, would you like to go on a date?”

After Puri Puri Prisoner killed the dinosaur with a single punch, he turned to face Accel and the Hunters. He bent his right leg with a smile on his face and lifted his heel. His right arm was bent and clenched into a fist. His fist was facing upwards. His left hand held his right wrist and forcefully contracted his pectorals, triceps, biceps, and forearms muscles. He made a standard display of his muscular chest and muscles, vividly displaying his strong and large biceps.


Accel and the Hunters stared blankly at the fallen dinosaur. They then turned to look at Puri-Puri Prisoner, who winked at them. The first team silently dropped their iron chains. The feeling of defeat filled their hearts and minds.

This was a depressing result. They worked hard for half a day, but the dinosaur was still alive and kicking. However, the terrifying dinosaur that they thought was powerful was easily dealt with by Puri Puri Prisoner with one punch. The difference in strength deeply hurt their hearts.

“Hey, are you tacitly agreeing to my date invitation?”

Puri Puri Prisoner changed to a side triceps. He straightened his right arm, held his left hand behind his body, and pulled back his right arm triceps and right shoulder, showing his most masculine side.

“Puri Puri Prisoner?” Accel looked at Puri Puri Prisoner, that was showing his muscles, and smiled. “As expected of an S-class Hero. A Tiger-level Monster can’t withstand a single punch from you.”

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“This is the result of working hard to train my muscles. A Hero should have at least this much strength.”

Seeing Accel taking the initiative to talk to him, Puri Puri Prisoner’s face lit up with joy. He changed his arms and bent his elbows on both sides of his body, flexing his biceps, exposing his masculine charm.

“Hero? Heh.” Accel sneered, “Rumor has it that every time you acted as a Hero, you would always break out of the prison by making a large hole in the prison wall. When you return, the government has to allocate funds to repair the damaged prison every time. In the last two years, I heard that the government had spent 300 million just to repair the holes in the wall you broke. As expected of an S-class hero, your appearance fee is also S-class!”

“Hunters, let’s go.” He turned his back on the confused Puri Puri Prisoner and left with the Hunter Self-Defense Forces.

The hunters followed behind Accel, dragging their bodies slowly like walking corpses.

Five minutes later, Accel stopped to look at the dejected Hunters. Anger appeared on his face as he shouted, “Why are you all lowering your heads? Are you depressed? Defeated? Humph, what right do we have to be depressed? Do you really have time to feel defeated? Why are we standing here? It is precisely because of our incompetence and weakness that we can only watch helplessly as our loved ones die at Monster’s hands. We are a group of losers, who let our relatives and friends die because we are too weak, so… So… that’s why we are gathered together. To gain the strength to kill Monster by working together!”

“Captain, even though we had gathered this much of our strength, we still couldn’t compare to Hero’s punch. We… we are really too incompetent.”

“He obviously worked very hard to kill Monsters, but why am I so weak? Why…”?

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“We are just a group of ants. Even if we gather more, what can we do?”

The Hunters of the Self-Defense Forces were dejected. Most of them seemed to have lost their will to live, standing in a daze. Their bodies were hunched, listless, and dispirited.

“Is this reason for your depression? What a laughable excuse!” Accel snarled, “Yes, we are weak. There might not be a single Hunter who can compare to a C-class Hero. However, an ant can bite an elephant to death. I believe that as long as we cooperate sincerely and work together, no matter how weak we are, we can still defeat powerful Monster! We will avenge our deceased relatives, the happiness we lost, and the peace that will never return! We… will take revenge on Monsters!”


Accel’s hysterical roar reignited the Hunters’ eyes. They clenched their fists; the scene of Monster killing their closest kin continued to echo in their minds.

“Yes, we can’t admit defeat just like that. We are not dead yet. We must continue to fight and kill Monster!”

“Our vengeance yet burns. We will send Monsters to hell as repentance to our loved ones.”

“I want to personally send those ugly fellows to hell and serve my daughter like a dog!”

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The Hunters roared, their fighting spirit returning even stronger than before. Sparks seemed to burst out of their eyes as if a volcano that was ready to erupt at any time!

“Hunters, the battle is not over yet. No, it should be said that our battle has only just begun!” Accel faced the Hunters, who were full of fighting spirit. He shouted, “There are still remnants of the dinosaurs. Hunters, the hunt is still ongoing. Move!”

“Roar!” The hunters roared and shouted in unison, “Let’s go! Kill! Kill! Kill!”

Accel nodded in satisfaction. This was the Self-Defense Forces that he wanted to see. They had high morale and were not afraid of death. However, even though the aura of the Self-Defense Forces members was surging, they could not avoid the biggest problem – strength. They were ordinary people, gathered together in grief and indignation against Monsters. Therefore, their individual strength was too weak in the end.

“If we can increase everyone’s strength, we can start hunting Monsters with higher disaster levels. But how should we increase everyone’s strength?”

Accel fell into deep thought. Perhaps, he should talk to King. After all, he was the strongest man on the planet. He must have a way to quickly make everyone stronger.

Yes, it was decided.

“King, long time no see. Do you still remember the thugs who kidnapped the kindergarten teachers and students a month ago? I said that we would meet again. Soon, I will visit you.”

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“Hey, why are you leaving? Hey, hey, have you agreed to my date invitation?”

Seeing that the Hunters did not respond to him and started leaving one by one, Puri Puri Prisoner shouted anxiously. Unfortunately, the Hunters had their mind drifting elsewhere, so no one paid any attention to him.

“Did I… fail to get a date?” His tall and straight body suddenly bent down, and his whole body shrank. “To invite the boys… I failed again!”

“Attention, residents of M City. Attention, residents of M City. Demon-level Monster that was observed in L City has entered M City. Residents, please go to the large shelters in M City to avoid the Monster. Our Association will strive to eliminate Monster as soon as possible. Please wait patiently for our news…”

“Oh no, meeting the boys I like made me abandon everything else. I completely forgot that my purpose of breaking out of prison is to destroy Demon-level Monster! It’s terrible!”

Puri Puri Prisoner started running again in a hurry, aiming at the Demon-level Monster location that the Association had given him.

“Whoosh —Angel Sprint, Angel Sprint…”

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