Chapter 80 - Summarize What You Said Within 30 Words

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City A.

Heroes Association Headquarters.

“Reporting to Minister, an unknown team killed another Tiger-level Monster. So far, they have killed three Tiger-level Monsters in a row. However, they have also lost quite a number of people.” Maria reported.

During this dinosaur invasion, they were surprised to find that there was a tenacious team that hunted Monsters other than the Heroes of the Association. They learned through investigations that this team called themselves Hunter Self-Defense Forces, led by captain Accel. All the members were victims of Monster disasters, with close relatives lost in the hands of Monster. Therefore, they hated Monsters to the bone. They voluntarily organized to kill Monsters regardless of casualties and collateral damages.

“Is it Hunter Self-Defense Forces?” Sitch fell into deep thought. When Heroes Association first established itself, most human elites were eager to join. However, as time passed, more and more problems and scandals in the Association were exposed. This caused many outstanding talents to distrust the Association and decline the invitation to become official Heroes. It was worrying.

“Continue to monitor them. Contact and recruit them when the time comes. Let’s see if we can integrate them into the Association’s structure.”

“Understood.” Coleson, who was in charge of Hero management, pushed up his glasses and nodded solemnly.

Maria reported again, “On other news, most of the dinosaurs in M City have been eliminated. A small number of dinosaurs were captured by the Heroes and have been imprisoned in M City Monster Prison. The dinosaurs’ invasion is basically over. In addition, among the completed dinosaurs, Ankylosaurus and the other four have been confirmed dead, but the Quetzalcoatlus is currently missing. Its whereabouts are unknown.”

“No trace?” Sitch frowned. “Have you searched the sky and the suburbs of M City?”

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“We have asked the government to perform a search through satellite imagery. We have not found anything in the M City airspace. As for the suburbs…Minister, the suburbs of M City are too large. It is difficult to finish searching in a short time.”

“Continue the search. Also, broadcast to the world that our Association’s effort has flawlessly resolved the dinosaur invasion crisis.”

Whether the disaster resolution was actually flawless or not remains to be seen, but the people would be none the wiser either way.


Jace immediately asked Sitch, “Minister, should we take the opportunity to announce our plan to control Monsters while we are dealing with the dinosaur incident?”

Sitch waved his hand helplessly. “Sigh, there’s no need. King’s pet Monster and the Allosaurus that surrendered all went into a riot and killed people. It’s too complicated; ordinary people still can’t accept the situation of living with this kind of Monster. They have a long way to go!”

Sitch originally planned to announce the plan in order to clear King’s name. But after this dinosaur invasion, King’s reputation soared on its own. Many young people regarded King as their idol, and countless young girls fell in love with King.

King did not need them to clear his name, and the public could not accept Monster appearing on the streets yet. Moreover, there was no breakthrough in the experiment to control Monsters. Let’s put this matter aside for now.

King did not care about how the Association handled and publicized the M City dinosaur invasion crisis. He also ignored the Hero worship of the citizens.

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He had been basking in glory for three years. He was used to the praise from all kinds of people. This time, he just got a little more popular than usual. It was boring. He would rather play games at home. After the storm of the dinosaurs’ invasion subsided, he would go to Z City and find Saitama to copy the bald Monster as his ace.

King was a little excited at the thought that he would experience Saitama’s extraordinary Strength. He was even more enthusiastic about fighting the King of Fighters. He gave his opponent five minutes of continuous combos, not stopping even when the opponent’s character had already died. He “beat the dead horse” in high spirits.

Before King could go out to find Saitama, Child Emperor called and invited him for an experiment in the primary school research institute on the outskirts of City Y.

At first, he refused, saying that he had no time to play with Child Emperor. He would rather find Saitama and copy him with the No Star Level Card. However, King hesitated under Child Emperor’s plea and felt that he could spare some time. Z City was adjacent to Y City anyway, so he could go to Z City after helping Child Emperor complete the experiment. He agreed to go tomorrow.


When King hung up the call from Child Emperor, his doorbell suddenly rang.

“Huh?” He looked a little puzzled.

Who would look for him at this time? The number of people in the world who knew his address could be counted with his fingers. Pretty much only the staff of the Association would come to his door.

“The Association wants to offer me something? Or did someone get the wrong door?”

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Through the peephole, King saw a handsome man wearing a black long-sleeved T-shirt, white vest, white gloves, and a pair of white knee-protector pants. The man was carrying a bag of apples.

He was unsure where the person outside the door came from, so he asked, “Who are you looking for?”

He did not want to expose the fact that this was King’s address. He would definitely be surrounded the next day.

“I am here to look for Mr. King. May I know if Mr. King is home?” The handsome man politely answered.

“Oh, you knew that this is my home? Are you from the Association?” Slightly puzzled, King opened the door.


When the handsome man saw King, his face lit up. He respectfully handed the apple. “Mr. King, long time no see. I have been thinking about you since last time, so I came to visit you today. I hope I didn’t disturb your rest.”

“Huh? Who are you?” King looked at the handsome man, doubtful. He really couldn’t remember where he had seen the man.

Last time? What happened last time?

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The handsome man smiled, “Mr. King may not recognize me, as I did not show my real face last time. Let me introduce myself. I am Accel. I am the Captain of the Hunter Self-Defense Forces.”

King raised his eyebrows. “Hunter Self-Defense Forces? I don’t know that term.”

Accel explained with a gloomy face, “Hunter Self-Defense Forces was a recently established group focused on fighting Monsters. In the decade that Monsters wreaked havoc, many humans lost their homes, loved ones, and families. They lived in the world in aimless grief, reliving their loss every time Monster attacks occurred. The pain of losing their loved ones tore their hearts apart, causing them unbearable pain. However, they had no choice but to endure this hell…”

Accel told a lot of messy and sad stories. The more King listened, the more he got tired of it. I knew that you all had a hard, sad life, but it had nothing to do with me. I’m just an otaku who spent my days playing games; I don’t have the ability to ease the pain in your hearts.

“Hunter Self-Defense Forces members were all miserable people, and I was no exception. Once, I had a happy family with a virtuous wife and obedient children, filled with all kinds of laughter every day. However, ever since that Monster appeared, all that was left were smeared with blood. The first half of my life was filled with happiness, yet the second half was lonely and sad…”

Accel did not see King’s increasingly dark expression. He was immersed in his sad past and talked endlessly.


King’s mouth twitched. He closed the door and blocked the dumbfounded Accel.

“If you want to enter, please summarize what you want to say in 30 words. I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you. I… still want to play games!”


Accel was stunned. Was King’s daily routine to play games? Shouldn’t he be cultivating his Strength?

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