
Chapter 4

When Lin Qingming approached, a ruffian who was eager to show off his capabilities, rushed toward him, waving an iron pipe. However, Lin Qingming, who remained expressionless, sped forward, grabbed the iron pipe, and smashed the man's legs, so smoothly, all at once. The cracking sound of broken bones came first, followed by shrill screams. Wu Zhongyuan was stunned and speechless, the thing he was most worried about happened right at this moment. 

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Breaking one's leg was different from bleeding one's nose, it was illegal. Before he could regain his senses, the cracking sound came again, Lin Qingming broke the law again.

The screams came one after another, 

Even before a wave of screams got settled, another wave rose accompanied by the cracking sounds. All the injured ruffians fell to the ground holding their legs and wailed mournfully. Obviously, Lin Qingming did this on purpose, even though wielding the pipe to break the legs requires more energy, than hitting the head from the top.  And the reason why he did it was also very obvious. It's better to attack the legs so that he can disable those ruffians' mobility, and get them to stay before they get away.

By the time Wu Zhongyuan had reacted, twenty or more ruffians were already rolling on the ground, and the rest of the ruffians were not good enough to care about their pride, so they left the boss and ran as fast as wild animals in a stampede. Lin Qingming didn't even think about stopping as he continued to smash their legs. He had performed light kung fu while chasing and beating,one after another. When people are running for their lives, the attack's impact was huge; If you run too slowly, your legs will be broken, so run as fast as you can, even if you are tired.

None of the ruffians ran in the same direction, hoping that Lin Qingming wouldn't finish them at once, not even if he duplicated himself. However, at that time, Wu Zhongyuan took action. He picked up an iron pipe from the ground and then used the same technique to chase others. For the better, for their duties, it was given that they had to confront any consequences together, because they are brothers. Since Lin Qingming had broken the law, he could not let his senior brother bear the guilt alone.

When Lin Qingming looked back while chasing others and found that Wu Zhongyuan was after those ruffians with an iron pipe, and hurriedly shouted to stop him

"Don't do it." He shouted to Wu Zhongyuan,

In fact, his shout was not too late, but Wu Zhongyuan refused to listen to him, as he accelerated forward eight more meters, knocking down the two ruffians one after another. 

Lin Qingming was extremely annoyed by Wu Zhongyuan's participation, and shouted angrily, 

"Stay there,  don't move." 

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When the blood is boiling, it is difficult to restrain, Wu Zhongyuan ignored Lin Qingming's warning as he carried the iron pipe and rushed again. 

Well, what's done is done, Lin Qingming couldn't care more, so he excised the inner energy and stepped onto the ground, chasing after the three ruffians who ran to the mountainside.

The fight ended quickly. In less than two minutes, the mountain was left empty, except for the horrific screams of pain.

The two brothers met at the ruins of the house. Lin Qingming wanted to scold Wu Zhongyuan, but seeing his unsteady stature, he hurried to help his brother, 

"Why don't you listen to me?"

"I didn't fight them not because I'm afraid of them, I was just afraid of breaking the law." Wu Zhongyuan started to feel uneasy. They had attacked people and even made them roll on the ground, and the two of them will definitely go to jail. Hearing what Wu Zhongyuan said, Lin Qingming began to regret that he should not have blamed Wu Zhongyuan before. The reason why Wu Zhongyuan acted was just to prove to him that he was not timid. 

"The national college examination is coming soon. You shouldn't have done it." Lin Qingming felt guilt for this.

"I don't feel good about using the money you earned from working hard in mines to study. It's okay even if I don't get to study. You don't have to risk your life and suffer." Wu Zhongyuan comforted.However, what he said obviously didn't work, and Lin Qingming was still in a bad mood. 

"Brother, what should I do now?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Wu Zhongyuan's words brought Lin Qingming's thoughts back to reality from his anger. He looked around and found the excavator's engine was still running, and the ruffian driver was still sitting in the car, trembling with fear. 

"Where's the leader?" Wu Zhongyuan suddenly found that the man in the beach shirt was missing. Lin Qingming moved toward the excavator, and Wu Zhongyuan followed.

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When they got closer, Wu Zhongyuan circled the excavator and couldn't see the man in the beach shirt either. He looked up at the car pit, the ruffian driver looked back at Wu Zhongyuan with a scared face, then pointed to the digging claw. The digging claw was still in the dirt pit, and the man in the beach shirt curled up inside of it.

Since he had already made a big mistake, he doesn't care to add one more to beat.

"Come out." Wu Zhongyuan stood by the pit, holding the iron pipe. The man in the beach shirt was frightened, his face was pale, shaking and chafing, and he kept bowing at Wu Zhongyuan, 

"Younger brother, take it easy, let me go, and I will give you the money." Wu Zhongyuan sneered, "I reminded you before, don't step on the line and  bully people to the extreme. Now we will definitely go to jail for this, and it is all your fault, do you think we can let you go now? Come out, come out yourself  or If I come there, I'll  break both legs and you will be on your four." After Wu Zhongyuan finished speaking, the man in the beach shirt was so frightened that he waved his hands repeatedly, "You don't need to go to jail, you don't really have to go to jail, I can handle this." 

