Chapter 86 - Child Emperor's Thought

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“Mr. King, Child Emperor is currently attending an important banquet and cannot personally escort you. He asked me to apologize to you on his behalf.” Maigret explained.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s fine as long as you can send me to my destination.”

King did not mind. He just came to assist Child Emperor in an experiment and left immediately. He even bought a train ticket to City Z in the afternoon.

“Thank you for your understanding, Mr. King.”

Maigret fell silent after thanking King. There was a barrier between the police and Heroes, including King. King silently looked at the scenery outside the window. For a moment, the car was quiet until a ringing phone broke the awkward atmosphere.

“Hello, Child Emperor? I’ve met Mr. King. I’m heading to the ‘primary school student’ research institute… What? Mr. Robert was killed? Alright, I got it. I’ll head over right away.”

“Mr. King, something troublesome has happened over at Child Emperor’s side. We need to hurry over.”


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Since Child Emperor was not in the research institute anyway, there was no point if he went there. It was better to go back to the research institute and complete the experiment after settling the problem. From what Maigret said, Child Emperor probably encountered a murder case that needed the help of the chief officer to investigate.

Hero and the police working together to investigate the case? It’s quite interesting!

Maigret accelerated almost to top speed, breaking every speed limit, and ran through the red lights. He barely avoided causing a car accident.

King looked at Maigret with surprise. “Robert is a very important person, isn’t he?”

To make a police officer rush to the crime scene as soon as possible and break laws, one could imagine that the person who was killed was definitely important.

Maigret glanced at King through the rearview mirror, “Robert is the wealthiest man in Y City. He is the tycoon of the global toy industry and the biggest investor of Child Emperor’s ‘ primary school student’ research institute.”

It turned out to be the financial backer behind Child Emperor.

King was deep in thought. Among the S-class Heroes, Child Emperor was very special. Unlike the fake loli Tornado, Child Emperor was a real little shota, and his individual strength might be the weakest among the S-class Heroes. However, he was ranked above most of the S-class Heroes in the top five.

Child Emperor’s position in the Association was that of a brain. He relied on intelligence and not technology. Although he also engaged in research for new technologies, the Association relied more on Metal Knight for their science and technology research. There was basically nothing for Child Emperor to do. Naturally, the Association allocated less funds for Child Emperor’s research.

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However, research was extremely costly. The amount of money given by the Association was not enough for Child Emperor. Under these circumstances, the technology that Child Emperor invented had a frugal appearance, not unlike children’s toys. They did not have the brilliance of Metal Knight, who often experimented with rocket launchers and missiles.


King’s heart skipped a beat. The toy tycoon Robert seemed to have taken a fancy to Child Emperor’s scientific research and development ability, while Child Emperor had taken a fancy to Robert’s financial resources. It was a match made in heaven.

However, now that Robert is dead, Child Emperor must be very depressed!

He laughed bitterly in his heart.

Thanks to Maigret’s extreme speed, they arrived at the place where Robert was hosting the banquet in about ten minutes. It was a toy castle shaped like a half of an armored knight, a very unique construction.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Several police cars were parked at the entrance of Robert’s mansion. Evidently, other police officers had arrived earlier.

“Officer Maigret.” The officers guarding the entrance immediately stepped forward and saluted at Maigret.

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Maigret frowned, “How is the situation?”

Robert was a celebrity in Y City. The news of his murder would definitely cause an uproar in society, and the police station would also have to bear great pressure.

“Reporting to Officer Maigret. The scene has been locked down, and all the guests attending the banquet have been controlled. We are recording their statements one by one. We are also taking photos of the murder scene for evidence…”

The police officer said a lot of basic work content.

Maigret nodded slightly, “Very good; I’ll go in and take a look.” He brought King into Robert’s home. More than a dozen guests and servants of Robert’s family were gathered in the living room, and the police officers were carefully questioning them about the murder case.

King followed Maigret into the living room, his eyes sweeping over the panicked “suspects” from behind his cap. He immediately found Child Emperor sitting on the sofa, with a lollipop in his mouth and a small bag on his back. Child Emperor seemed to be doing homework, but King clearly saw that Child Emperor’s little ears attentively listened to the confessions from the “suspects,” holding his pen the entire time. It seemed that he faked doing homework to eavesdrop on others’ statements.

“Officer Maigret.” The officers on the scene immediately turned to Maigret when he arrived.

King was not interested in listening to the police’s trivial matters. He turned around to find a quiet place. After the matter was settled, he would leave with Child Emperor.

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“King, long time no see.”

Child Emperor walked to King with the “homework” in his hand, licking the lollipop in his hand. His small eyes sparkled, and he looked at King with bright eyes.

“Yes, we haven’t seen each other for a while.” King nodded calmly.

Child Emperor sat down beside King and whispered, “King, Mr. Robert helped me a lot. Now that he has died, I can’t just sit by and do nothing. The person who killed him must be hiding in the crowd. Who do you think is the murderer?”

King said lightly, “I don’t know.” He leaned back lazily, having no intention of participating in the case at all.

Child Emperor glanced at King and whispered, “Mr. Robert is not a simple millionaire. He is also one of the directors of the Association. Mr. Robert’s death is likely to impact the capital of the Association. King, as the S-class Hero of the Association, don’t you want to spare us all from such difficult times? Or does Uncle King know nothing about case deduction?”

Ah, Uncle King, I would definitely lose to you in physical strength. But I have my own strong points as an S-class Hero. My intelligence stands above other S-class Heroes. I am a world-class expert in the case deduction specifically.

King looked at the smiling Child Emperor and shook his head, “I am not interested.”

“I see. Then excuse me while I inquire about the situation. King, wait for us for a while. I will go back to the research institute after solving this case.”

Child Emperor was slightly disappointed. He wanted to challenge King’s case deduction ability, but he did not expect to fail!

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