Chapter 69 Puri Puri Prisoner – Defeated!

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However, when Hammond thought that Puri Puri Prisoner was dead, a sound appeared from under his foot, and his thick leg was forcibly lifted up by someone.

“Oh? He isn’t dead?”

He lowered his head to look at his feet. A prickling pain came from his foot, clearly the work of the pair of hands pushing on his sole.

“Hey, I will only die in the bed of a boy I like, not under a dirty old man like you…”

Puri Puri Prisoner forcefully pushed himself up. After pushing open some space, he immediately jumped back and escaped from Hammond’s smelly feet.

“Not bad. My entire body is filled with the aura of a strong person!”

Puri Puri Prisoner twisted his neck and arms, making a cracking sound. He pointed at Hammond. “Old geezer, you should just rest in the nursing home with your age. Maybe you can wake up the next spring and become a handsome old man again. You shouldn’t be running around with a dinosaur mascot suit to trouble us.”

“Hey, what you said makes a bit of sense. I should indeed enter the nursing home, but…” Hammond’s huge head leaned close to Puri Puri Prisoner. His breath sprayed on Puri Puri Prisoner. He opened his mouth, revealing sharp fangs more than ten centimeters long. “Which nursing home can shelter the current me?”

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“Of course, there is one, that is…” Puri Puri Prisoner stared at Hammond’s head. The muscles on his right arm suddenly bulged as he punched Hammond, shouting, “Monster Prison nursing home!”


A muffled sound rang out as Puri Puri Prisoner’s pot-sized fist landed solidly on Hammond’s face.

“Eh?” Hammond stared at Puri Puri Prisoner, whose fist was still on his face. “You… hit me? Yo, does a Hero’s job also include bullying old people? Let me tell you, I have many late-stage illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, high blood fat, and so on. If you scare me, I can lie down and blackmail you.”

“Noisy!” Puri Puri Prisoner looked at Hammond, who barely reacted to his punch. His heart tightened.

This guy… What a strong Defense. I can kill a Tiger-level Monster with a single punch, but it had no effect on him. It seems that I have met a powerful foe!

“Hey, hey, hey, is this attitude you should have towards an old man? As Hero, you should take the initiative and help the old man crossing the road.” Hammond’s old mischievous heart flared up. He couldn’t help but tease Puri Puri Prisoner.

“Help the old man cross the road?” Puri Puri Prisoner’s fists fell on Hammond’s face one after another, like raindrops in heavy rain. “I’ll be thrilled to help a rotten old man like you cross the River Styx!”

“Aiyaya!” Hammond raised his head and left Puri Puri Prisoner’s attack range. He took a few deep breaths and said, “What a rude little fellow. You hit me so hard that it hurts a little!”

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“There’s something even more painful!” When Hammond raised his head, Puri Puri Prisoner did not delay for even a second. He stomped his feet and launched himself into the air. His body was slightly tilted, and his arms were aimed upward.


However, a thick tail quickly swung over, along with an intense whirlwind. Puri Puri Prisoner was swept by wind comparable to an airplane’s tailwind, stopping his transformation.


In the instant that it hit him, Puri Puri Prisoner groaned in pain. His body was bent like a cooked shrimp, and his whole body was flung out, crashing into a tall building next to the shelter.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

He shot like a cannonball, smashing through three buildings before his body finally stopped.

“I returned your favor. You hit me, and I sweep you with my tail. It’s only fair!” Hammond’s mockery followed, “I am much more polite than you young people.”

Puri Puri Prisoner supported himself on the ground with one hand.

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Damn it, the whiplash force was unexpectedly strong. My body is as strong as steel, yet I’m still left trembling in pain. But I could not admit defeat. I must not let him destroy the boys in the shelter.

“Phew, there’s no other way.” Puri Puri Prisoner slowly stood up and made a pose of a football player ready to catch the ball. “Transform!”

His hands suddenly clenched into fists under his armpits. A special effect on his chest lit up with a five-pointed star. Then a dazzling yellow light burst out from the star and enveloped his whole body. “Wake up! Transform!” He shouted. “Puri Puri Prisoner! Angel form!”

His entire body was bared, and his muscles bulged even more. It was clear that his strength had increased.

“I’m using my strongest form. Old man, prepare to die” He lowered his body and immediately stomped his feet, launching himself into the air. He opened his arms, and a pair of wings appeared on his back, shedding pure white feathers. He shouted, “Angel —Shoot!”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He instantly arrived in front of Hammond and wasted no time raining dozens upon dozens of violent fists on Hammond’s body. The punches landed on his flesh and continued to emit muffled sounds.

“Yo, you really are a tenacious and annoying little fellow. You’re also a rude pervert. You hit me so hard that it hurts!”

Hammond took a few steps back, leaving behind several deep footprints on the crushed street. He lowered his head to look at Puri Puri Prisoner, who was still punching him, and he laughed like a mischievous child.

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“Take this, Continuous Tyrant Fist!” Hammond imitated Puri Puri Prisoner and repeatedly punched with his short forelimb.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A tragic scene appeared. In the middle of his moves, Puri Puri Prisoner was suddenly hit by Hammond’s iron fist, knocking the wind off him. He stopped breathing, his face red. Before he could recover, a barrage of Hammond’s strong fist fell on his body while suspended in midair. There was no hope for him to resist.


Finally, Hammond narrowed his eyes and smiled slyly. He aimed his fist at the third shelter and then attacked with all his strength. A fist the size of a millstone landed on Puri Puri Prisoner’s body.


Puri Puri Prisoner’s body bent, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. His body flew like a cannonball towards the shelter.


Puri-Puri Prisoner violently impacted the third shelter and broke through the steel dome in just a moment. The citizens inside the shelter could clearly see Hammond’s Tyrannosaurus head through the hole he smashed through!

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