Chapter 74 - King Is Dead

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King was slightly stunned. He looked at the crazed Hammond. Could it be that he had met a madman?

“You hesitated. Ha, I can’t believe it. Then, I will help you make a decision.”

Hammond turned to Allosaurus. “Allosaurus, go on a rampage. Use blood and death to help King make the decision.”

“Roar —”

Allosaurus growled and charged at the residents of the fallout shelter. “Haha, King, let me use their blood to make a decision for you.”

King, you have humiliated me. Now it’s my turn to take revenge.

What a lunatic!

King widened his eyes and looked at Hammond. This guy must be crazy. That’s right, he was utterly insane.


When the residents saw Allosaurus running towards them, they immediately screamed and retreated.

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Allosaurus glanced back at the helpless King as he ran. His admiration for Hammond grew. As expected of the doctor, he knew how to use King’s identity to put King in a dilemma. He was tied up and could not exert his full strength. The winner of this battle must be us… the dinosaurs!


The citizens watching the M City TV station Monster channel were shocked to see Allosaurus charging toward the innocent people in such a despicable manner. The footage shown on the TV was shaking because the cameraman was busy running away. They could not even see the picture of the dinosaur and King, which made them anxious and restless. Their eyes were glued to the TV screen, waiting for King to unleash his power and eliminate the despicable dinosaurs.

Hammond shouted loudly, “King, because of your hesitation, countless lives will be lost. All of this tragedy is because of you; your selfish pause had cost other people their lives…”

His expression became crazier and crazier. His words were almost akin to religious fanaticism.

Allosaurus’ spirit rose, “To attack the heart and mind is a dignified and fair strategy. Assuming he had no way to take on King head-on, attacking King’s heart was the best choice. A bleeding wound can be closed, but a broken heart will fester eternally. As King got lost in his thought and contemplation, his strength would be greatly reduced, and our hope of winning would increase greatly. Even if King saw through the doctor’s purpose, he could not do anything. Doctor, you are indeed a genius who gave us dinosaurs a rebirth.”

King was stunned at Hammond and Allosaurus’ actions. You want to use human lives to make me submit? Disturb my mentality? Don’t mess around, okay? Although I came because of Hero’s name, I was just a lucky Hero. Being a Hero was not my will; protecting the citizens was not my interest. So, you killing the citizens is not affecting me at all!

In fact, you just need to stand there to make me afraid and throw my mind into chaos. You don’t need to do any dirty tricks.

“King’s expression… is it anger? Is it sorrow? King, although you are the strongest man, the useless title ‘Hero’ had dragged you down. It has become your biggest and only weakness. When you accepted the title of ‘Hero,’ you… were no longer the strongest.”

Allosaurus paid attention to King’s every move. When he saw King’s face become “ugly,” his excitement swept away the humiliation he had suffered from being King’s minion.

“King, watch the blood splattering with your own eyes. Watch the citizens you want to protect, slaughtered without mercy, that scene… must be very exciting, ha… haha….”

Hammond was like an excited, mad dog. He opened his mouth, and smelly saliva flowed down the corner of his mouth. He truly became a ferocious beast.

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“Ah! Help! King, save us!”


The residents of the shelter screamed and ran away.

“Where is King? King, kill the dinosaur!”

“Ah, the dinosaur is going to kill someone! Why hasn’t King made a move yet?! What about Ultimate Hellfire Wavemotion Cannon? King, hurry up and make your move!”

In front of the TV, the audience looked at the shaking camera and shouted anxiously, wishing they could take King’s place.

King looked at the maddened Hammond in a daze, then at the “traitor” Allosaurus that was charging into the crowd. The corners of his mouth twitched. It seemed that he had to use Desire Judge Card. Even if he had no interest in protecting the citizens, he was a Hero. Destroying Monsters was his responsibility. Even if he couldn’t stop the Monster, he must still try his best to be worthy of Hero’s name.

He took a few deep breaths and tried to suppress the rapid heartbeat as much as possible. It was best to remain calm in battle.

“A chance!?”
Hammond’s crazed eyes flashed with a glimmer of light. King’s body relaxed, and King Engine, his combat state, gradually weakened. His heart… was in chaos!

He grinned and held back a smile. King, this old man wants your life.

His body suddenly rushed forward, and his mouth opened, revealing sharp teeth stained with stinky saliva and more than ten centimeters long. The dinosaur head quickly swung towards King, and his mouth clamped down on King.

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“Damn it!”
King shuddered. Hammond’s attack was too fast. By the time he reacted, the bloody mouth was already right in front of his eyes. He had no way to avoid it.

Soon, soon. King is going to die under my fangs. Ha… ha, ha, as long as King is eliminated, no Hero in the world can stop me. My dream of rebuilding the dinosaurs’ hegemony will be realized soon. It will become a reality!

Hammond’s lantern-sized eyes were jumping with extreme excitement. His vision was stained red as he imagined the color of King’s blood. The wonderful future of the dinosaurs occupying the world.

“Haha, King is going to die.”

Allosaurus roared in excitement and glared at the tiny humans. “And you guys… are going to hell with that King bastard.”

“What? King is going to die? Impossible!”

“Sob, even King failed. We won’t be able to live either.”

When the fleeing citizens heard Allosaurus’ roar, they were stunned. Without King, who could stop this Demon- and Dragon-level Monsters? Who could save them? No one, no one else. They were dead for sure.

“Ah? King is dead? How is that possible? How could my idol lose to Monsters? It’s absolutely impossible.”

That Monster is talking nonsense. Who saw King die? How could King die in Monster’s hands? He is King! The strongest man that Monster feared, how could he die so easily?

The faces of the audience in front of the TV changed greatly. They could not accept or believe the news that King had failed and died.

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City Z, no man’s area.

A Monster with a big eye stared at the TV screen. “King is dead? Hah, if it is true, then the obstacle to our Association’s future plot will be reduced. Unfortunately, King will not die in the hands of the dinosaurs. Haha, after all, they are just a bunch of self-righteous animals. It is impossible for them to achieve anything.”

At a research institute in City Y…

Child Emperor was holding a lollipop and welding a tool similar to a pair of glasses. When he heard the beast roar on the screen, he looked up and said, “That admirable uncle will die in the hands of the dragon-level Monster? Oh, what fake news.”

After shaking his head, he lowered his head again to repair the things in his hands.

City A.

Sitch and the others stared at the shaking screen with wide eyes. They wanted to see the situation clearly, but the camera never stopped on King and Hammond.

A staff member asked in a daze, “Hey, do you think King will really die in the hands of a Tyrannosaurus rex?”

The other staff members looked at the staff member who spoke as if they were looking at an idiot. King already killed several Dragon-level Monsters. It’s unknown if they’re stronger or weaker than the dinosaur in front of them, but all of them were killed by King with one punch. How could this dinosaur kill King? Well, perhaps it is possible because the dinosaur had been dreaming since it challenged King. It might be possible to kill King in a dream.

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