Translation by Solistia, Edited by Creed, and GeekyOtaku36

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A week had passed since I set up my trap. There have been no raiders. I will say that once 

again. No. Raiders.

(Are you serious....)

I'm dejected all by myself.

My bad feeling was right on the money. Even if I place a trap, if no raiders come, there's no 

Even if I say that, I still have no means to actually attract the raiders in the first place. In 

essence, I can do nothing but wait. However, even if I wait and wait some more, the raiders still 

Could it be that at the moment I reincarnated as a dungeon I was destined for failure? ――were 

the kinds of pathetic thoughts floating through my mind.

But, it looked like God hadn't abandoned me quite yet. Day 10, morning: a raider finally 

(Ah.........huh?! Th­this is!)

Getting all starry eyed, I brought myself back to reality. I felt a new sensation. I knew that 

something was near the entrance.

And soon thereafter, 3 shadows invaded the dungeon. They were creatures right out of a 

fantasy book. Or at least, none of them were human.

Green­skinned with a flat head coming to a point at the nose. They were short but had an 

imposing glare. They wore simple leather armor, and carried clubs.

J­just what are these guys. I'd never seen anything like them. I concentrate on the one in front. 

When I did, a panel appeared. ──────────────────────────────────── Race: Green Goblin

Job: Green Goblin

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Magic Defense: 10

Skills: None ──────────────────────────────────── Green Goblin... Were these numbers their stats then? This was a pretty handy tool. I checked 

out the other two, but other than a 1 or 2 point difference here and there, they were all virtually 

But still, a goblin, huh? I'm a bit late on the draw, but it looks like I've come to another world.

Regardless, I really want to take them out. They're the raiders I waited so patiently for. If I miss 

my chance here, who knows when  someone else will come.

Or so I say, but all I can do is have faith in my trap and pray for success. It would be great if 

The Goblins fell in line and entered. They kept watch on the area, remaining vigilant.

At last, they got to the middle of the room, and found the first herb. The Goblins approached it 

They raised their voice in an obviously excited manner. Then, further back, they found another 

They advanced upon it in the same cautious manner.

(That's it, that's it, almost there!)

Getting them to this stage was all part of my plan.

And at last, they found the final Herb.

The Goblins headed towards it, but unlike the previous ones, they dropped their guard.

That's why they didn't notice the carefully placed trap. And thus, the Goblins stepped into the 

range of the Wooden Arrows.

The sound of something rushing through the air was followed by the death cries of the Goblins. 

When the trap activated, a multitude of arrows sprang forth from the empty space, piercing the 

(Y­yes! Did I finish them?)

I became somewhat excited and opened up the Goblins’ stat screens. Doing so, I found 

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everyone's Health to be 0. I'm pretty sure that meant they were defeated.

(I did it! I finally did it!)

If I had a body, I knew I'd be jumping for joy. I was that happy. I’d bagged my first prey!

...But man, I'm really glad my trick worked out.

Lowering their guard after the first two Herbs, and catching them in the trap on the last one. It 

was simple, but the Goblin's Intelligence wasn't very high. 

After a bit, something started happening with the corpses of the Goblins. They became particles 

of light and disappeared.

You have gained 40 DP. You have obtained Hide Armor x3, Primitive Club x3.

That was the information displayed on the pop­up window. Oo, so I can obtain the dropped 

equipment? I wonder if I could change them into DP....

When I looked into it, I could convert them into the much needed DP for about half their cost. 

Yes, this time, I'm gonna convert all of it. All in all, I got 45 more DP. 

Adding it with my other DP, it came to a total of 129 DP. Let's ride this DP­making train! I had a 

mini­celebration for my first success, and I got super pumped!

――But I soon realized it wouldn't be that easy.

I groaned to myself. After that a whole month passed. The DP stockpiling...was not going well.

My DP was only at 150. My only raiders were still just Goblins. One thing I learned was that 

turning a profit with DP was difficult.

Reason being, the traps would periodically break. Each had a specific number of uses before 

they broke down. I tested out having monsters, but with the low chance of them being useful, 

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plus the worrisome cost of maintenance, it was a little out of my price range.

Plus, the DP I got off the Goblins wasn't very much. Which was why I usually took a hit or barely 

Once, a party of Goblins――9 to be exact, assembled themselves for my dungeon. It was a 

good chance to get a bunch of DP, but I was only able to take out 3 of them.

The attack power of the Wooden Arrows Trap wasn't enough. I did want to invest in a more 

powerful trap, however...

Lightning Magic Circle: Biologics in the room will trigger Lightning Magic.

As I amassed more DP, new options would become available. The Lightning Magic Circle was 

The required DP was 130, and it was the strongest attack I could currently get. It would have 

been nice if I could have used this when the Goblin party came. 

But if the Magic Circle was activated by only a small number of raiders, the deficit incurred 

would be enormous. After all, magic circles were all one time use traps.

I was troubled. Should I keep going little by little, or take a risk? ...It was a hard call to make 

when nothing ever changed. I wanted something, anything to change.

I chose to get the Lightning Magic Circle, and put it a little farther back from the center. It was 

about 3m (10ft) in front of my first excavated alcove in the wall. Then I finish it off by placing 

down an Herb behind it.

This was a gamble. Would I meet with fortune or misfortune? I waited without even sleeping, as 

I was on pins and needles with my forthcoming success or failure.

2 days after setting my trap, new raiders appeared. But it wasn't the Goblins like I'd been 

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It was a girl that appeared, with long flowing silver hair and scarlet eyes. From her facial 

features it was clear that she was in her mid­teens. Quite the beauty. One feature I noted in 

particular were her overly long and pointed ears. Just like a fantastical elf.

But the strangest thing about her was her ragged clothes and the numerous scars on her limbs. 

In addition, the lead­colored collar around her neck gave her the appearance of a slave.

She was out of breath and extremely scared. It was like she was being hunted.

What...was she being chased by something?

Very soon, 3 men appeared. They looked really tough, wore armor, and each had a hatchet in 

The very image of a brute. At the front, the probable leader of the group had a nasty smile on 

"I better bind your hands real good, Slave­chan. I got plenty to thank ya for..."

I didn't really get what was happening, but it was easy to see that the weak were being 

oppressed. I had to save that girl! ──────────────────────────────────── Dungeon Name: Shoutarou Sagami

Classification: Cave Type

Number of Rooms: 1

Number of Levels: 1

Number of Biologics: 0

Number of Non­biologics: 1

Number of Drops: 1

Number of Dungeon Skills: 0

Number of Titles: 0

Remaining DP: 15 ────────────────────────────────────

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