The commotion started by the Allosaurus to curry favor with King caused the battle room to instantly fall silent. Everyone widened their eyes, their faces full of admiration, respect, and other expressions.

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Sitch took a deep breath to calm his agitated emotions. However, when he calmed down, a thought shocked him all over again. King was in the middle of a battle with the Allosaurus. How did he have the time to call us? How did he fight Allosaurus while holding his phone?

“King, how did you make the call? Could it be that you were fighting Monster with one hand while calling us?” Sitch exclaimed.

If that was the case, then King was really too terrifying. He only used one hand to deal with a Demon-level monster. Just thinking about this scene made him feel numb. Was King’s strength already to the point where he viewed Demon-level as an ant?

God-level Monster had never appeared before, and Dragon-level Monster was almost as rare. As such, the peak of Monster that the Heroes Association had to deal with is basically Demon-level. Just the sight of such a Monster is enough to terrify normal people. But in front of King, Demon-level Monster, was as weak as an ant. Although the past achievements made people guess that King had killed Demon-level Monster with one punch, affirming the true extent of King’s strength was really frightening.

Sitch’s exclamation surprised the staff and attracted their attention. They listened attentively to King’s answer.

“Eh…” King scratched his head in embarrassment; how could he deal with this panic?

Seeing that there was another chance to make a contribution, the Allosaurus immediately roared again.

“King, you bastard, you killed my Brother Seismosaurus with one punch, and you killed my Brother Velociraptor with another punch. Now you are fighting me with one hand. You are insulting me. Damn it, you are obviously a hundred or a thousand times stronger than me.

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Why are you playing with me? Where is your pride? If you are a man, kill me with that punch like my two brothers! What? You want to subdue me? Ha. Although my strength can’t compare to a hair on your head, I have my own honor. It is impossible for me to submit to you. King, kill me! At least let me retain a bit of dignity!”

King held his phone and looked at Allosaurus’ performance in a daze. Nowadays, even a dinosaur can act!

Everyone in the combat room gasped in shock. King’s strength made Demon-level Monster despair to the point of voluntarily giving up resistance and life.

This scene was too exciting. Although several S-level Heroes could kill Demon-level in an instant, King was the only one who could make Demon-level and Monster despair with his strength and presence!

The strongest man in the world – King! Truly worthy of his name!

Sitch took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart. He said calmly, “King, please take care of the Allosaurus quickly and head to the third shelter in M City. Although Puri Puri Prisoner has already arrived at the shelter, I am afraid that Puri Puri Prisoner will not be enough to handle the Tyrannosaurus rex. So, on behalf of the citizens within the third shelter, I beg you to go stop the Monster and save their innocent lives.”

“Oh, did you say Puri Puri Prisoner has arrived in M City and is attacking the Tyrannosaurus rex?” King’s eyes lit up, “Understood. Once the battle here is over, I will rush there immediately.”

He thought it through for a bit. With Puri Puri Prisoner and his Demon-level Card, it would be more than enough to deal with Demon-level Monster. He did not mind intercepting the Monster and cheer for Puri Puri Prisoner on the side. The battle was guaranteed to be won either way.

“Allosaurus, lower your body.”

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“Roar —As you command!” Allosaurus hurriedly bent his 7-8 meter tall body and breathed a sigh of relief. As long as I’m valuable to King, my life should be safe.

King touched Allosaurus’ back. It was a little cold. He pushed his palm and sat on it.

“Let’s go to the third shelter.”

“Yes,” Allosaurus responded in a low voice. His massive eyes narrowed slightly.

A Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur? That should be the doctor, right? Maybe I would no longer have to stoop and curry favor with King if we regroup.

A lot of thoughts filled his mind. His heart became excited, and he rushed towards the third shelter of M City.

Intoxicating freedom, I am coming!


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Hammond’s steps echoed thunderously throughout the streets.

“Heroes Association hasn’t announced my attack to the third shelter. Heh, it seems that I need to destroy the shelter. Only when thousands of people die will the Association pay attention to me. Hmm, I hope that the Association would send King to kill me. That would be perfect. Of course, if King doesn’t come, I will continue to destroy until King does.”

He grinned ferociously

“Angel Sprint, Angel Sprint. Phew —We’re here. The boys are not hurt. That’s great.”

Just as Hammond was about to slam the shelter, a muscular figure suddenly appeared, blocking his way to the shelter. “Hey, ugly Monster, don’t even think of harming the boys inside the shelter. This me will never allow it!”

Puri Puri Prisoner panted slightly and stared at Hammond. The muscles on his body quietly bulged. He was already charging up for battle.

“Hero? Haha, I’ve heard of you. A group of people who are responsible for protecting the people and eliminating Monster.”

Hammond halted and stared at Puri Puri Prisoner with his lantern-sized eyes. After thinking for a while, he smiled and said, “Did you stop me because you think I am a Monster? No, no, no. I think that your current definition of a Monster is greatly mistaken. You have a great misunderstanding about Monsters. Have you ever thought that we are actually intelligent beings and can get along with each other peacefully, just like in the Star Trek series? The aliens of different races unite to form the United Federations of Planets and work together to build a better universe.

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Together, we can wipe out all the evil beings that try to destroy our home. Besides, we dinosaurs were not born as a dinosaur. We turned ourselves into dinosaurs because we love dinosaurs. On the inside, we are still humans. To be precise, we are just humans with special hobbies. It is just that our appearance and preferences are somewhat different. I believe that we can peacefully coexist and build a better world together…”

Hammond rambled like an old man, describing a beautiful world of harmony between humans and Monsters.

“Peaceful coexistence?” Puri Puri Prisoner scratched his chin and nodded thoughtfully.

It was almost reasonable. But under the increasingly frequent Monster attack, the peaceful coexistence of humans and Monster was not necessarily an effective way to solve the problem of Monsters. As Monster invasions became more frequent, the problem of Heroes shortage became more prominent. In order to solve this shortage, the Heroes Association actively promoted Heroic fame and glory in killing Monsters, attracting more elites to join.

On the other hand, they had already started experimenting to control imprisoned Monsters. If the experiment was successful, maybe the future humans and Monsters could really achieve a limited “peaceful coexistence.”

Hammond’s proposal was not feasible now because humans believed that “those with different appearance must have different hearts”!

There was only one way to break the antagonistic faith of the human race: conquest!

Only when Monster conquered the human race would the human race be willing to be on equal footing with Monster, just like the eight countries of modern China.

“So…” Hammond looked at the slightly tempted Puri Puri Prisoner and narrowed his eyes. He raised his thick feet and stomped the defenseless Puri Puri Prisoner to the ground. A hint of mockery flashed in his eyes.

Only an idiot would seriously consider the enemy’s proposal during battle!

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