Chapter 72 - Monster Disaster Level Upgraded to Dragon

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“Hu —” Half an hour later, Sitch took a deep breath and calmly ordered, “Jace, contact the M City TV station and ask them to withdraw the program. We don’t need more panic in the world.”

The live broadcast of the TV station was too influential. It easily caused severe damage to Heroes Association images. He had to withdraw the TV program in time to mitigate the expanding damage.

“Yes, Minister.” Jace went to contact the M City TV station with a serious face.

“Maria, immediately upgrade the Tyrannosaurus rex disaster level to Dragon! This time, broadcast it to the whole world, not just the current disaster site.”

Hammond had destroyed a portion of L City and M City. In addition, he had defeated the S-class Hero, Puri Puri Prisoner. He qualified for a promotion to a Dragon-level disaster. Sitch could not let the world think that a small Demon-level Monster could put the Association in such a sorry state. But if it’s a Dragon-level Monster, then it was only natural for it to be able to break through the shelter. It would slightly reverse the bad impression that the public had of the Association.

“Dragon?” Maria was shocked for a moment, but she immediately went to work, “Yes, Minister.”

She turned around and adjusted the Monster alarm in various big cities, ready to report the updated disaster level.

“Coleson, contact King and Tornado. Ask them to rush to the scene and destroy the Monster as soon as possible. Remember, prioritize the safety of the citizens.”

At the end of the day, destroying Hammond as soon as possible is the only way to calm the storm. Currently, S-class Heroes capable of responding to this disaster in a timely manner were King, Puri Puri Prisoner, and Tornado, who was about to arrive in M City. Of these, Puri Puri Prisoner had lost the ability to fight. Therefore, they could only place their hopes on the two trump cards of the Association – King, and Tornado of Terror.

“Understood, Minister.”

Coleson pushed up his glasses and nodded solemnly. He turned around and contacted Tornado.

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After Sitch issued a series of orders, he sat down in his chair and rubbed his temples. Recently, Monster disasters had occurred one after another, and the trust that the citizens had towards the Association was getting lower and lower. If this continues, the citizens might completely abandon the Heroes Association.

After a while, Jace returned angrily. “Minister, the person in charge of the M City TV Station refused to cancel the program. They said that their program was in line with the government regulations, so we have no right to interfere with their program arrangements.”

Sitch was silent for a while and said bitterly, “They are right. We indeed have no right to interfere with their program arrangements. We are just a civil organization, not a world government. We… have no right!”

No matter how famous Heroes Association was, he could not escape a fact. They were just a righteous civil organization and not a legal agency under the government. Their continued existence depended on their own ability. If their operations went good, the Association could continue to exist. If their operations failed, the Association would disperse.

The reality was cruel. Heroes Association had resisted Monster for years, yet the government had never injected them with a single cent. They must gather operating funds from sponsors and the people. The citizens complained that they became the bodyguards of the rich. Who had thought about their difficulties?

They had no choice. If the Association continued to operate, they could only rely on the sponsorship of the rich. The public funds were too little in the end.

Jace also had a sad expression on his face. The current situation reminded him of a martyr that was loyal to the country but reviled by the people.

“Minister, what should we do next?”

“Let them be. The live broadcast can ruin our Association’s reputation, but it will also make us more famous.”

“Oh?” Jace was stunned for a moment. “Minister, do you mean King and Tornado…”

Sitch nodded. “I hope the two of them can win the battle.”

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Q City.

People were very concerned about the invasion of Monster in M City.

“Isn’t M City the one that King guarded? Why did Monsters wreak havoc so many times there? Last time it was the Monster Prison riot, and now the dinosaur invasion, isn’t King known as the strongest man?”

“King has already done his best. Didn’t you hear the broadcast just now? King was running around and killed three Demon-level dinosaurs in a row. There are too many Demon-level Monsters and only one King. It’s unsurprising that he was overwhelmed.”

“Fortunately, our Q City is protected by Watchdog Man. No matter how strong a Monster is, they can’t run amuck in Q City.”

“Is that dinosaur an idiot? He actually provoked King?”

“Who knows? Maybe he is tired of living and wants to die. So he went to King.”

City Z.

As the city where Monster incidents are the most frequent, the citizens here were already numb to Monster’s invasion. They complained more about the Heroes Association’s incompetence.

“The Heroes Association is becoming more and more useless. The Monsters of the past were not this brave.”

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“Sigh, the ‘Book of Heroes’ mentioned that the no man’s area in City Z has the most Monster-related incidents. The area is almost entirely abandoned, but the Association is yet to send people to investigate the source of the Monsters.”

“The Heroes Association has fallen.”

City B, City F, City K, and other major cities focused their attention on M City’s third shelter. They were discussing the situation with enthusiastic curiosity. Would King appear in time to kill the Monster and protect the citizens?

While the citizens were eating popcorn and preparing to watch the show, Monster alarms in the center of the cities suddenly sounded.

“Attention, citizens. Attention, citizens. Considering that the Demon-level Monster who attacked M City’s third shelter had caused destruction in both L City and M City, it had met the criteria for a Dragon-level disaster. The Association hereby promoted its disaster level to Dragon-level.”

“We repeat. Attention, citizens. Attention, citizens. Considering that the Demon-level Monster who attacked M City’s third shelter had caused destruction in both L City and M City, it had met the criteria for a Dragon-level disaster. The Association hereby promoted its disaster level to Dragon-level.”


The whole country was in an uproar. The Tyrannosaurus rex that they thought was a Demon-level Monster had become a Dragon-level Monster. The situation became even more complicated.

In the sky above M City, a passing supersonic transport plane also heard the news from the Association.

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The pilot was shocked. “Esteemed Tornado, the disaster of that dinosaur, has been upgraded to…”


The pilot heard the sound of glass shattering before he could finish his words. Surprised, he looked back and saw a high-speed green light flash outside the windshield.

“This Dragon-level Monster is mine. King, you’re definitely going to lose.”


The pilot watched Tornado leave in surprise. He tried to catch up, but the plane suddenly lost pressure. “Oh no, the airflow has rushed into the plane!”

He quickly pressed the parachute button and flew out of the driver’s seat. He opened the parachute with a whooshing sound and floated slowly in the air.

Within the borders of L City…

A blurry figure flashed across the street quickly. When Heroes Association’s announcement blared through the alarm system, the figure suddenly stopped.

Saitama scratched his face. “Ah, that Monster ran to M City again?” He took out a supermarket flyer from a stack he carried. His face brightened. “M City has a supermarket discount. Let’s go and kill the Monster on the way.”

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