Origin of Evil

Chapter 9

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Unfortunately, Dorian hadn't found anything interesting on the corpses except for a few coins, which were a currency of this world, and a sub par dagger.

Moreover, Dorian looked down on his clothes and realized he had forgotten something. As he fought, blood had spilled on him, so now he looked very suspicious, it would be hard to surprise them again.

So Dorian took of the coat he had on him and put it back in his backpack, returning to the crime scene he had caused. Even though he was the one who killed them, because the coat covered his whole body, no one recognized him as the killer.

Between the corpses, Dorian saw that the other group of six were searching for the killer, and checking the corpses. Dorian joined the other people on the street and looked at the gangsters, waiting for them to move.

After some time, they began questioning the people around and left in the direction Dorian left. They didn't expect the attacker to be within the crowd though. As they passed next to him, Dorian unsheathed his steel dagger as well as his new dagger and attacked.

He used his steel dagger to pierce through the elite's heart, and then used his other dagger to stab another guy. The other four unsheathed their weapons and attacked Dorian, but they were too slow for Dorian. With 15 in Perception and Agility, those ordinary strikes were simply not threatening.

Dorian took his daggers out of the bodies of the thugs, and lowered his body, dodging all the attacks and killed another one thug. He was so fast that before they could attack again, he had the time to kill another one, leaving only two alive.

As expected, the two didn't continue fighting but fled and cried for help too. This time, Dorian didn't chase them but instead threw his daggers at them. Dorian wasn't good at this but thankfully they weren't too far away so both his daggers hit one of their legs.

Then, Dorian picked up the swords of the dead and threw them too, until no swords were left. But the two thugs were dead too, and couldn't make a sound anymore.

Dorian, like before, took his weapons back and searched through the dead bodies. He found another stack of coins, two more sub par daggers, but most importantly he found out the elite's gloves were shining with a grey light.

He left the scene quickly and fled far, before hiding himself behind a house.

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Dorian was able to check his rewards now. He opened his status and as expected, he discovered he had new abilities. But what surprised him though was the fact he had new skills.

He first went to his new abilities.

[Basic Swordsmanship (Level 2/10)]

[Basic Hand to Hand Combat (Level 2/10)]
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[Basic Dagger Mastery (Level 4/10)]

[Basic Movement Mastery (Level 3/10)]

[Basic Sneak (Level 5/10)]

[Basic Throwing Mastery (Level 1/10)]

Countless knowledge went through his head and in less than a minute Dorian integrated with everything. The Throwing Mastery didn't make him learn much but his stance should be better now.

He also learned about movement techniques, but it wasn't a great upgrade either, all it taught him for now was how to conserve his stamina better, and allowed him to be slightly more flexible, but according to its own description, to put it to best use Dorian would need to use skills.

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What was a great upgrade was the Sneak ability. It was unexpected, even for him, for the ability to be at level 5 right away, but as he went through his new knowledge he realized how vast it was. It wasn't just hiding in the shadows, but also in the light.

There were more ways than hiding in the shadows to sneak, just like what Dorian did earlier. There was also another change that wasn't appearing on his status, but which Dorian felt, and it was related to his Dagger Mastery. Although he didn't up a level, Dorian still felt new knowledge, and that was about dual handling daggers.

Once he finished reading about his abilities, he went to his new skills.

[Kidney Strike: Paralyses the target for one second, does 200% of damage. Cost: 5 MP]

[Fade: Mask your presence and make yourself inconspicuous. Cost 1MP/Minute]

[Hint: The strength of your skills will depend on the level and rank of the related ability.]

Dorian realized he had gained skills for both his Sneak and Dagger Mastery abilities. Both would be useful, but as Dorian looked over them he realized that he was slowly becoming an assassin.

But it didn't bother Dorian, he had no problem against becoming an assassin. And having those skills didn't mean he wouldn't get to fight head on either.

Finally, Dorian looked at his last spoil of war, the gloves:

[Name: Leather Gloves]

[Type: Armor]

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[Rarity: Grey]

[Defense: 10]

[Requirement: None]

[Effects: Strength +2]

[Durability: 87/100]

[Remark: Those gloves seem to hold a certain strength to them…]

Dorian didn't hesitate to change his gloves he has stolen that weren't even graded, and put those on. He didn't feel anything, but he knew his strength had become stronger. It had gone from 14 to 16 after all.

Moreover, he now had a great protection for his arms, his forearm had those bracers and he now had gloves for his hands.

He may have only checked his status and putted on a piece of equipment, Dorian still felt as if he had powered up by a lot. But even then, he didn't rush at the remaining three elites immediately, because although he knew he could kill them, he needed them to spread the news faster.

And if he killed them so easily, it would give a glimpse of his strength to the enemy, and they would send stronger enemies. Since now, the two elites he killed were killed by surprise, and the others were lackeys and good for nothings.

So for now, all they know is that Dorian is about as strong as three elites. They know that Dorian was almost unable to kill two elites and was even injured, and it was impossible to grow much stronger in such a short period of time, so they would certainly underestimate him.

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If Dorian attacked the group of three now and easily killed them, he would expose his strength and stronger enemies would appear.

Moreover, today Dorian killed 12 gangsters, adding in the two elites from the day before, he was at 14. In other words, he is now able to get a book from the police.

So that's exactly where he decided to go. Meanwhile, at the crime scene where Dorian killed the twelve gangsters, a group of three elites arrived.

They didn't do anything to the corpses and instead departed, running toward their base. In under an hour, more than 30 gangsters swarmed the surrounding streets, searching for the killer.

Moreover, only a few lackeys were here, the majority were ex soldiers. And leading those thugs, were two men clothed in a red robe. All the surrounding thugs looked at those two with both fear and excitement.

It's because those two were among the stronger ones of the Red Scorpion Gang, and also a reason as to why they joined the gang. They were part of the 13 Stingers.

On the other side of the city, Dorian was already within the police station, and was waiting for his reward. He had arrived quite some time ago, but the police captain, whom he learned was named Charles, had to make sure Dorian had really killed ten of them to give out the reward.

And now, the news had already spread through the whole city that someone was killing the Red Scorpion Gang.

Dorian heard footsteps and looked up to see Charles walking his way, a thick book in hand. Dorian was relieved to see the book was emitting a grey light. Charles smiled and handed out the book, saying "Here you go Butcher."

Dorian looked at Charles strangely, when he heard a robotic voice sound out in his ears:

[You have earned the Title: Butcher!]

Dorian rolled his eyes and took the book before leaving the station. Once out, he opened the book, and another notification struck him.

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