Chapter 75 - The Dragon-level Monster was Defeated by King

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The loud sound of a heavy object falling suddenly shook the shelter, interrupting Allosaurus’ celebration and the citizens’ despair.

“Oh?” Allosaurus looked back in confusion, and his eyes widened in shock. Hammond’s huge body collapsed to the ground, twitching slightly. He was no longer breathing. Hammond was dying while he wasn’t paying attention.

“The…the doctor lost!?” Allosaurus froze. He looked at Hammond’s dying body with disbelief, eyes wide open.

He raised his head and found King high up in the sky.

King was completely unharmed after knocking down the doctor. Even his clothes were not wrinkled at all. King was too terrifying. Did I… did I seriously try to make an enemy of him? Was I really that eager to die?

Cold sweat dripped down his forehead as he looked at King in panic. Huh? King looked down at the doctor. What was King’s expression? Disdain? Contempt? Hatred?

Hiss —

He sucked in another breath of cold air. The fear on his face grew even stronger. The doctor was much stronger than him, but he was still like an ant in King’s eyes. He killed him without any effort—dismissively, even. Wait… since King had such great strength, why did he hesitate to go to the shelter until I turned around?

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He thought about it carefully and became more and more frightened. King was tricking me from the beginning. King never trusted me. “He hesitated.” “He could not beat the doctor.” It was all fake. It was all to test whether I truly surrendered. However… However, I didn’t pass King’s test. I’m done for! King will definitely kill me, this “traitor!” What should I do?

Allosaurus’ thick legs weakened from fear, and an inexplicable urge to urinate filled his body.

The citizens who were running away also noticed Allosaurus’ strange behavior and Hammond’s collapsed body. They were initially frightened, but then they were overjoyed. King had killed that damned Dragon-level dinosaur!!

“Oh, King!”

“We are saved! We are saved! Long live King!”

“Oh, I thought I was dead for sure. King… King, I am willing to work for you for the rest of my life.”

The citizens who survived the calamity danced and shouted, wildly venting the joy in their hearts.

Allosaurus can only watch in anger as the citizen danced and sang in joy, ignoring him. Under his fear of King, he was like a little puppy, quietly squatting on the ground, afraid that King would notice him if he made a noise.

“The dinosaur is dead! The dinosaur is dead!” Dale, the frontline reporter of the M City TV station Monster channel, shouted excitedly while blocking the camera. “Dear viewers in front of the TV, as you can see, the Dragon-level Monster Tyrannosaurus rex was easily defeated by King. It fell to the ground and twitched. However, there was no trace of fatigue on King’s body. He had not moved even a finger from beginning to end…”

You’re blocking the camera, dumbass. Get out of the way. We don’t want to look at you. We want to look at King and Monster!

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In front of the TV, the audience stared at the extremely excited Dale, who occupied the screen. Even if Dale was a beauty, they wanted to kick him away. They wanted to see King! You damn bitch, get out of the way! Aargh!

Fortunately, Dale turned sideways to introduce the situation at the scene. Otherwise, the amounts of complaints to the M City TV station would explode.

“Everyone, please take a look. The Dragon-level Monster Tyrannosaurus rex has no scars and is lying peacefully as if asleep. But we know that the Tyrannosaurus rex will no longer wake up. This will be his final rest, as one of the Monster souls claimed by King’s hands…”

At this moment, the audience in front of the TV could finally see King floating in the air and Hammond lying quietly on the ground, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

“King killed the Dragon-level Monster?”

“As expected. This stupid dinosaur dared to challenge King. It’s like a mouse entering a cat’s lair, looking to become food!”

“Huh, what Dragon-level Monster? In front of my idol King, they are all trash-level Monster.”

The audience was unexpectedly not too excited. Wasn’t it normal for King to kill a puny Dragon-level Monster? What was there to be excited about?

They were so excited because they could finally see King fight with their own eyes. However, they tragically still could not witness how King killed the Monster. The timid reporters were too busy running away to catch any details of King’s moves.

Garbage cameraman wasting my time and excitement, bah!

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The audience cursed at the terrified cameraman.

The popcorn analysts watched for fun, while Monsters and Heroes inspected the essence.

City Z.

The big-eyed Monster looked at the screen in a daze. “King is indeed worthy of his strongest name. It seems that if our Association is to succeed in our plots, King is an obstacle we have no choice but to face. Can we overcome this?” He pondered for a moment before muttering to himself coldly, “Why do we have to overcome it? If a mountain is too high and difficult to pass through, we should penetrate it and dig a tunnel through its body. King, you will not hinder the progress of our Association.”

City Y.

Child Emperor, who was staying in the research institute, licked his lollipop and glanced at the TV screen. “Well, I told you that Uncle King won’t die in Monster’s hands, right? Because Uncle King is too strong. No Monster will be his match. Hmm, I should get Uncle King to test my latest invention.”

He played with the weird glasses in his hands happily, excited about the idea to invite King to the research institute.

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City A,

Heroes Association Headquarters.

“Yeah!” Sitch and the others raised their hand, relieved of their depression.

King, well done. Winning against the Tyrannosaurus rex so beautifully, the public image of the Association would likely improve a lot. As long as King did not lose, and as long as he still belonged to the Heroes Association, most people would always support the Association.

Sitch laughed and ordered, “Maria, immediately announce the news that King easily killed the Dragon-level Monster. This time, we will celebrate with the whole world!”

Rather than celebrating with the whole world, it was more like propaganda to promote the Heroes Association’s strength and bravery.

“Yes, Minister.” Maria received the order with a face full of excitement.

Other Heroes who paid attention to the battle between King and Hammond had different reactions. Some were indifferent, some were respectful, some were fearful, some were disapproving, and so on. They all reacted in many different ways.

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