Chapter 82 - The Slugerous and the Chameleon Man

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While King was carefully teaching Accel some game techniques, the wall of his house suddenly burst open. An unknown creature shaped like a tire and made of eggshell-like material barged in.


The unknown creature’s roll did not stop. It rushed straight at King. A dull voice floated out, “King, remember my name. I am the new form of human that evolved from a snail. My name is Slugerous. I might be a snail, but don’t think that I would be slow. I used to help my father deliver tofu, and I have developed this racing technique over the years…”

“How many cars did you blindly drive?”

King’s scrunched his forehead. He did not hesitate to use a two-star Monster that he harvested in the Monster Prison riot, the Glue Monster.

“Ding! Congratulations to host for obtaining 1263 Experience.”

“Ding! Host has successfully comprehended Card Character Skills.”

“Ding! Congratulations to host for comprehending ‘Super Glue.'”

King ignored the new Skills notification and immediately sprayed some milky white viscous liquid at the rolling snail man.

Plop! Plop!

The amount King ejected was relatively large. The snail man’s shell was covered with milky white glue that quickly solidified. The snail man’s rolling figure slowed down. Because of the strong adhesive, rolling became increasingly difficult.

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“Ah, you shameless guy, what strange liquid did you shoot on me? Glue?! My snail shell is sticky!”

The strong glue firmly adhered to the floor, making the snail man unable to roll. When the glue completely dried up, the snail man helplessly stayed where it was. The one-meter-tall snail shell stood like a sculpture in the King’s living room.

“Is this glue?”
Accel looked at the milky white liquid that King sprayed out and firmly stuck to the snail man. His eyes flashed.

Superpower. This was King’s superpower. He shot out milky white glue from there to restrain the Monster. The superpower was really strange!

“Ah, bastard, let me go quickly. I am the perfectly evolved new form of humanity. You bastard, don’t you know that I am the hope for mankind?”

The snail man kept struggling, but the glue was too strong. No matter how he struggled, he could not break free. It was a waste of effort.

“New form of humanity? So if future archaeologists dig out both of us at the same time, they might think that I am your… ancestor?”

King tapped the snail man’s hard shell with his finger, emitting a muffled sound. The hardness of this shell might be comparable to steel.

“Bastard, how dare you insult me! You are dead for sure! Dead I say!”
The snail man shouted loudly.

“Mr. King, why don’t you just kill it with one punch?” Accel, who had no sympathy for Monster, asked impatiently.

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King glanced at Accel and did not speak. He only consumed a two-star Monster Card, not one with the strength to break the snail shell with one punch. If King used the Tyrannosaurus rex Card, he could try to kill the snail man with one punch. However, he could not waste the precious three-star Monster Card when he could use the two-star Cards instead.

“King, you are dead for sure. You have not only offended me but also thousands of my brothers. They will definitely avenge me.”

The snail man shrank his body into the snail shell like a turtle, shouting from the inside.

King looked at the snail man strangely. It definitely knew I was the strongest man in the world – King, yet why did it still dare to attack me directly and even kept shouting arrogantly after being arrested? It was time to interrogate it and determine where this confidence came from.

He turned around to find some special interrogation tools. But the moment he turned around, he suddenly heard the whistling sound of a sharp blade slicing the air.

“There are others?”

King’s heart suddenly tightened. He took a few panicked steps back and looked around. His heart was beating wildly; the sound of his heartbeat echoed in the narrow room.

Hu —

He breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fear. He had almost been hit just now. With his current Defense, he would definitely be dead if he was stabbed in vital points. Damn, so this snail man acted arrogantly to distract him and allow other intruders to assassinate him.

“Oh? Are there any other enemies?”

Accel heard King activate King Engine, indicating that he had entered a battle stance. King must have discovered other enemies. However, he glanced around and did not find any figures. Could it be that the enemy was invisible?

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The snail man chattered more insults at King. “Ha, King, I said you are dead. You are definitely dead…”

King ignored the noisy snail man. His gaze swept through the room. This assassin was able to approach him without him realizing it, which meant either it was extremely fast or had some form of invisibility. From what he could see, the other party was clearly not the speed type. Otherwise, the other party could have seized the opportunity to attack him when he stepped back, but that did not happen. Therefore, the other party should be someone with a form of invisibility.

He frowned and cursed in his heart. What kind of ability was this? Was there really an invisible person in the world?

Fortunately, judging from the attack just now, the invisible assassin should not be strong. It only relied on the strange invisibility to eliminate its enemy.

“Although I can’t see you, you are already under my control.”

King’s lips curved slightly. He once again used the ability of Glue Monster, “Super Glue”. A large amount of milky white liquid sprayed out from his []. With him as the center, the liquid gradually expanded outwards. He tried to hit the invisible assassin with glue and beat it out.

Was it really an invisible Monster?

Accel stepped back to avoid King’s milky white liquid. He verified his guess from King’s actions.

After a while, the room was filled with viscous white liquid that quickly dried in the air.


A slight tearing sound suddenly appeared while King tried his best to spread the glue. King’s eyes lit up. He stared at the glue residue. Found you!

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he sprayed a large amount of glue at the residue. The sound of the liquid spraying gradually faded, and the glue formed a human shape.

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Creak! Creak!

The invisible man tried to escape, but unfortunately, his body was covered with glue. The soles of his feet quickly stuck to the floor, falling to the same fate as the snail man.

“Explosive Energy Bullet!”

King was not interested in communicating too much with a guy who was hiding his face. In a situation where he could not see the other party’s body, he couldn’t know if the other party was hiding some secret weapon. As a person who cherished his life, he decided to kill the other party directly.

The invisible man shouted, “Hey, wait a minute, I was evolved from a chameleon…”


An explosion sounded, and in an instant, a mixture of unknown red, green, and white liquids splashed in all directions.

“Ding, there is a converted Card nearby. Host, please perform the conversion.”

King raised his eyebrows and touched the blood.

“Ding! Congratulations to host for obtaining a two-star Monster Card – Chameleon Man.”

“So it’s a chameleon. It only hides its body by blending in with the environment. It’s not the perfect invisibility I thought it was.”

King was slightly disappointed.

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