──────────────────────────────────── OreDungeon ‐ Chapter 4

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Translation by Solistia, Edited by Creed, and GeekyOtaku36

My prediction was way off. The raiders that came weren't goblins, but humans.

Present were 1 girl and 3 brutes. The girl probably wasn't human. It also looked like they didn't 

come here to raid the dungeon either. It just happened to be the place where the fleeing girl and 

her pursuers happened upon.

I didn't know the whole story, but I knew the men were the bad guys with just a glance.

The men cornered the girl, and began a leisurely conversation.

"I got plenty a’ work for ya, Slave­chan. And I'll make sure ta thank ya plenty too."

"Ya sure this is okay, Boss? The elf girl is merchandise."

"Whaaat, just one won't make a bit a difference. ...I gots it, how's about we says when we found 

her sh'was killed by a monster?"

"Eh heh heh, yur such a devil Boss."

"Come oon, you guys want a little piece too, right? There ain't a single elf girl in them brothels. 

Make sure ta enjoy your fil right full like."

"G­get away from me...!"

The guys undid the belts on their pants and sauntered up to the frightened girl.

T­this isn't good! I gotta save that girl! First things first, I opened up the stat screen of the leader. ──────────────────────────────────── Race: Human


I took a look at the other two as well, but their stats were a lot lower than their leader. Okay, to 

take these guys out, I need a plan. First, I need to call out to the girl... Ah crap! I can't talk...!

T­this is bad! Maybe if I focus really hard I'll have a voice. Please, please get through to her!

"Oh? what's wrong, Slave­chan? Thur's no one comin’ ta save the likes a’ you."

The girl looked around nervously. Sweet, I got a reaction. If I focus on the target, my voice can 

(I want to help you! So I need you to follow my instructions!)

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The girl's voice suddenly sounded very confused. Shit, for my plan to work, I needed her 

(I'm begging you! If you want to live...believe me, and follow my instructions, please!)

And then――the girl stood up. Her legs were shaking, but I could feel her desire to live.

"Hey hey, what's this? You really want a go at it?"

The men mistook her action as a desire to fight back. But I had to ignore that for now.

(Okay! In the back there should be a small alcove in the wall. Please run there! However, when I 

tell you to jump, you must leap with all your might! Now go!)

The girl took off for the hole in the back.

The girl took a great leap over the Lightning Magic Circle. Arriving at the alcove, she crouched 

down. This was the place where I first tested out my excavation ability.

(Now just stay there and be quiet.)

The girl silently nodded her understanding. The men found where she was hidden and sneered.

"Ah ah, now ya've gone and gotten yurself in a hole. What a cute little kitten. 'S okay, don't be 

afraid~, I'll come an’ git ya now, 'ight?"

The men foolishly laughed and headed towards the girl. They completely surrounded her, 

dropping their guard. ――That's why they didn't notice the magic circle until it was too late.

The leader stepped into the circle. Sensing a target, the magic circle lit up, and demonstrated its 

The lightning emitted by the magic circle tore through them. The men couldn't escape the strike. 

And just like that, the men collapsed to the ground.

Damn, that was powerful. The men's Health instantly dropped to 0.

The Lightning Magic Circle, once activated, damaged anything in the entire room. It was perfect 

to get all the men at once. It also helped that their Magic Defense was really low.

And of course, the girl was fine. Although she was left dumbfounded by this series of events.

I had led her to the small alcove in the back in part to lure the men to that spot, but mostly so 

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she could escape the damage from the trap.

The effective range of the Lightning Magic Circle was only in the first room. Since that small 

excavated area was just outside the room's perimeter, it wasn't affected.

I had originally intended the alcove to harbor an Herb and lure in the Goblins in with them being 

none the wiser of the trap. ...It was beyond my expectations that it would come in handy in a 

Just like the Goblins, the men eventually turned into light particles and disappeared. And then...

You have gained 1500 DP. You have obtained Hatchet x3, Brigandine x3

Woah! There's an extra 0 on that DP amount! They were unexpected raiders, but in the end it 

was a huge success. I could afford to expand the dungeon with this.

