Three People's Footsteps

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The door is open now, but who's going down to check?

Everyone wanted to go down together with Ye Mu, but Ye Mu said, "I'll go down with Lin Zhizhao, all of you wait up here."

Wen Feng was rather anxious. "No, Ye-xiaojie, His Majesty had me come to protect you!"

But Ye Mu had already made up her mind. "It's alright, I'll feel at ease if you stay up. I'll only take a glimpse inside, to confirm for a while. If I don't come up after one shichen, send someone to go down to find me. If we still don't go out after three shichen, set off the fireworks."

1 shichen = 2 hours

Wen Feng thought, indeed, the people staying above are also important. Thinking it over, only himself was the most suitable, so he could only nod. "Alright then. Be careful, Ye-xiaojie."

Lin Zhizhao said with a long face, "I don't want to? I'm afraid of the dark, I don't want to go down."

But Ye Mu didn't give him the chance, immediately pulling him straight down.

Through the stone door was a long paved tunnel that looked like a big hole of pitch blackness. It was as if it could swallow up a person.

Ye Mu and Lin Zhizhao didn't walk for long to realize that the sides of the tunnel were all dry skeletons. These people should be the craftsmen who renovated this place at that time, and lest they talked about the place outside, they were deliberately sealed here.

Thinking about it, it was really pitiful.

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Ye Mu had grabbed Lin Zhizhao to go down, but LinZhao had been wailing all the way!

"Ye-xiaojie, I've already brought you here, so why did you also have to bring me down! I'm really afraid of ghosts!"

Ye Mu chuckled. "A feng shui master who's afraid of ghosts, do you think it makes sense?"

Lin Zhizhao was silent, and then groaned. "Let go of my collar, I'll walk by myself!"

Ye Mu let go of him.

The two followed the path going downward, the bluestone steps thick with stone powder. Ye Mu carefully observed, and found that besides them, there was no trace of anyone ever coming here.

Because none of them were speaking, only their footsteps were heard in the tunnel. But at this moment, Lin Zhizhao said, "Ye-xiaojie, have I ever told you, you were born to help Mo Linyuan?"

Ye Mu walked ahead without looking back. After the tediously long paved tunnel was a sloping path going downward. She said, "What are you suddenly saying this for?"

Dismayed, she recalled the silent monk again.

Lin Zhizhao smiled as he said, "Look at you, after finding this place, obviously you could have waited for Mo Linyuan to come with you, but instead you came down first. Why, even when you felt strange, did you come down first to check? What good will this do? Is it because Mo Linyuan promised you to be the empress?"

Ye Mu didn't speak, and then Lin Zhizhao continued to chatter. "That definitely is the case. You're a powerless orphan. If you want to take the empress' position, you can only gain Mo Linyuan's favor. You're wholeheartedly very strong, so Mo Linyuan dotes on you. You two mutually benefit each other, but in fact it's actually a relationship between a superior and a subordinate. You were born to help, while he's destined to achieve great things!"

"Are you done talking?" Ye Mu asked as she walked without looking back.

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Lin Zhizhao proudly smiled. "Have I exposed you to the fact that you're now shamed into anger?"

Ye Mu shook her head. "You're saying, me and Mo Linyuan are a couple deeply in love just because we're using each other. Is that right?"

"Is that not right?" Lin Zhizhao had a delicate smile. "I've noticed, you're still a virgin until now, and also, the way you and Mo Linyuan speak is really similar to that of a soldier and a general. What else can I say?"

Ye Mu became silent. She doesn't understand, why does everyone not see them in a good way? Is it really because she has no emotion?

Ye Mu felt it wasn't Mo Linyuan's problem. After all, Mo Linyuan was very provocative.

She paused. "Even if I say I like him now, you won't believe me."

Lin Zhizhao curled his lips in disbelief. "Look at your attitude, where does it show that you like him? There's not even the least bit of bashfulness. You're only loyal to him, that's all."

Ye Mu suddenly became defensive. "A person is only willing to hold onto his own beliefs, so, since that's what you're thinking, I won't say anything else."

Ye Mu spoke while continuing walking ahead. Her face did not show any sign of embarrassment or anger; it was indifferent, an expression that was completely beyond her age.

Lin Zhizhao was rather uncontented as he ran to catch up to her.

"Say, if you're down here and haven't come out for a long time, will Mo Linyuan come down to find you?"

Ye Mu nodded with absolute certainty. "He will."

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Lin Zhizhao continued, "What if he encountered a more important matter? Say the treasure is not here, and then he discovers the real treasure, do you think he'll cast away the treasure and come save you first?"

Ye Mu still nodded. "Yes."

Her "stubbornness" made Lin Zhizhao rather irritated. His eyes indescribably flashed with anger as he coldly said, "Maybe all women are as stupid as you, so blind and confident! But you're really loyal to him!"

But at this moment, Ye Mu pulled him a little closer.

Lin Zhizhao was rather frustrated. "What are you doing?!"

Ye Mu pulled him while continuing to walk, voice as calm as before, "Listen carefully."

"Listen to what?!"

"There isn't only the sound of both our footsteps here."

When Ye Mu finished talking, Lin Zhizhao's back inexplicably felt cold. And then, he heard something strange behind him, and that sound was as if somebody was hauling a heavy object while walking!

No way, is there really a ghost?!

He clutched Ye Mu's sleeve tightly and looked at her motionlessly.

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"You, you you are not scared?"

Ye Mu calmly looked ahead, smiling as she said, "Not scared. This world doesn't have ghosts. If there are, they're unknown."

As a commando, they couldn't believe those supernatural beings. Even if she encountered it now, she would believe it was the result of the loopholes of time and space.

Seeing Ye Mu undeterred, Lin Zhizhao was convinced. The continuous sound behind him was neither near nor far, its walking pace slow. And then he carefully listened again, discovered that the sound had become very different. He wanted to turn his head to look but didn't have the guts to. After such a while, his vest was already damp with cold sweat.

He walked rigidly while stiffly pulling Ye Mu.

"You go turn and look! Look back! I—I don't dare!"

Ye Mu snorted a laugh. She looked at Lin Zhizhao. "Are you really a feng shui master and not a liar?"

Lin Zhizhao hastily said, "I'm a liar who relies on the eye of heaven to eat and drink, what skills do I have! You you you you look back!"

Seeing him this terrified, Ye Mu found it rather funny.

"Then I'll look back."

"Yes, tell me after you see it!"

Ye Mu smiled, and then turned her head. Suddenly! Her eyes widened!

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