Within Li Country

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These pigeons behaved like humans, and they could deliver letters regardless of how far the distance was, so his messages were very fast, at least faster than other people.

Hearing Yan Country and Zhao Country were following his plan, he smiled as he thought, he doesn’t know who planned all of this, causing Yue Country to defect and causing civil unrest in Zhao Country.

But this doesn’t hinder his plan. As long as Yan Country and Zhao Country as well as Li Country continue following his arrangements, Mo Linyuan will lose!

He will prove to the whole world that he is the smartest person!

Mo Linyuan? The world’s wisest emperor? He is no comparison to him.

When Ye Mu was on the way to Li Country, she encountered many expected situations.

Countless commoners suffered the flames of war and were forced to move. In addition, those peasant farmers only brought so limited rations and supplies that many of them became victims of the war, wandering around.

This situation was grave in Zhao Country. Those places in Zhao’s borders were already destitute. Large swaths of people were dying. In addition, those few areas suffering from famine happened to be the war zone. Those cities that were considered prosperous had now become dead cities.

It so happened that at this time, no one could pay attention to them or care about their life or death.

This made Ye Mu feel sad. All of this could have been avoided, but because of one ambitious individual, it happened, and everyone was implicated.

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When Ye Mu arrived at Yan Country, the situation changed again.

To send more troops, forced conscriptions were everywhere. It wasn’t enough to send out one son, so other sons were taken away by the soldiers, to the point that in many of the villages, farms, as well as cities, the majority were women. There was basically no shadow of a man.

In this world, men were the pillars. Without men, these women’s lives became very difficult. Each one of them looked malnourished and haggard, and let’s not mention those frailer children.

Moreover, after the men left, an opportunity opened for the bandits in the mountains. They wantonly brought trouble to these areas, plundering the hard-earned wealth of the people, snatching women, and maliciously killing children. No one took care of this!

No one was farming in the fields, weeds had grown, and there were no vendors in the streets. Everyone had fled for their lives.

It was as if the whole world had turned upside down overnight. Everyone was panicking.

As Ye Mu walked, she often could hear some cries of lament. She looked up and asked the Heavens, when will the war end?

But how could wars end that quickly? Especially in this underdeveloped ancient time. Once war broke out, it would take a few years to end, and the peaceful days would be nowhere in sight.

Ye Mu sighed in her heart. No matter what period it was, what standpoint, wars would always bring in grief.

History was indeed written because of war, and civilization was also propelled forward because of war, but when she saw the commoners implicated in the war with her own eyes and had no power to retaliate or even the power to self-defend, she was disheartened.

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So the further back she walked, Ye Mu had one more conviction.

This time, she was fighting not only for Mo Linyuan! She was also fighting for the many people hurt by the war!

If war could stop, these people could feel secure. The world would look like how it was before.

With this thought, Ye Mu rode at full speed, and without looking back, dashed into Li Country.

But to her surprise, Li Country was full of peace and laughter, as if not affected by the war.

Ye Mu felt skeptical.

She had wanted to meet Li’s monarch, wanted him to take advantage of Yan Country’s powerlessness to seize them so Yan’s monarch would call the troops back. This then could ease Mo Linyuan’s pressure.

But now she had a different idea.

The six countries are all covered by the flames of war, but Li Country is unscathed. What does this mean?

This means that this Min Liang, he might not be from Yan Country, but rather Li Country!

Everyone would think of their own country. If Min Liang was truly from Li Country, then if she wanted to instigate Li’s monarch, it was no longer possible.

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And if she guessed correctly, this Min Liang was one of the most important people in Li Country!

With this guess in mind, Ye Mu didn’t immediately meet Li’s monarch but chose to scout out the condition in the area and in passing look for Mo’s people who were hiding here.

As Zhao Mingyu said, because Li Country was too far, the spies planted here were only a few, probably only ten-odd people.

Using her own knowledge, Ye Mu found their location, and then knocked on one of the households’ doors.

“Who are you?”

The one who opened the door was an old man around fifty years old. Ye Mu looked at him. She directly said, “I came to ask you, do you have a book oil for sale?”

That old man frowned. “What oil is book oil?”

Ye Mu smiled. “It’s something that can be spread in a book. I think your house might have it.”

The old man looked Ye Mu up and down a few times, then said, “Come in, this old man sells oil, but don’t know if you can find what you’re looking for.”

Ye Mu went in. The neighbors did not notice this exchange, but the old man still looked left and right before closing the door.

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“Who exactly are you?” the old man asked after closing the door.

Ye Mu said, “I’m a messenger from Mo Country. You should know the reason I came here. You’ve stayed in Li Country for more than twenty years, are you still loyal to Mo Country?”

That old man didn’t expect to meet a fellow countryman here. His eyes suddenly reddened.

He said, “I may have stayed in Li Country for over twenty years, and have married and have a child here, but in my heart, Mo Country is still my home!

“Your Excellency, whatever instructions you have, you can tell me. Even if I, Old Liu, have to sacrifice my life, I will do it!”

Ye Mu was actually nervous when she came because the distance was so far and this person also had dwelled here for so many years. She was very worried he was completely assimilated into Li’s people.

But he still thought about Mo Country, moreover with such a determined look. Ye Mu was relieved, she finally had a helper!

She said with a sigh, “I won’t beat around the bush: the situation outside is very tense now! After arriving here, I saw that only this country is safe and sound, so I want to know certain information about Li Country. In this war, what role does it play?”

Old Liu nodded. He welcomed Ye Mu indoors. At this moment, his wife and child were not present, but he still lowered his voice as he said to Ye Mu:

“This is about Min Liang, right?”

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