(Heeey, can you hear me? It's safe now.)

I reopened communications with the girl, but doing so surprised her.

"W­ho are you? ...Where are you?"

Completely frightened, she looked all around the cave. Oh, right. If you can hear someone but 

can't see them, that can be pretty scary.

(Uh, let's see...I'm the, uh, spirit of this dungeon. Sooo, I don't really have a visible body. But 

please rest assured, I'm on your side.)

The part about being a spirit wasn't actually true, but it was probably close to the truth. The girl's 

"The spirit of the dungeon...? This is the first I've heard of such a thing...Ah, S, Spirit­sama, was 

(Yeah. I don't really know what was going on between you guys, but they tried to do something I 

couldn’t ignore, nor forgive.)

"T­thank you so much. Ah, but..."

The girl had on a really brilliant smile, but after realizing something, it faded into a solemn look. I 

wondered what happened.

"Spirit­sama...Forgive me. You went to the trouble of saving me, but I'm probably still going to 

(Huh? W­what are you talking about?!)

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I was shocked by her abrupt proclamation. She'll die? What on earth was she talking about?

"It's because I'm a slave. The collar I'm wearing is cursed. That’s why tomorrow, I'll probably 

There was some kind of collar on her neck. I tried to get a closer look at it...

Slave Collar: After being separated from the owner for a specified amount of time, the 

wearer's Health will be reduced to 0. Magic, sealing­type skill.

...What a disgusting piece of equipment. A slave? It may be a fitting restraint for a slave, 

(Are you unable to take it off?)

"It's impossible. I’m sad, but... No, it's fine. It's not like I have a home to return to..."

Tears began to stream out of the girl's eyes. From what she said, she'd already given up. But, I 

could still feel a small will to live coming from her.

(I see...Gimme just a minute...)

I opened up my panel, and looked for a certain Non­biologic item.

Having this much DP was also partly thanks to the girl, so I needed to return the favor.

With my vastly increased DP, a bunch of new magic circles had been added. And among 

I set that magic circle in the center of the room.

(Step inside that magic circle. It might just be able to save you.)

"S­save me? R­really?"

With a tentative promise of salvation, the girl drew closer to the magic circle. But before she 

stepped into it, she hesitated. I couldn't blame her.

Even though it could save her, it was akin to being offered candy by a faceless stranger.

Finally finding her resolve, she shut her eyes tight and stepped into the circle.

The magic circle released a bright orange light, acting in tandem with her words, and then――

Clank. The collar dropped. The sound as it hit the floor was like a glorious hallelujah of freedom.

The girl stood there shocked, as if she couldn't believe what had just happened.

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Thank goodness it worked; I was able to successfully remove the collar with a magic circle that 

Unequip Magic Circle: When activated, it will remove a random piece of equipment from any 

It was random which piece would be chosen, but since that collar was the only nice piece of 

equipment she wore, that's the one that was chosen.

Also, that magic circle cost 300 DP; it was nothing to sneeze at. But, the ability to remove 

equipment was powerful indeed.

(All right, that seems to have done the job.)

", I've been saved? I'm free?"

(Most likely. ...Uh, hey, do you, you wanna live here?)

"Eh, I...I can really stay here?"

The girl's voice quivered.

The worst part about becoming a dungeon was the loneliness. I was isolated without anyone to 

talk to. So, if the girl was fine with it, I'd really like her to stay here with me.

And maybe, as a friend――.

(Ah...if it's all right with you...could we, maybe, be friends?)

It was more embarrassing than I thought to actually say it out loud.

And suddenly the girl started crying. Why was she crying?!

(W­woah, are you okay?! Are you hurt somewhere?)

"No, I'm not, I...I'm happy. A friend...a place to call home...I didn't have any of that...Waaah!"

This day I not only gained a lot of DP, I also gained a small dungeonmate.

──────────────────────────────────── Dungeon Name: Shoutarou Sagami

Classification: Cave Type

Number of Non­biologics: 0

Number of Dungeon Skills: 0

Remaining DP: 1215 ────────────────────────────────────

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