Min Liang's Counterattack

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Zhao Mingyu's words made Ye Mu laugh.

"You're right, eldest prince is already a dead man!"

While they were making fun, Zhao's monarch could not withstand the pressure anymore.

More and more people said this five countries' alliance was a conspiracy! Said that the peaceful faction wasn't wrong, demanding for the officials who were thrown into prison to be released.

Zhao's monarch had wanted to resist, but because the treasury was empty and everywhere around him was mobilizing rations and weapons, no one paid him attention. With no other choice, he went with the idea of seeking a truce, just in time to stop loss.

But at this moment, Yan Country passed a message.

Yan's monarch made it known that he could provide an army; Zhao Country just had to provide rations. War had already started, if they stopped halfway, it would only result in an unrecoverable loss!

Might as well press forward and directly swallow Mo Country to compensate for this loss.

Zhao's monarch was persuaded. Hearing this, the officials were speechless for a while, and after hearing this, Ye Mu knew Min Liang had meddled.

That person called Min Liang from Yan Country seemed to have Yan's monarch's utmost trust, he could even agree on dispatching more troops!

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It had to be known, that every country had its own last batch of troops to hold onto.

Zhao Country and Yan Country had both brought out all troops that were possible to be brought out.

But right now Yan Country said he still wanted to give military support—it was clear that he wanted to hand over the last troops that were supposed to defend the city walls!

After Zhao Mingyu heard this news, she looked for Ye Mu with a frown, said the determination of those officials that supported her was now wavering.

Because Yan Country could be reckless like this, and since Zhao Country had started fighting and had invested so much, stopping now was too much of a pity.

Besides, Zhao Country didn't have to dispatch more troops and only needed to provide rations. These rations were gathered from every aristocratic family, so it was actually possible.

But those families were unwilling to invest before, but with the situation now, they felt it was worth the try. After all, Mo Country had gotten so much treasure. They were really envious!

Ye Mu didn't expect her own actions would lead to more pressure on Mo Linyuan's side and was even more surprised that Yan Country would have the courage to be so irrevocable.

She furrowed her brows. "Now Wei Country, Yue Country and Yuan Country are at war, and Zhao Country and Yan Country refuse to give up. If they increase rations and military strength, the situation over at Mo Linyuan's will get out of control."

Zhao Mingyu said, "Not only that, I heard Li Country has been persuaded by Yan Country. Among the additional troops this time, there are 50,000 troops from Li Country! It's just that this information, because their distance is too far, has no confirmation yet, but I think it's very possible."

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Ye Mu thought in her heart, Li Country actually is helping Yan Country like this, looks like they also trust that person called Min Liang.

This made Ye Mu very curious about this person. She asked Zhao Mingyu, "Do you know who this Min Liang is? How is he able to persuade the five countries' monarchs to join hands?"

Zhao Mingyu said, "Min Liang hasn't made himself known for long, but his master is a very well-known scholar.

"The moment Min Liang appeared, Yan's monarch stated he wanted to give him the prime minister position, but he refused.

"He said he wants to challenge the whole world's cleverest and wisest. At that time, everyone said Mo Linyuan is the world's wise monarch who’s hard to come by. Only he is able to create a glorious world, so Min Liang gave the idea of starting a war."

Ye Mu listened and thought to herself.

In other words, this person is very mysterious and conceited, but unfortunately has amazing skills that he can bring about this situation right now.

To prove himself, he didn't hesitate to start a war, he seems more likely to be perverted!

Ye Mu pondered. "Looks like I must go to Li Country."

Zhao Mingyu was immediately surprised. "What are you going to do in Li Country?"

Ye Mu said, "Now all countries are participating in the war. Only Li Country maintains their integrity. As a player behind the scene, I really want to know if there are other agreements between him and Min Liang! If I can convince it and make it defect!"

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Zhao Mingyu said, "If you want to go, I definitely support you. But Li Country is so far. You definitely don't have anyone to help you there.. If you go just like this, it's too dangerous."

Ye Mu smiled. "Who is not in danger now? Since everyone is in danger, what am I afraid of?"

She said to Zhao Mingyu, "I'll be right back, and you stay here. Zhao Country is handed over to you—continue persuading those people. Wait for my news, I believe this problem can turn for the better!

"Min Liang can actually react so quickly, it's clear he's got an extraordinary messenger. After I go to Li Country, I might not be able to send a message to you in time. I can only let you pay close attention to this matter secretly and respond in time."

Zhao Mingyu nodded. "Alright, you can go ahead! I'll send someone to carefully follow Li Country's movements. You also have to stay safe, please be okay!"

Ye Mu smiled faintly, telling her not to worry.

"Min Liang thinks he's the world's cleverest and wants to challenge Mo Linyuan, doesn't he? Then I'll let him know that he can't fight past me, a girl!"

Having said that, she revealed a flamboyant smile. This smile carried resolute confidence.

Zhao Mingyu immediately thought, maybe this time she needed to rely on Ye Mu once again to turn the tide.

Zhao Country's situation was calm for the moment. Zhao's monarch vigorously turned to the aristocratic families to mobilize the rations and weapons.

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On the other side, Yan's soldiers were catching up to the border.

Ye Mu left Zhao Country alone.

Those subordinates in Zhao Country thought Ye Mu was going back to Mo Country, and had wanted to send her, but were refused by Ye Mu. Ye Mu requested them to stay and help Zhao Mingyu.

She also said she was a small target and wouldn't be easy to be discovered.

The subordinates didn't doubt it, so they sent Ye Mu off. Who would have known, after Ye Mu left the city, she ran in the exact opposite direction.

Li Country, a country that revered etiquette. She had never been to that country. Allegedly, there were many scholars there, and was more literary than a fighter. Who knows what was special about that place.

But no matter what, before Zhao Country build up rations, and before Yan's army arrives, she must solve this matter! Otherwise, Mo Linyuan will be in danger!

On the other side, Min Liang who was in Mo Country looked at the letter in his hands, smiling slightly.

This world had such things as carrier pigeons, but the majority were not precise and could cause oversight or mishaps.

But Min Liang was different. His master had used a special way to raise a group of war pigeons.

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