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King looked in surprise at Tornado, who was rushing towards him like a shooting star.

“That’s… the second-ranked S -class Hero – Tornado of Terror.”

The citizens who were cheering for King stared blankly at Tornado, who was standing between King and Allosaurus. For a moment, there was silence.


Tornado crossed her arms and snorted softly, “What? King, you are known as the strongest man, but you can’t even kill a Dragon-level Monster and just stare at it. Hey, hey, your strength doesn’t seem to be as powerful as others say.” She pointed at King and said, “The winner of this bet is destined to be me – Tornado of Terror!”

“Huh? A bet?”

King thought about it for a while and recalled when he and Tornado made a bet. “Oh, I remember now. We did have a bet. The first to kill a Dragon-level Monster wins, right?”

“Right? You said so, right?! Bastard, so you didn’t take the bet to heart at all!” The Tornado squeezed her small hand, and her eyes widened. She barked, “I chased Dragon-level Monsters day and night! But you… You actually almost forgot the bet? King, you are too much!”

The citizen looked at the two people arguing in midair. A bet? The first to kill a Dragon-level Monster wins?

Their eyes couldn’t help but drift to Hammond, whose body hadn’t completely cooled down. King seemed to have won. Tornado had mistakenly judged who was the Dragon-level Monster. The Monster she was fighting King over was just a Demon-level!


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When Sitch saw this scene from the combat room, he couldn’t help but slap his forehead. Sending Tornado to M City was a huge mistake. With King around, no matter how chaotic M City was or how strong a Monster was, King could solve everything with enough time. Letting the Tornado go was a mess.

King’s outstanding performance had already won the cheers of the citizens. It was very beneficial to eliminate the Association’s bad reputation. However, Tornado had utterly destroyed the situation.

The lips of the TV audience twitched. Sister, are you a three-year-old? The Dragon-level Monster is already dead. The surrendered soft bone is just an incompetent Demon-level Monster. Don’t fight; hurry up and get King to take care of it. We want to see King kill Monster!

“Oh, is that the Monster who ran to M City?”

Saitama, who had been looking for Monsters, arrived at the shelter and found the frozen Allosaurus. “I should hurry up and get rid of this Monster; I’m going to be late for the special sale!”

Allosaurus, that was waiting for his final judgment, suddenly found a salted egg aggressive to him. He snorted at Saitama. Who did this little guy think he was? King? Humph, if King wasn’t watching, I would have crushed you.


In the air, King looked at Tornado awkwardly. The bet last time was purely to get Tornado to go away. He did not expect Tornado to take it so seriously.

Tornado put his hands on his hips and glared at King. “Ugh, damn you, regardless of whether you remember the bet or not, the winner this time will definitely be me.”


However, just as Tornado finished her sentence, a muffled sound came from behind her, followed by scattered objects falling to the ground one after another.

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“I could finally go to the supermarket sale after finishing the work.”

Saitama casually shook his gloves, glanced at King and the Tornado, who were still in the air, and then rushed to the supermarket in M City. He disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Tornado’s whole body froze. She turned around and looked at Allosaurus in a daze. The dinosaur had become a pile of ground meat. His head was smashed, and his appearance was unrecognizable. His huge body fell down with a bang, sending pieces of bloody meat everywhere. The smartass Allosaurus died without even a scream.

Tornado was stunned. King was also stunned. The citizens were even more stunned.

How did the Allosaurus die? Who killed it?

Looking at the injuries on the Allosaurus’ head, it was obvious that it had been smashed by a heavy object. This kind of injury was especially familiar. It was very similar to how King smashed Monsters with a single punch in the past.

The citizens returned their gazes to King. Their eyes gradually became fanatical. They had been staring at King, but their eyes could not even catch King’s afterimage as he silently killed the Allosaurus. This is King, the supreme peak of speed and strength! The most powerful man in the world – King!

R City.

Flashy Flash stared at the TV screen with a solemn expression. King… was so fast. Even he, who was famous for his speed, did not see any traces of King moving. How fast was King’s speed? He instantly killed Monster and returned to his original place in less than a second. If not for the Monster’s sudden death, no one would have known that King had moved. What a terrifying speed. I thought that King was only the strongest man and I could still beat him in terms of speed, but now it seems that my speed is inferior to King!

King, for the sake of my dignity, we should officially have a battle of speed! Let’s see who is the fastest Hero!

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“Ah… Ah… Ah!”

Tornado glared at King and shouted, “King, you are despicable! You killed Monster while I was distracted. You are cheating. This bet does not count!”

“Eh?” King was stunned and pointed at himself. “I killed him?” He was also ignorant of the death of the Allosaurus. He thought that Tornado killed the Allosaurus with her superpower. But looking at Tornado, it seemed that someone else killed the Allosaurus.


His heart skipped a beat, and he quickly glanced around. He did not find the bald head that could reflect light, but he saw an interesting object—the supermarket promotion flyer!

It was indeed Saitama.

It can’t be that Saitama went to a supermarket sale and killed Allosaurus along the way?!

“Hey, King, why are you ignoring me again? I want to fight with you!”

Tornado was livid that she actually lost the bet. She couldn’t pull King down from the top. How shameful!

“I refuse.”

King curled his lips. I don’t have the time to duel with you!

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Tornado glared at King with her hands on her hips, “Smelly King, you coward, coward, spineless…”


King glanced at the citizens and smirked, “Hey, the Tornado, let’s make another bet?”

“Alright, it’s a deal. The winner this time will definitely be me… Tornado of Terror.”

The Tornado pointed at King and said proudly, “However, I will set the rules for the competition this time. We will compete with… superpowers!”

“Superpower?” King was stunned. He spread his hands and said, “I don’t understand.”

Tornado squeezed her small hand, wishing she could pull a meteorite down and smash this stinky King to death. She took a deep breath, crossed her chest, and snorted coldly, “Humph, in addition, if you lose this time, you are not allowed to call yourself King in the future. Instead, you should be called Stinky King!”

“Huh?” King was speechless, “Then if you lose, are you not allowed to call Tornado of Terror again, but walking vegetable roll?”

“Who are you calling a vegetable roll?!” Tornado glared at King, “Humph, I’ll let you go this time. Also, I haven’t thought of how to test the power. I’ll tell you when I think of it. You have to be ready to fight at any time.”

King said helplessly, “Ah? I really don’t understand superpowers.”

Tornado clenched her fist tightly, resisting the urge to beat King up. She turned around, and a green light streaked across the sky with a whoosh. She disappeared from everyone’s eyes.

“Uh, going already?” King looked at the disappearing Tornado and sighed, “I forgot to tell you, the Monster you protected just now was only Demon-level. The Dragon-level Monster had already died mysteriously.”

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