Chapter 70 - Go Call King for Help Now

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At the third shelter in M City…

Tens of thousands of people crowded inside, sitting on the ground or walking around in anxiety. Voices overlapped with each other, filling the shelter with a buzzing noise.

Elegant music flowed in the midst of them, calming people’s nerves.

“Dear citizens, please rest assured. This shelter was built with the full extent of the Heroes Association’s resources and advanced technology. It is a super fortress to protect humans!”

The female administrator assigned here by the Heroes Association shouted loudly with a loudspeaker. Her crisp voice attracted the refugee’s attention. She continued to proudly introduce the technology used to construct the shelter.

“The outer layer of the shelter can withstand extreme temperatures. Even if lava falls from the sky, it can’t destroy the shelter. More importantly, the special outer layer can absorb any type of attack. Whether it is a tank or a missile, they can’t destroy this iron wall.”

After her boastful introduction to the shelter, the worried citizens finally calmed down. Such a powerful fortress, even a Demon-level Monster should not be able to break it, right?

“There are biological monitoring systems installed at the entrance. Only humans can safely pass through. Even if a Monster is disguised as a human, it will still be recognized. Aromatherapy with health benefits is constantly circulated. Classical music relaxes the body and mind, relieving psychological pressure.

When the shelters were built, the Association considered all manners of scenarios and installed appropriate systems and structures. It is truly flawless from the outside to the inside. This third shelter is a perfect super fortress. Rest assured that this place would be safe until Monsters are eliminated by the Heroes.”

The administrator affirmed the strength and safety of the fallout shelter, comforted the worried citizens, and dispelled the doubts in the people’s hearts. After a speech, the people were completely relieved. Their tense faces bloomed with smiles, and they began to talk and laugh with their friends and relatives, no longer worrying too much about Monster’s disaster outside.

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Isn’t Hero here? We just need to wait until the Heroes eliminate Monster.

They all held the same thought.


However, just as they were convinced that the Monsters would soon be destroyed by powerful Heroes, a large hole was broken through the sanctuary wall, and a heavily injured figure fell to the ground.


Puri Puri Prisoner’s body tore across more than ten meters of the shelter floor before he finally stopped. His bare body was full of dull black and purple wounds. It was a shocking sight. Even worse, his whole body had painfully swollen under the barrage of punches, making him look like a fat pig. He had lost his human appearance, and at this point, not even his mother could recognize him.

The residents in the shelter stared dumbfounded at the large hole in the “iron wall.” Their gazes shifted from Puri Puri Prisoner to the female administrator. Sister Administrator, is this the iron wall you speak of? Didn’t you say that it could absorb any type of attack? Didn’t you say it was flawless? Can you explain what the hell that big hole is? Are you mocking us?

The female administrator also looked at the gaping hole in shock and mumbled, “We… We have considered all kinds of attacks. There are energy attacks, missiles attacks, and swords attacks. Only… we have never considered physical attacks…”

She was subconsciously defending the Association. Thinking normally, what kind of iron wall could resist missiles but not fists and other physical attacks? However, this was an unreasonable world. Some people’s physical attacks were so abnormal that they could easily break the shelter’s wall.

In fact, there had never been any data that indicated that the shelter could resist the attack of Demon-level Monster. Everything was just propaganda of the Association!

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Roar —

While the citizens were collectively in a daze, a loud roar from outside the big hole woke them up.

“The Monster is here! Everyone, run!”

“Mom, save me —”

“Don’t push me. There is no road ahead!”

The citizens screamed like ants on a hot pan, turning around in fear. However, they suddenly discovered that there was no way out of the shelter. All the exits were sealed.

“Administrator, quickly open the exit. I don’t want to die!”

“Quick, quickly open the exit. Monster is about to rush in. Run!”

The administrator looked at the angry citizens and took a few steps back in fear. She cried and said, “I… I can’t open it either. As long as the defensive systems are activated, all the exits are automatically closed and sealed. So it is impossible to get out of the exit. Unless… unless Headquarter removes the restriction… but otherwise, we can’t get out.”

“Then what are you talking about? Quickly inform Heroes Association Headquarters to get rid of the restriction!”

“Yes, yes, I will call immediately.” The administrator called the headquarters in panic.

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A prehistoric beast over ten meters tall peered from the hole – a Tyrannosaurus rex!

Hammond glanced at the terrified citizens and smiled. “Hello, my former compatriots. Are you happy?”

Happy your ass!

The citizen all had the same thought. They looked at Hammond in fear and subconsciously retreated to the wall furthest away from Hammond.

“Don’t be afraid. I have no interest in killing you.” Hammond sat down and shook the fallout shelter. He twisted his neck and smiled. “Aiya, I’m getting old. It won’t do if the activity is a little more intense. My entire body is exhausted, and all my old illnesses are acting up. Oh right, help me notify King and tell him to come as soon as possible. Tell him that I’ll wait for him for three hours. One minute too late, and this place will become hell!”

He casually uttered a terrifying remark, scaring the citizens into trembling.


The fallen Puri Puri Prisoner staggered to his feet. His battered body swayed. How could he… How could he fall so easily?!

He glanced at the frightened boys and felt a pain in his heart. The boys were right in front of me to save them. How could I… fall!

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He tried his best to straighten his swollen body, wiping blood from his face. Panting heavily, he stared at Hammond. “I will never… will never allow you to hurt the cute boys…”

“Eh? You can still stand up? You stubborn little fellow, however…” Hammond looked down at the wavering Puri Puri Prisoner and grinned. “I don’t have that much time to tangle with a rude pervert like you. You can just… lie down quietly!”

As soon as he finished speaking, his thick tail swept over the defenseless Puri Puri Prisoner towards the wall. Puri Puri Prisoner’s body smashed through the iron dome into the ground with a loud bang.

“Am…I…too weak?”

His body squirmed a few times and gradually calmed down. He fainted. Boys, I’m sorry, I… couldn’t protect you well…

“Look, I have added a good ornament to your shelter. You have to thank me well. In return, you should quickly tell King to save you. Otherwise, I’m afraid I can’t help but kill you all for dinner.”

“Quick, who can call King?”

“King, come and save us.”

“Only King can save us.”

The panicked and fearful citizens grasped every last straw to save their lives. They tried everything they could to call for King to come to destroy this Monster and save them from hell.

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