
Chapter 3

Wu Zhongyuan already had a plan in his mind before jumping down from the tree. After landing on the ground, he immediately rushed towards the man in the beach shirt standing not far away. Those ruffians thought he was about to launch an attack on the man in the beach shirt, so all of them shouted and stepped forward to stop him. At that very instant, Wu Zhongyuan used the Qinggong technique. Qinggong not only helped him to jump lightly but also made his moves quicker on the ground.  Weaving and dodging through a few ruffians, at a glance, he found a short-necked gangster with a knife hung to his waist. While rushing through the crowd, he took advantage of his unpredictable movement to draw a short knife from the man's waist and weaved toward the man in the beach shirt. These ruffians often use knives to scare people, so they weren't afraid of this stuff. However, the man in the beach shirt was so frightened and pale when Wu Zhongyuan rushed over with the knife,

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 " Fuck !" He shouted and then turned around to run away. Under the tension, he also threw away the big praying beads he held in his hand, and just ran for his life.

The man in the beach shirt ran in front, Wu Zhongyuan chased after him, scolding while chasing with an expression of craziness, eyes wide and focused on that man. Hearing the shouts behind him, the man in the beach shirt was so frightened that he ran down the mountain desperately. In fact, Wu Zhongyuan never planned to go after the leader since he couldn't really stab the man. His real purpose was to make noises, and divert the man in the beach shirt and others away so that he could stop the excavator. After running a few dozen meters, Wu Zhongyuan abruptly stopped and turned to run in the opposite direction. But the man in the beach shirt didn't know that Wu Zhongyuan was no longer after him. He was still running forward desperately, and the gangsters could only follow the boss. 

When Wu Zhongyuan returned to the tree, the excavator had already started digging. The drivers may often encounter similar demolition and fighting scenes, so mostly they don't mind others' business and indulge in their job. Since the doors of the excavator were left open in the summer, Wu Zhongyuan took the chance and jumped in, anxiously looking around the car pit for the key. The driver was part of the ruffians too. Seeing Wu Zhongyuan jump into the car, he shoved the young man's shoulder and tried to push him off. While pushing and shoving, Wu Zhongyuan somehow found the location of the key and reached out to pull it out. However, he didn't understand the mechanics, so he pulled and twisted it hard, breaking the key. Even though the key broke, the engine didn't turn off. In his astonishment, the driver came to push him again. Wu Zhongyuan was anxious and didn't even think twice to punch the man. The punch hit the driver's left eye, and immediately the man raised his hand to cover his eye with an " Ouch ". 

The driver's move reminded Wu Zhongyuan to throw out another fist, this time hitting the driver's right eye. 

"If you dare to drive this vehicle again, I will stab you to death." Wu Zhongyuan pretended to threaten him.

 "No! no! I dare not." The driver shook his head in horror and staggered out of the car.

The group of ruffians hadn't returned yet, and since the driver was done, there was no one but a man standing not far away. While looking at the man closely, he found out that it was the driver of the first excavator. Since there was another person who could drive an excavator, Wu Zhongyuan immediately went to him next. Upon seeing the young man reaching for him, the driver ran away when he thought the situation was not good. At the same time, the group of ruffians had already returned to the top of the mountain. It turned out that they were not running away but had gone to pick up "tools" from the cars at the bottom of the mountain.

Everyone had tools in their hands, mostly machetes and iron pipes. The ruffians climbed the mountain while the driver ran down with Wu Zhongyuan chasing after him. Once the distance between them was about ten meters, Wu Zhongyuan knocked him down with a kick and watched the guy roll down, crying. It was only then he found the ruffians were closer, running back to the tree. Within a moment, ruffians started to chase after Wu Zhongyuan, and his first thought was to run back to the tree, but after thinking about it, he dismissed the idea. He had already made the ruffians angry. If he climbed up the tree again, these guys would definitely throw stones at him. In desperation, he had no choice but to make them run around the woods. 

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Immediately, a group of men with big golden chains chased after him. The man in the beach shirt was scared and lost his ground in shame. All the henchmen were shouting and wanting to avenge so that they can prove their loyalty to the leader. After running for a while, the ruffians stopped chasing, not because they wanted to give up, but because Wu Zhongyuan was running too fast and they really couldn't catch up.

The man in the beach shirt called everyone back and told the driver to get in the car and continue digging when there was no hope to catch Wu Zhongyuan.

 The driver was punched twice by Wu Zhongyuan, his eyes were swollen as a panda's big black round eyes pattern. He was threatened by Wu Zhongyuan before and dared not to drive again. He only said that his eyes were too swollen to see and tried to open his eyes but couldn't. The driver was too scared, to tell the truth, so he made an excuse that he fell and got injured. He would rather stay at the foot of the mountain instead of going up. 

Just when Wu Zhongyuan thought that the excavation could not be carried out, the man in the beach shirt shouted at the short-necked man whose short knife got snatched earlier,

"Wang Batou, didn't you go to Lanxiang Technical School? You drive."

 "Huh?" The man was embarrassed for a moment.  He scratched his head and said, "I can't, I was learning to cook."

"Big Brother, I know how to drive it." Someone in the gang took the initiative to ask.

"Go." The man in the beach shirt said and then he shouted to the rest of the crowd, "Encircle the tree. If that little bastard dares to come back, beat him to the death." 