"It's such a big trouble,  How do you do to get it done?" Wu Zhongyuan asked with a frown. 

"I can do it, I can really can,", the man in the beach shirt held his mobile phone up to show Wu Zhongyuan,

"Look, I didn't call the police. But let me make a call to move these people away. I swear we won't call the police, and no one will hold you accountable for this matter."

"Really?" Wu Zhongyuan was dubious.

"Anything can be done with money. Let me make a phone call and find someone to move my brothers away."

The man in the beach shirt was really frightened, as he spoke in a trembling voice. Unsure of his decision, Wu Zhongyuan looked at his brother. Lin Qingming was expressionless and did not speak. Wu Zhongyuan suddenly felt dizzy due to the excessive blood loss, he then focused hard to keep himself steady.  "My master's grave will not be dug anymore?"

"No more digging, I'll seal it back." 

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"Then how do you explain whatever happened to the people on top?" Wu Zhongyuan was not sure whether the man in the beach shirt was telling the truth or not, but if this man could really settle this matter, the two brothers would not have to go to jail. 

"These are all trivial matters. I can take a few photos elsewhere. I can say anything as long as I have the money. I have money! I am really rich!" The man in the beach shirt was incoherent. 

Wu Zhongyuan looked at his brother again, but Lin Qingming remained silent. "That's fine. You can make the call." Wu Zhongyuan finally let go. Hearing the words, the man in the beach shirt started to make calls. "Hands-free mode." Lin Qingming said coldly. How can the leader not listen? He made a phone call on the speaker, and asked someone to come over to deal with the aftermath. 

Indeed, the leader was very rich, and there was nothing money couldn't buy. It didn't take long for a car to come, and a group of men hurriedly carried those ruffians on their backs or the stretcher into the car. Within twenty minutes, everyone has moved away.

At this time, the man in the beach shirt also came back to his senses and regained his bearings, "We don't know each other, but I didn't expect the two young lads to have such good skills. Why don't you work with me in the future?"

" We don't do things that hurt the world." Wu Zhongyuan shook his head and refused, and at this moment, he was still worried that the leader would call the police after the incident. However, the man in the beach shirt didn't give up even after being rejected,

" Youngsters are also in the gangs..." Before the man in the beach shirt finished the word, Wu Zhongyuan interrupted him, 

"I'm not. " 

"You..." The man in the beach shirt pointed to the dragon tattoo on Wu Zhongyuan's chest and Wu Zhongyuan immediately remembered that his shirt was torn by Lin Qingming to bandage his wound. He hurriedly zipped up his coat, 

"Say no more nonsense, quickly fill in the soil and move the excavator away. " 

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The man in the beach shirt didn't know that he was betrayed by the henchman who drove the excavator and followed Wu Zhongyuan's words and hurriedly shouted to the man,

"Hurry up, fill it up."

It may be that the driver thought he betrayed his leader and was nervous, or he lacked skills, the excavator's claws did not bend, but dig down again. The shovel went down, and the sound of wood shattering came from the bottom of the pit.

When the sound came, the man in the beach shirt's face turned pale with fright, and he pointed at the driver and shouted, "Can you fucking drive?" The driver was scolded and hurriedly lifted the claw. The leader was afraid of the claw, breaking the coffin. This guy's face turned green when he saw the half-section of the coffin lid hanging from the teeth of the digging claw. 

"This, this, this..." the man in the beach shirt looked at the young lads in horror. Wu Zhongyuan and Lin Qingming didn't look at him but looked at each other. They both knew that Master wasn't buried under this tree. Then how could there be a coffin here? The man in the beach shirt was even more frightened when he looked at the strange expressions of the brothers, fearing that they would get angry at him, so he pointed at the driver and cursed. 

After scolding a few words, he turned around and bowed the brothers, 

"I will pay..I will pay a good one for your master's coffin," At this point, the two brothers, who had come to their senses that this coffin should have been buried by someone else a few years ago. Since Lin Qingming is not very talkative, Wu Zhongyuan said, "Forget it, you didn't do it on purpose, just fill in the soil." 

"This, this, since it has been dug up, can I..." the man in the beach shirt held the phone, which meant that he wanted to take pictures to show the people on top that the job was done.

"Okay, go ahead." Wu Zhongyuan casually agreed. 

The man in the beach shirt didn't expect the young man would agree so easily, which was a bit unexpected, but he didn't think too much about it. He immediately thanked them and went to take pictures. 

"You shouldn't have let him take pictures. What if it's a woman's corpse?" Lin Qingming whispered.

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