Origin of Evil

Chapter 10

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[To stab or not to stab? volume 9]

[Type: Ability Book]

[Rarity: Grey]

[Requirement: None]

[Effects: Once used, upgrade the ability [Dagger Mastery] by one level.]

[Remark: This book can be used to enhance any level within Basic rank, but can't upgrade the rank of the ability.]

But instead of learning it, Dorian put it in his backpack. The experience needed to level up from level 1 to 2 is lesser compared to the experience needed to level up from level 2 to 3, so the amount of experience needed to get to level 10 would certainly be even bigger, so Dorian decided to save it for later.

Dorian moved out and went to a more secluded place, and used his new Sneak ability to find a good hiding spot before opening his status.

There wasn't anything new, except for the previously empty Title section was shining. Dorian focused on it and rows of words appeared, along with the same voice as usual:

[A Title is gained when the Dreamer earns a certain amount of reputation. Those titles have different benefits depending on the quality of the title. A title may be used instead of the username if wanted.]

Dorian only had a single option, and that was the Butcher:

[Butcher: Able to produce a killing aura. This may be used to suppress people mentally. The more people you kill, the stronger the suppression becomes.]

This title was a pleasant surprise for Dorian. This new ability did not cost anything and would be useful against both weak and strong enemies.

Dorian closed his status and got out of hiding. Following this, Dorian started sneaking around the city, avoiding the place where he had killed the gangsters, and began killing weaker members around the city.

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Like this, time passed quickly and soon four days had passed. Dorian had killed more than 30 members by himself. He had only killed this many members because he always avoided large groups.

This allowed Dorian to save energy and his supplies were able to last for one more day. But now, he was again suffering from hunger and thirst.

In the middle of the night, Dorian was unable to sleep and thus opened his status:

[Boring Guy]

[Race: Human]

[Title: Butcher]

[HP: 140/150]

[MP: 110/120]

[Strength: 15 (16)]

[Agility: 12 (16)]

[Vitality: 14 (15)]

[Intelligence: 11 (12)]

[Perception: 14 (15)]

[Skill: Kidney Strike, Fade]


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[Basic Swordsmanship (Level 3/10)]

[Basic Hand to Hand Combat (Level 3/10)]

[Basic Dagger Mastery (Level 6/10)]

[Basic Sneak (Level 6/10)]

[Basic Throwing Mastery (Level 2/10)]

[Basic Movement Mastery (Level 5/10)]

[Basic Ice Resistance (Level 2/10)]

[Basic Fire Resistance (Level 1/10)]

[Condition: -Hypothermia: Cold energy has infiltrated your body. Agility dropped by 3. If left untreated, the drop of attributes will worsen with time.

-Tiredness: You haven't slept for multiple days. All attributes dropped by 1. If you continue not sleeping, the drop of attributes will worsen with time.]

[Equipment: …]

The Tiredness was to be expected, he hadn't slept more than 7 hours since he got in this world.

Within those days, Dorian made new discoveries. First, the enhancement of attributes. When he first learned the [Basic Swordsmanship] both of his Strength and Agility had been enhanced. But then, after learning the other skills his attributes didn't went up anymore.

Then, he discovered that through those nights in the cold, he got the [Ice Resistance] ability which upgraded his Vitality. That's how Dorian made the speculation that Basic abilities could only upgrade his attributes to a certain extent before being blocked.

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And the limit seemed to be different for every attribute.

The other discovery was that he developed this Ice Resistance. He used the opportunity and also used a flame to obtain the Fire Resistance. They seemed to be rare skills, so getting them now was certainly benefit. Each of them had upgraded his Intelligence by two, and his Vitality by one.
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Especially Ice resistance, it allowed him to survive the nights. And those resistances seemed different from the other abilities, they really became more potent every level.

The last discovery was more worrying, and that was that every day, the temperature was getting colder, and so were the nights. Despite his level 2 Ice Resistance, Dorian almost died last night, again. Moreover, his hypothermia became worse and now his agility dropped to 13.

But even though he was becoming slower, he was actually getting stronger. First, all his abilities got their level upped, especially his sneak. Almost every time he attacked, Dorian used [Sneak] and [Fade] to sneak up on them, and then [Kidney Strike] to kill them.

For ordinary soldiers, just the Kidney Strike would instant kill them, and for Elites he needed to follow up with slitting their throat.

Of course, he wasn't able to avoid fights everytime, and one time he was ambushed by two groups. What ensued was a hard fight which Dorian barely won. He used his last Band-aid there.

While he thought of those four days, he couldn't help but curse his luck. His loot had been abysmally small, he had only gotten one Sneak ability book, and no equipment. Out of more than thirty dead people!

Fortunately, he got his rewards from the police station and got two ability books, one for [Dagger Mastery] and the other for [Swordsmanship]. He kept them aside of course.

As for his last reward, he would need to go to the station next day.

So overall, the upgrade of his skills allowed him to overcome the drop in agility and keep his overall strength to degrade. But what allowed him to become stronger, was his title.

Since he got the title, Dorian killed over thirty people, so his killing aura got stronger, and so did the suppression. By now, even elite gangsters were being suppressed by his aura and would become slower and weaker.

As for the lackeys, most would flee and avoid the fight. Only the bravest would fight, but they would do so with lowered stats, lowered to the point they become unable to lift their sword.

Dorian finally closed his status and kept himself awake. He wished he could sleep and erase that Tiredness effect, but if he did so he was afraid he would never wake up. Fortunately, the upgrade in his Vitality allowed him to stay awake longer.

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Dorian pushed the snow off his body and got up, and began exercising through the falling snow, the moonlight shining on his body.

Like this, the night passed by, and the first rays of the fifth sun appeared. Until now, Dorian was still hesitating whether he should be finding himself a house.

He needed food, that was for sure. But for a house, he wasn't sure. Sure, it would erase the danger from the cold and allow his stats to come back to normal.

But if he took the risk and remained outside, he could upgrade his Ice Resistance. Of course there was the Hypothermia which worried him, but it didn't seem to be killing him for now.

In the end, Dorian decided to remain outside. Had he been a coward, he wouldn't have chosen the more dangerous perfect clearing and followed the path the Dreamland made for him.

Dorian headed toward the police station, and entered it like it was backyard. None of the officers said anything as they knew who he was.

Dorian directly went to Charles' office, but he was surprised to see the office's door was opened, and three officers were within.

They all looked at Dorian as he came next to them. He asked "What happened here?"

One of the officers replied "Sir Butcher, Captain Bowman went missing, we are searching for clues. Can you help us?"

As the officer said that, Dorian received a notification:

[Side Mission accepted! (The Missing Captain)]

[Mission Content: Find Charles before its too late!]

[Deadline: Three days.]

Of course, he wouldn't refuse a side mission so Dorian looked at the officer and said "Alright, what do you know?"

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