Chapter 85 - Maigret

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In a research institute on the outskirts of City Z…

“Doctor. Slugerous and Chameleon Man have been confirmed dead. Our target King is completely unharmed.”

Dr. Genus’ clone with the number 28 on his chest reported expressionlessly.

“It was expected.”

Dr. Genus was slightly disappointed. Although he should have known that Slugerous and Chameleon Man could not harm King, he still hoped that the stealthy Chameleon Man could obtain King’s blood for his genetic research sample.

Unfortunately, King was King. No matter how strange Chameleon Man’s ability was, he could not even touch King.

“I must get King’s gene. Call our partner and ask him to get King’s blood sample.”

“Got it.”

Somewhere in the world…

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“A sample of King’s blood? Heh, we’re going to kill King anyway. We’ll help collect the blood sample.”

“Sir, I understand. I will immediately inform the assassin group.”

“Well, I hope these bloody assassins won’t betray our trust.”

The next day.

City A.

In Headquarters’ combat room…

Jace held a document in his hand and solemnly reported, “Reporting to Minister, Shibabawa has sent us a prophecy.”

“What? Shibabawa’s prophecy?!”

Sitch was shocked and hurriedly said, “Tell me the contents of the prophecy.”

Shibabawa was a great prophet. She accurately predicted all kinds of upcoming disasters, such as earthquakes and Monster’s invasion. She was the special Hero that the Heroes Association hired.

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Since Shibabawa’s prophecy had never missed, and every prophecy was a disaster, it could be said that Shibabawa’s prophecy was never good news. However, Shibabawa’s prophecy allowed the Association to prepare for upcoming disasters.

Therefore, Sitch hated and valued Shibabawa’s prophecy at the same time.

Jace nodded and handed the document to Sitch. “According to the prophecy of Shibabawa, B City and D City will be destroyed by Monster this month,” Jace said with a solemn face.


Sitch widened his eyes. B City and D City would be destroyed by Monster? Wouldn’t a Monster who could destroy two cities be a Dragon-level disaster?

“Hiss —”

He was overcome by fear. L City and M City had just experienced the devastation by a Dragon-level Monster. Fortunately, Hammond’s goal was King. The destruction of L City and M City was only done in passing, so he did not cause too much damage to the two cities. However, the prophecy that Shibabawa gave this time was the destruction of B City and D City. According to the definition of disaster level by the Association, this time, the Monster would definitely be a Dragon-level Monster!

What made Sitch feel helpless was that the prophecy did not give the exact time of disaster. “Within a month” could mean the disaster would occur today or tomorrow. In short, the Monster disaster that would destroy B City and D City could happen at any time.

Sitch was tense. He knew that time was of the essence. He immediately ordered, “Jace, inform the government to evacuate the citizens of B City and D City as soon as possible.”

“I understand.”

Jace knew the severity of this matter. A disaster that could easily destroy two cities was too shocking. They had to prepare in advance; otherwise, panic would ensue when the disaster came.

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“Coleson, contact the active Heroes in B City and D City. Ask them to find the possible source of Monster…” Sitch suddenly paused. He recalled that King had told him that there was danger hidden in the suburbs of D City and outside the Z City. Is it possible that the danger King mentioned was related to this big disaster? He thought for a moment and ordered, “Focus on searching the suburbs of D City and get someone to investigate the situation outside Z City.”

“Yes, sir.”

Coleson nodded and turned to contact Heroes from D and B City.

Sitch rubbed his temples worriedly and whispered to himself, “I hope we can minimize the losses. Otherwise, the people will denounce the Association again.”

He suddenly had a headache, thinking of the avalanche of complaints that would come after the future destruction of B City and D City. This job was really hard to do.

“Welcome to the beautiful Y City.”

King came as promised to Y City by train. He wore a black cap, a white guard suit, and a black backpack. He waited with his hands in his pockets for Child Emperor to pick him up.

“I don’t know if Sitch took my words seriously. The threats in D City and Z City are very dire.”

King recalled the situation yesterday. The Quetzalcoatlus completely destroyed his home and fled without a trace.

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The appearance of House of Evolution reminded him that Hammond was not the only crazy scientist in this world. In his memory, there was a genius madman hiding in the outskirts of D City and Z City. Their experiments would cause serious harm to their respective cities in the near future. Therefore, he told Sitch that there was danger hidden in those cities and asked Sitch to send Heroes to investigate.

However, he did not know if Sitch took his words to heart. After all, he could not explain how he knew this information.

“Hello, are you Mr. King?”

A deliberately lowered voice woke King from his daze. He looked up in confusion and saw a middle-aged man with a round face and fat figure, wearing a yellow windbreaker and felt hat. He came up to him with a probing gaze.

King asked doubtfully, “Who are you?”

The fat middle-aged man stretched out his hand and smiled. “Mr. King, I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m the Y City chief officer, Maigret. I was entrusted by Child Emperor to pick you up to the ‘Primary School’ research institute.”

“Officer? Maigret?”

King looked at the officer in surprise. Child Emperor actually had a deep relationship with the police? The Association had disliked the police since its creation, and vice versa. The Association disliked the police for being in the way, and the police hated the Association for meddling in and stealing their job. Therefore, the two sides were embroiled in enmity. In the end, their relationship became stiff, and they never interacted with each other until they died of old age. Unexpectedly, Child Emperor had “committed the crime” of being in a high position in the Association, yet he was in contact with the police. If Sitch knew about it, his expression would be very interesting.

Maigret smiled, “Mr. King, are you curious about my relationship with Child Emperor?”

“A little.” King shook his head. “However, I don’t care about things that have nothing to do with me, including your relationship. I was only invited here to help Child Emperor complete the experiment. Lead the way.”

“Mr. King is very straightforward. Please!”

Maigret led King to an ordinary car and immediately started the engine.

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