Stone Door Entrance

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But they had already walked this far, going back was not possible. It didn't matter if there was someone scheming, or it really was the treasure, they should figure out the truth of the situation first.

Mo Linyuan was naturally cautious. On the surface he brought so many people, but long before he came here, he had already sent someone to come first, and after he came out, the army at the back would be ready at any time. It could be said, as long as he was careful, no matter what the people were conspiring, they weren't afraid.

So, the two discussed for a while. Considering the west and south of the tallest mountain as the last destination, one of them would go west, the other would go south, each for a day. If they didn't find any clue, then they would deviate from their direction and go to the tallest mountain to meet. If they found anything, they would use fireworks to signal.

Relying on her skillful martial arts, Ye Mu requested to walk together with Lin Zhizhao. Mo Linyuan was uneasy, and sent Wen Feng to follow her.

Afterward, the group separated into two directions, advancing toward different directions.

Only after Ye Mu saw Mo Linyuan off did she say to Lin Zhizhao, "I'm trusting you like this, you must not be wrong!"

Her words carried double meaning, but Lin Zhizhao didn't hear it differently. He revealed his sweet dimples in a smile, nodding. "Ye-xiaojie, don't worry, you'll find that walking with me is the right decision!"

At this moment, aside from Lin Zhizhao and Wen Feng at her side, there were still ten people following them. They started to go to the west. At this moment the sky flashed with lightning, and suddenly it was raining.

When it was night, the rain became heavier, they had no choice but to look for a shelter from the rain. Wen Feng and the other ten people hurriedly cut down trees, constructing a very simple shelter. Tonight, it seemed that there was no place to sleep, trees were everywhere, so they may not be able to find a cave.

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They lit a campfire, drying their clothes. But seeing the heavy rain, Ye Mu thought deeply.

At this moment, a wine sack was passed over. She turned her head and saw Lin Zhizhao's pair of bright eyes.

"Although you are amazing, you should still drink some wine to get rid of the cold!"

"No," Ye Mu immediately refused. "Travelling outside, I never drink wine. I advise you not to drink either because drinking wine can mess up situations."

But Lin Zhizhao didn't listen to the advice at all, he still raised his head to drink the wine, with flame reflecting in his clear eyes.

"Always maintaining a clear head is boring. You're also not a soldier, why be so harsh to yourself?"

Ye Mu didn't continue this topic, only asked, "Approximately how much longer will we find it?"

Asking this question, she thought the other party would give an ambiguous reply. She didn't expect Lin Zhizhao to be straightforward this time. "If there are no unforeseen situations, then tomorrow. I have a premonition we're already very close."

"Is that so?" Ye Mu couldn't hear her tone. Looking at the heavy rain outside, she felt somewhat wistful. "Feels it's been a long time seeing such a heavy rain."

She only randomly sighed, but who would have thought Lin Zhizhao would fix his gaze on the night rain, and, with a smile that was not quite a smile, said, "Yeah, whenever there's a heavy rain, there'll surely be panic. Who knows what's concealed behind this rain?"

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Ye Mu shook her head. "I don't understand what you're saying, I only think that heavy rain can wash away a lot of marks." For example, she and Mo Linyuan had discussed to leave marks on the way.

The next day, Ye Mu found that the marks she left had washed away as expected. She felt uneasy, but she already came to this point, so she could only continue forward.

On the way, she noticed that the road Lin Zhizhao pointed to was gradually deviating from the west, and rather, going closer toward the south. Lastly, she noticed from Lin Zhizhao's direction, she surprisingly arrived earlier at the foot of the big mountain she and Mo Linyuan had discussed yesterday. She couldn't help but ask, "Don't you think you should tell me, if the treasure can be at the summit of the mountain?"

Lin Zhizhao asked with a smile, "Why is it not possible? This mountain right in front of my eyes is lingering with purple qi. Since you've come, why not go and have a look?"

Ye Mu felt this was a trap even more, but she still went with it. After she left a mark at the foot of the mountain, she immediately brought the people to go up the mountain. This mountain was often precipitous, they climbed all the way, the walk slow.

In their walk for half a day, only two-thirds of the walk, Ye Mu was already impatient.

But Lin Zhizhao suddenly pointed to a direction, you look over there!

Ye Mu turned, but didn't see anything. She brought people to carefully check, and discovered that an extremely enormous door unexpectedly appeared in front of her!

That door was concealed among the trees, and half was buried under the ground. It seemed that there was no trace of it ever being excavated.

This made Ye Mu shocked! Could it be, this is really the treasure's entrance? It was this easy for her to find it?

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She became even more uncertain, but Lin Zhizhao laughed. "See, I didn't lie to you! In my eyes, the purple qi here is most dense! It's definitely the treasure's entrance! All along the way, haven't you wrongly blamed me?"

He feigned sadness as he said, "I feel that you are always suspicious of me!"

Ye Mu was very shocked, she walked to the front of the door to have a look, and discovered this door opened facing the outside. But half of it was buried in the ground, and the plants surrounding the door were thick. It was very clear, no one has ever opened this door.

Could it be that Lin Zhizhao really didn't deceive her, and because he could see the invisible qi, it was really easy to find this place?

Having this kind of suspicion, Ye Mu did not light up the fireworks rashly. She only had people dig the place up, and see what would be behind the doors after it opened.

The ten people simultaneously began to work.

The door was not far from the summit of the mountain, nestling close to the mountain's surface. It towered aloft facing the sky in a tilt of sixty-five degrees, its age appearing to be very old.

When they cleared away the remaining one side, a sentence was written on both sides of the door.

"Forget this world* to live."

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*like forget your worries and concerns about the world, maybe about what'll happen tomorrow, what you'll eat, etc. then you can survive, coz if you worry too much you might get sick

"Enter the door to face death!"

After Ye Mu looked, she held out her hands to try push the door, while Lin Zhizhao was on one side, being watched by Wen Feng alone.

Ye Mu pushed, and discovered that it indeed couldn't be pushed. This door needed to be pulled out. She was disconcerted as this door did not have any handle. If they wanted to pull it, it would still not be easy to pull.

"All of you move back!"

She suddenly opened her mouth and the others around her hurriedly backed away. Then, she placed both hands on the stone door and used her internal energy in one breath!

Having spent a lot of her strength, finally, the door that most likely weighed a thousand jin* was slowly torn open!

*jin = 0.5kg, but here it means it's a really heavy door

Lin Zhizhao was surprised. He originally thought, just this door alone would most likely be a long struggle. He already knew that Ye Mu was impressive, but he didn't think she would be this impressive!

After the door opened, someone immediately jammed a boulder on the door, lest it closed again because of gravity. After all, this door was slightly slanted toward the sky.

Ye Mu did not rashly enter because when the door opened, a horrifyingly rotten smell wafted out from inside. There shouldn't be a mechanism inside, right?

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