“It’s another four-star Card.”

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King ignored the inexplicable cheers of the citizens and lowered himself to look at Hammond’s huge body. His heart was burning. Hammond was classified as a Dragon-level Monster by the Association. According to what he knew about System, a Dragon-level Monster should be equal to a four-star Card. He raised his eyebrows and reached out to Hammond expectantly.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a three-star Monster – Tyrannosaurus rex.”

“…” King’s mouth twitched.

Three-star Card? Shouldn’t a Dragon-level Monster correspond to a four-star Monster Card? Could this dinosaur in front of him be a pseudo-Dragon-level Monster?

Thinking about it carefully, “Dragon-level Monster” represented disaster level, not combat strength. Perhaps this dinosaur in front of him had somehow caused disasters that fulfilled the Association’s Dragon-level classification, but its actual combat strength was not too high. Therefore, System gave it a three-star evaluation.

It was a waste of excitement!

He sighed in his heart.

“I should take this opportunity to run!”

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Allosaurus saw that the people were focused entirely on King, and King was lamenting his loneliness as the peak of humanity. Everyone ignored Allosaurus. He was overjoyed and prepared to slip away quietly.

He had surrendered and then betrayed King by throwing King at Hammond. After all that, King probably lost all trust in him already. If he stayed here for too long, he would be finished!

He really wanted to slap himself twice when he thought about it now. However, his hands were short and could not reach his face. He would remember these two slaps for the time being. In the future, he would slap other people in the face. Right now, running for his life was more important.

“That dinosaur is going to run.”

“King, beat him to death!”

Allosaurus’ figure was too big and distinct. The citizens shouted when they saw him try to slip away.

“Quick, follow King closely. This time, we must capture King’s power.”

When Dale and the others heard this, their eyes immediately lit up. They had just missed King’s battle because they were too focused on escaping. They regretted it afterward. They had the opportunity to capture that priceless shot worth more than gold, but they missed it. They never expected that God would give them another chance.

“Eh? Allosaurus?” King came back to his senses. He recalled the hatred he had for Allosaurus. This despicable dinosaur had faked surrender and almost got him killed under Tyrannosaurus’ fangs. He had vowed to roast Allosaurus with some cumin and then eat him.

It would definitely be a rare and nutritious wild game!

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When Allosaurus heard the citizens’ shouts, his entire body froze. He didn’t dare move a muscle. The exit is right in front of his eyes. If he jumped, he might be able to reach it. However, he already knew that he could not escape. Although his speed was quite high, he was far inferior to Velociraptor. If even Velociraptor could not escape King’s grasp, there’s nothing a ‘clumsy’ dinosaur like him could do. Therefore, he only thought for a second and decisively stopped running.

“Ha… Ha-ha, you… Hello.” He turned around and laughed dryly at King, who was slowly flying over.

“King, release your Ultimate Hellfire Wavemotion Cannon!”

“Emperor’s Mouth Cannon!”

“No, no, use the strange and unpredictable superpowers you used to kill the Dragon-level Monster!”

The citizens looked at King and Allosaurus with excitement and expectation. They widened their eyes and stared carefully at the man and the dinosaur, afraid to miss the slightest detail.

As King got closer, cold sweat dripped down Allosaurus’ forehead. He swallowed his saliva.

King stared at Allosaurus, thinking about how to deal with it. Allosaurus is not a weak Monster. An ordinary Demon-level Monster Card would not be enough to kill him, but using a Dragon-level Card would be a waste. He was at a loss!

Allosaurus almost collapsed from the mental exertion. Its heart was in a mess. King kept staring at me. Was he thinking about how to kill me? He must have been very angry after how I treated him. I was dead for sure, what to do, what to do… Oh, maybe there was a way.

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He took a deep breath, and then he knelt down, shouting, “I surrender…”

“Huh?” King’s mouth twitched.

You… you’re doing this again? Hehe!

King did not think much of it, but others were shocked.

“You… surrendered?”

“A Demon-level Monster surrendered to King?”

“A Demon-level Monster surrendered in fear to King?”

The citizens looked at the dinosaur kneeling on the ground. Was this soft bone really Demon-level Monster? Shouldn’t Demon-level Monster be a majestic demon king? How did it become a wimpy rat?

Allosaurus’ surrender overturned the image of Demon-level Monsters in many people’s minds!

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“Damn, Demon-level, Monster surrendered to King?”

“King is mighty. It is the first time he forced a Demon-level Monster to surrender with his presence!”

“Hiss… King is probably not only the strongest man but also the strongest creature in the world. He scared Demon-level Monster to kneel down and surrender just by standing there. It is really terrifying.”

In front of the TV, the audience also gasped and stared at the surrendered Allosaurus and the “disaffected” King. The same thought arose in their minds simultaneously: King is invincible!

“King, I surrender, I surrender.” Allosaurus cried bitterly and loudly in regret. “I was blind. I actually wanted to harm you and kill innocent people. I know I deserve to die, but who hasn’t made mistakes in life? Please give me another chance to change my ways. I will definitely become a good dinosaur again, serve the people, and strive for the common welfare. In the future, I will follow your lead and kill those evil Monsters who destroyed our home together…”


King looked at Allosaurus’ performance, speechless. He already understood that this kind of villain would never sincerely surrender. If there is a good opportunity, Allosaurus would definitely bite him back. Moreover, he really did not have the mood to accept this kind of bad Monster as a mount. Just… just kill him.

Allosaurus patted its chest and swore loudly, “King, I will definitely change and do good deeds in the future. I will do my best to make up for my mistakes…”

“Smelly King, let go of that Dragon-level Monster and let me kill it!”

While King was deep in thought, a delicate shout suddenly came from the sky. Sweeping in with a green light, it was the tardy Tornado.

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