Chapter 81 - King-style Teaching—Self-imagination

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Accel looked at the closed door silently. After a while, he said in a low voice, “Mr. King, we hope that you would tell us how we can become stronger, to obtain the strength to hunt Monsters.”

Become stronger?

King’s mouth twitched. I also want to become stronger!


He opened the door, “Come in and have a seat.” Although he had nothing to teach Accel, he could still entertain him with a cup of tea.

“Sorry to disturb you.”

Accel walked into King’s house with a respectful attitude, and his eyes were immediately attracted to the cracks on the second floor.

“Do you drink tea?” King asked Accel casually, but he did not get a response. He looked back and saw Accel staring blankly at the broken hole in the second floor. He recalled his embarrassment and could not help but laugh. “Don’t look. I accidentally broke this a while ago.”

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“Accidentally broke it,” Accel repeated in a low voice.

Yes, a strong man like King could move mountains and fill the sea with his every move. Even a slight nudge could easily destroy furniture and houses if he was not careful. It was really terrifying.

“Have a seat. Oh, there’s Coke in the fridge, tea leaves in the cupboard, and hot water from the dispenser. Take whatever you want to drink,”

King sat down and picked up his game controller. “By the way, do you play games?”

“Play games?”
After a moment of surprise, Accel said in a low voice, “Mr. King, I came to ask you to teach us on behalf of Hunter Self-Defense Forces…”

“Stop. I don’t have anything to teach you. If you want to become stronger, you have to work hard on your own. Teach you? I am just an otaku who loves to play games. How can I teach you to become stronger?”

King waved his hand, interrupting Accel’s words. “If you want to learn to play games, I can teach you.”

“Play games?”
Accel frowned.

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This was the third time King said that he was playing games. A strong person like King would definitely not speak without reason. He emphasized playing games three times in a row. Does King want to test me by playing games?

He stared at King with bright eyes and laughed softly, “Ah, in that case, I am willing to learn to play games from you, Mr. King.”

“Well, take your controller.”
King glanced at the serious Accel in surprise.

It was just a game. Was there a need to be so serious?

“Playing games is very simple. It is nothing more than going up and down, left and right, and the ABAB. The direction keys are the most basic movements of the character. Up key is jumping, while down is crouching defense. The left and right buttons are to move back and forth. A is punching, and B is kicking.”

Although Accel had never played “The King of Fist”, he had heard that there was an ultimate move in the King of Fist. He asked casually, “I heard that the King of Fist has ultimate moves?”

“Ultimate move? Don’t worry, you have just started. The most important thing is to familiarize yourself with the basic movements. As long as you memorize the combination of basic movements, ultimate moves would come naturally. After all, the so-called ultimate moves are derived from the basic movements.”

“King is really teaching me to play games?”

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Accel looked at King, who was earnestly explaining the game. His heart was full of confusion.

I came to learn how to become stronger, not to learn to play games… How can someone like King have the time and patience to tell me about game skills anyway? If I was King, I would simply shut out people I don’t want to teach instead of wasting precious training time discussing useless game skill.
This doesn’t seem right. Could it be that King’s words contain a deeper meaning that I just haven’t comprehended? Then what does King really mean?

He fell into deep thought. Playing games, mastering basic operations, and naturally releasing ultimate move…

Oh? I understand!

His heart skipped a beat. King’s real intention was not to teach me how to play games—but to teach me through the medium of the game. The so-called game is training, and the skills of the game are the tricks. King said that if you want to play the game well, you must first familiarize yourself with the basic operation. He meant to tell me that if I want to become stronger, the first condition is to train my body well and consolidate my foundation. Later, King said that as long as I build upon my foundation continuously, I would naturally become stronger (release the ultimate move).

No, King’s words should have a deeper meaning: There are no shortcuts to becoming stronger, only persistence. Don’t dream of reaching the sky in one step. It is the right way to be steady.

Accel solemnly savored King’s words.

King looked at the stunned Accel and lost his words. “Sigh, don’t think too much. Maybe you aren’t suitable to play games.”

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If just learning the basic operation of the game took you half a day, would teaching you the combo for ultimate moves take an entire week?

King’s sigh woke up Accel, who was thinking about philosophy. He looked at the disappointed King and felt a chill in his heart. Was King disappointed in me? So much so that he canceled the teaching. What did I do wrong? I was in a daze… Yes, when King was teaching, I got into a daze. King must be warning me not to be distracted. I have to be focused and persistent to reach the side of the strong.

He took a deep breath and bowed respectfully to King. “Mr. King, I understand. Please forgive my rudeness just now and continue to teach me how to play games.”

King looked at Accel in shock. For the first time in his life, he was a little touched. It was rare to see someone in this world who was so sincere to learn game skills!

Looking at Accel’s sincere attitude, he reluctantly picked up the controller and taught him, “Using skills are secondary when playing games. The key is to be quick and alert. Pay attention to your opponent’s movements and react accordingly. Either strike back, dodge or defend, don’t mess around.”

Accel was deep in thought. Judging the situation? Act according to circumstances? King was right. The Hunter Self-Defense Forces do not have the brute strength to deal with Monsters directly. They should analyze the situation calmly and identify the correct method to hunt a particular Monster.

“Many people say that a particular character in King of Fist is ‘strong’ or ‘weak.’ This is a very ridiculous statement. There are no absolutely ‘weak’ or ‘strong’ characters; victory depends only on whether the players who hold the controller can play well. If the players can play well, even characters considered ‘weak’ can kill those seemingly all-powerful characters.”

Accel’s pupils shrank. Commanding? King, are you telling me that I have a massive responsibility on my shoulders as the captain and combat commander? I need a powerful leadership ability to lead my teammates to victory? Yes, the role of a commander is crucial in battle. If the commander can apply proper tactics and strategies, even overwhelming odds can be turned into a stunning victory. I still have a lot of things to learn!

He sighed softly with a solemn expression. Phew, so that’s how it is. King had helped me realize so many things.

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