Chapter 71 - Live Broadcast for the World

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City A.

Heroes Association Headquarters combat room…

“What? The third shelter has been breached by Tyrannosaurus rex!?” Sitch proclaimed in shock at the report. “Wait, did Puri Puri Prisoner not intercept the dinosaur in time?”

“S-class Hero, 16th place – Puri Puri Prisoner? We haven’t seen him… wait, there is a heavily injured Hero, but we couldn’t recognize who he was due to the injuries from the dinosaur. We can only be sure that he was naked!” The administrator girl replied quickly.


Sitch fell silent. He was familiar with the combat methods of the various S -class Heroes, and the report reminded him of Puri Puri Prisoner’s “angel form.” Then the Hero that Hammond beat up was Puri Puri Prisoner?

He could not believe it. Puri Puri Prisoner was an S-class Hero, and even the weakest S-class Hero had the power to destroy Demon-level Monster alone. Would Puri Puri Prisoner be beaten by Hammond until he had no strength to fight back? This matter needed to be appropriately verified.

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“Oh, right, before the heavily injured Hero blacked out, he said something like ‘don’t harm the boys.'”

It seemed that there was no need to verify it. The seriously injured naked Hero was definitely Puri Puri Prisoner. Among all of Hero, only he would shout such last words.

“How is the situation in the shelter now? Has the Tyrannosaurus rex killed the civilians? Don’t worry; I will immediately order Jace to deactivate the defense system and open all the exits.”His face was solemn. The shelter had been broken. Presumably, it had turned into blood-drowned hell. That old bastard Hammond, damn it!

“Ah, That… That…” The administrator hesitated, “The shelter is fine for the time being, and the citizens are not in danger, but… but…”

“But what?” Sitch pressed anxiously. “What is the situation at the fallout shelter? Tell me in detail.”

“The Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur guarded the only exit and told us to get King here in three hours. Otherwise…he would kill all the citizens in the shelter.”

“King?” Sitch’s pupils shrank. Hammond’s target was King. The Association had wondered why Hammond ignored City L and headed straight for City M. Now that the truth had been revealed, it all made sense. The wanton destruction of City M and the attack on the third shelter were all Hammond’s attempts to lure King out.

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The other staff members in the combat room were also shocked. The goal of the dinosaur was the strongest man in the world – King? Who gave him the courage to challenge King? Was this dinosaur tired of living?

Coleson pushed his glasses with a serious look. “Minister, there are two possible reasons why Hammond is in a rush to kill King. One is to avenge the dead Ankylosaurus and the other dinosaurs. Two is to remove the greatest obstacle to the rise of the dinosaurs. King is recognized as the strongest man and is a thorn in the eyes of all Monsters. As long as King, the symbol of human triumph against Monster, does not fall, all Monsters will live in fear of him. Therefore, Hammond is likely trying to fell King and embolden Monsters attacks.”

“If King and Hammond fight, who do you think will win?” Sitch asked.

“There is no comparison between the two,” Coleson said with a faint smile.

“As long as Hammond does not harm the citizens, let him go and seek death!” Sitch sneered.

Maria and the others laughed as well. To dare challenge King, that Monster was definitely an old fool. All the staff in the combat room were full of confidence in King’s strength. It was an absolute trust in King’s power accumulated from King’s valiant achievements and the tragic deaths of Monster.

King was invincible!

This was a consensus they had come to over the past three years.

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“Reporting to Minister, something bad is happening.” A staff member interrupted the laughter in the combat room with a phone call. His face showed distress as he hurriedly reported to Sitch, “There are reporters from the M City TV Station in the third shelter. The M City TV station is currently broadcasting the situation of the third shelter to the world, causing an uproar from the people across the world.”

“What?!” Sitch’s face changed, and he urgently ordered, “Hurry up and switch the big screen to the M City channel.”

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Maria quickly operated the computer and switched the big screen to the M City TV station.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you can see that I am at the third shelter of M City, built by the Heroes Association. In the propaganda, the AssociationAssociation clearly stated that the shelter’s defense is absolute. However, as everyone can see, the shelter cannot stop the impact of the Demon-level Monster Tyrannosaurus rex. The dinosaur requests that King must be present within three hours, or he will kill all of us. Come, let’s interview the citizens on the scene.”

The reporter from the M City TV station Monster channel—Dale, talked to the camera. It was a coincidence. Originally, they had sneaked into the fallout shelter to interview the residents of the shelter regarding the dinosaur invasion. They did not expect to meet Hammond, who attacked the shelter.

At first, their reporter team was also frightened. However, when Hammond clearly expressed that he was not interested in them and did not attack the citizens, they gradually calmed down. They even had a bold idea to broadcast the Monster invasion scene.

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On the one hand, such an exciting scene would definitely improve the program’s ratings. And maybe, after this battle, they would become famous. Their salaries would be doubled, their benefits would increase, and bonuses would be given. They would reach the peak of their lives. On the other hand, they could use the live broadcast to ask for help from the world. They could inform King or other S-class Heroes to come and save them. It would be killing two birds with one stone.

The reporter team discussed for a while and set up the equipment. They began the nervous and exciting journey of Monster invasion live broadcast.

“King, can you see our live broadcast? Please come and save us.”

“No matter which Hero, please come and save us quickly.”

“King, come quickly! We are all waiting for you.”

Sitch and the others looked at the crying citizens on the big screen, and their hearts sank. This broadcast exposed the Heroes Association’s incompetence to the world. Heroes Association had lost all face.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Ever since the broadcast started, Sitch’s phone had not stopped ringing. The higher-ups of the AssociationAssociation kept calling and asking him to suppress the matter as quickly as possible and reduce the negative impact on the AssociationAssociation to the minimum.

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