Hammond stepped into M City and stared at his hometown. No, his hometown was in Jurassic. The buildings in front of him were just unsightly trash that invaded his hometown. This trash should just be destroyed already!

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With a low roar, his powerful body rampaged through M City. He crashed through countless tall buildings, flattened many houses, and destroyed dozens of streets.


Wherever he passed, everything turned into ruins. The bustling streets became ruins.

“The nearest shelter should be the third shelter. Hehe, esteemed King, I caused such a big commotion. Have you noticed me? M City is your hometown. You should be very concerned. After knowing my actions, you should hate me to the bone. I’ll wait for you at the third shelter. You better not disappoint me. Otherwise, the lives of the tens of thousands of humans in the shelter will be lost.”

He smiled and turned his massive body in the direction of the third shelter. He charged brutally, turning all the buildings in front of him into debris.

Compared to other dinosaurs, his speed wasn’t very fast. But the third shelter was not very far away, and he arrived in less than ten minutes.

“That dome should be the shelter, right?”

Hammond stared at the building dozens of meters away.

The shelters are all designed in similar ways, with a thirty-meter-tall steel dome. The dome was solid steel until around ten meters. Above that point, tiny circular ventilation systems riddled the dome ceiling.

“It seems that Heroes Association spent a lot of money to build these shelters. The primary defensive structure alone should cost a large sum of money, not to mention the high-tech equipment. What a lavish building. Unfortunately, it will soon become ruins.”
Hammond commented on the shelter construction before charging to it.

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“There should be tens of thousands of humans in such a big shelter. These humans will become my captives and bait. King, will you take the bait? Well, I can’t wait to kill you.”

“Hey Monster, listen up. I am a B-class Hero ranked 13 – Super Police Autobot. I am a righteous police officer. Stop this commotion immediately. If you surrender and do not resist, we may deal with you leniently…”

In front of Hammond stood a robot. Its whole body was made of shining silver metal. Wheels replaced its wrist and ankles, with machine guns protruding from the tires. The palm that extended from the wrist wheels held a steel police baton. Its head was shaped like the front half of a car, with headlights as eyes and a police badge on its “forehead.” On the chest were red and blue police lights, and a license plate hung from the crotch – “Police M – 110.”

It pointed its meter-long police baton at Hammond and issued a loud warning.


Hammond leaped across a river, and his thick feet happened to step on Super Police Autobot. The Super Police Autobot was flattened to the ground with a shattering sound.

“Huh, it seems like I stepped on something amazing.”

Hammond raised his foot and looked at the ground in confusion. He found a pile of broken car parts. “Oh, it’s a car?”

“Monster, listen up. I am a B-class Hero ranked 13 – Super Police Autobot. I am a righteous police officer. Stop this commotion immediately. If you surrender and do not resist, we may deal with you leniently…”

The broken machine kept ringing the police lines set by the program.

“Oh my, it’s a robot. I’m really sorry. I’m old and have a lot of old people problems. I have heart disease, high blood pressure, high blood sugar…it also includes my old eyes and ears. I didn’t hear you speak just now and accidentally stepped on you. I’m sorry. Oh, I have something to do and can’t send you to the maintenance factory. You can wait for death slowly. Goodbye!”

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Hammond looked at Super Police Autobot’s remains in surprise, but only left some mocking words before continuing to rush towards the fallout shelter.

“You weak humans, obediently become my bait!”

City A.

Heroes Association Headquarters.

“Reporting to Minister, according to the latest information, Hammond is heading towards the location of the third shelter. His target might be the citizens within the shelter.”
Maria reported to Sitch with a serious expression.

“What?” Sitch’s body shook. “Did Hammond go insane with bloodlust? No, otherwise, he would have started a massacre back in L City. Why did he travel all the way to M City? He must have other motives. Investigate as soon as possible.”

Maria accepted the order and left.

“Coleson, check Puri Puri Prisoner’s location. How far is he from Hammond? Contact him and ask him to kill Hammond before the shelter is destroyed.”

It was already too late to evacuate the citizens in the shelter. They could only hope that the Puri Puri Prisoner arrive at the shelter before Hammond.


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Coleson pushed up his glasses and nodded solemnly.


A phone rang and broke the heavy atmosphere.

“Oh? Is it King?”
Sitch stared at the phone number labeled “King” on the big screen. His face lit up, and he hurriedly answered, “King, your call came right on time. Let’s cut to the chase. Currently, there is a Demon-level Tyrannosaurus rex Monster that is quickly approaching the third shelter of M City. The lives of the tens of thousands of people hiding there are under threat. King, can you rush to the shelter and intercept the Tyrannosaurus rex Monster to protect the citizens?”

“Huh? You want me to fight the Tyrannosaurus rex Monster invading M City?”

Far away in M City, King had just made a call to the Association so they could imprison the Allosaurus. Who knew that Sitch directly ordered him to intercept a Monster. He subconsciously refused in confusion, “No, no time. I am fighting a group of three Demon-level Monsters. I am busy fighting with the Allosaurus between them now. I have no time to deal with the other Demon-level threat.”

Allosaurus muttered with a fawning expression on his face, “…What a good battle of ‘you come to me, and I die!'”

Sitch frowned. “King, your side seems to be very quiet. It doesn’t seem like an intense battle?”

“Eh, that…”
King’s mouth twitched, his face full of embarrassment.


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At this moment, the sound of houses collapsing rang out one after another like a thunderstorm.

“Roar —King, you actually dared to kill my brother Seismosaurus and Velociraptor. I’ll fight you to the death!”

Allosaurus had been listening to King’s phone call and vaguely heard Sitch’s words. He cunningly smashed the house next to him with a claw. At the same time, he pretended to roar angrily, creating the illusion of a great battle.

“What? King, you have already killed Seismosaurus and Velociraptor, those Demon-level Monster?”

Sitch took a sharp breath. It had only been a short while, yet King had already taken care of two Demon-level dinosaurs. In addition to Ankylosaurus not long ago, King had killed three Demon-level Monsters in just a few hours. He was truly a powerful man.

“Wow, King has killed two more Demon-level Monster. He’s too amazing.”

“With King in M City, no Monster can disrupt the peace.”

“For King, Demon-level Monster are just slightly stronger ants, right?”

“The strongest man in the world is so terrifying!”

Sitch answered King’s call in public mode. Therefore, all the staff in the combat room heard the conversation between Sitch and King clearly. They were shocked to hear that King killed three Demon-level Monsters in a row.


King speechlessly glanced at the strangely pleased Allosaurus. This… was really nonsense!

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