The excavator moved again, and a group of gangsters surrounded the tree, vigilantly staring at Wu Zhongyuan from far away.

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Although his Master wasn't buried under that tree, still Wu Zhongyuan was very anxious. There were only two large oak trees outside the house, and if the ruffians couldn't find the body here, they would dig around another tree. In desperation, Wu Zhongyuan could only take the risk and charge toward them. When the gang saw him move, they waved their machetes to block him. The dagger he snatched earlier was short, in comparison to machetes which were more than two feet long. It was impossible to defend them, let alone scare them away.

Unfortunately, this time, the ruffians learned to be smart, so they forced Wu Zhongyuan to retreat. They did not chase after him, but got back and continued to guard the tree. There were too many people and no room to move, even if he used Qinggong. Wu Zhongyuan had no choice but to pick up stones and throw them at the ruffians. However, after learning from the past, the guy who drove the excavator closed the car door, even though the stone couldn't even reach him or the door. 

The excavator dug for a while, and a large deep pit appeared under the tree. If they were allowed to continue digging the ground, they would soon find that there was nothing underneath, and they would switch to another place.

Wu Zhongyuan rushed into action when the truth was about to be revealed. Since he could not interfere with the driver, there was only one last way- to catch the man in the beach shirt as a hostage and force him to stop the excavator.

 For those who know kung fu, it is easier to kill a person than to injure, and it's even easier to injure one than to hold one alive. The most difficult thing was to control the opponent without hurting the opponent. Wu Zhongyuan wasn't sure whether he could hold the man in the beach shirt as a hostage or not.  There's no time to waste, even if you are not sure you have to bite the bullet. 

When the group of ruffians saw him rushing up again, they waved the machetes to chase him away. This time, Wu Zhongyuan didn't back down. The man in the beach shirt did not expect Wu Zhongyuan to dare put his eyes on him. But before he could react, Wu Zhongyuan was already in front of him with the short knife on his neck. Before Wu Zhongyuan could shout "Let them stop", a nearby ruffian gave him a whack, directly on the head, with great force, and blood immediately came out.

The leader who got chased by Wu Zhongyuan had already lost his face before his henchmen and he was frustrated to save his reputation. Although he was afraid of the impending danger,  he still shouted

 "Dare you to stab, you dare!"  

Wu Zhongyuan didn't have the gut to stab, since he was aware of the law which punishes an act of killing with a death sentence. Even if he won't be sentenced to death, he would have to be imprisoned for decades, ruining his life for these scums, it's not worth it.

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 The man in the beach shirt became more courageous when he saw Wu Zhongyuan's hesitation, he reached out and grabbed the short knife in the young man's hand, and put on the mask of hypocrisy again, 

"I, Sun Jingyang, am a well-educated person, and you are a teenager, I will not get mad at you. You have common sense, so stay on the side, don't get in the way, and the compensation will be yours." 

Since he was bleeding from the wound, Wu Zhongyuan felt a little dizzy, but he raised his hand to wipe off the blood from his forehead, and said  "You are dead meat." 

"Fuck, shut your mouth!" Someone kicked him. Wu Zhongyuan didn't look back. He walked to the north side of the tree and sat down, blood on his head and tears in his eyes. He didn't want to break the law, and he didn't want to die, but he couldn't accept the horrific image of his master being dug up and his corpse exposed under the scorching sun. He was raised by his master and if it was possible, he could have returned his life to his Master.

At the same moment, the sound of a motorcycle came from the foot of the mountain and it didn't take long for the vehicle to appear in Wu Zhongyuan's blurred vision. 

He didn't recognize the motorcycle, but he knew the rider. 

His brother finally came back.

 Lin Qingming's figure was somewhat similar to Wu Zhongyuan, fairly built and thin. However, he was three years older than Wu Zhongyuan, he appeared slightly taller than the other. Lin Qingming was in his miner's uniform, and a face covered in coal dust.

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 Since he rushed home immediately after hearing the news, he didn't even have time to clean himself. As soon as Lin Qingming reached the mountain's foot, he had already discovered that the house had been demolished and when he climbed up, he saw the surrounding scene and vaguely guessed what was going on. However, he had a mild temperament and didn't launch an immediate attack on the intruders. He got off the motorcycle and walked quickly towards Wu Zhongyuan  who had already stood up,

He moved closer to his younger brother and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

 "They demolished our house, and they want to dig our Master's grave." Wu Zhongyuan said as he held back his tears. 

"I'm not blind. I can see what they are doing. I'm asking why you didn't fight them?" Lin Qingming lifted his miner's uniform and glanced at the vest inside, and found that it was so dirty, so stretched out his hand to shred Wu Zhongyuan's shirt and helped him bandage the wound on his head as if nothing had happened. 

 However, when Wu Zhongyuan remained silent, Lin Qingming raised his tone and inquired again, "Why didn't you fight them? You can't win?"

 "I can." Wu Zhongyuan said.

 "Then why didn't you fight?" Lin Qingming asked coldly. 

Wu Zhongyuan was nagged and felt wronged, "It's not the time to fight."

"If you don't fight them for demolishing our house, digging up our master's grave, and disturbing his sleep, then when will you fight?" Lin Qingming tightly tied a knot in the bandage and turned his way toward the ruffians.

 "Brother, don't do it. Now that you are back, things will get better  and there may be a turning point in this matter." Wu Zhongyuan held Lin Qingming back.

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