Path to Heaven

Chapter 1054: 1054

Weisuo's face turned very ugly in an instant.

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All the friars of Weisuo's side all stopped for a moment. Although they had never underestimated the power of Shenxuan Wuzhong, no one thought that under such a heavy blow, the fire Kingdom God King could still perform such a secret method, and even Wei Suo's cave empty footwork could not stop it.

All the fighting sounds stopped. The fire God King's body was flashing in two. He was constantly reorganizing. With a letter of war, the God King caused the clouds to move in all directions. At the moment, the God King of the World War II was coughing up blood, and pieces of brilliance were annihilated in the blood he coughed. It looked very sad.

However, ye Guwei and ye Xiaozheng are controlled by him and can not move at all.


This is only a short moment, until this time, many of the monks who were completely shocked by Han Weiwei's immortal tools returned to their senses completely and made a voice of pumping air.

"The God King of the fire domain was forced to this degree. In his capacity, he even wanted to take hostages!"

"There is no way for him. His body has been cracked several times. Even if his escape speed is comparable to Weisuo's cave empty footwork and lasts for a long time, he will definitely be overtaken by Weisuo."

Many people don't know what secret method the fire domain God King used, but they can see that the fire domain God king knows that Wei Suo will not let go of his big enemy. When he can't escape, he desperately breaks into the Mountain Gate of dengxianzong which has been broken by the mountain protection array and takes hostages.

"Let go of them, and I'll let you go."

Weisuo didn't have any nonsense. He stopped in the air and made such a sound to the God King of the fire domain.

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"You used intrigue to plot against me, which led to my defeat. You want me to leave. Do you think it's too simple?" The voice of the fire domain God King is like countless divine fire roaring. It's nothing to do with self cutting and self-cultivation. He has a magic power, but he has no time to perform it. He is forced to this situation and makes him extremely frustrated.

"What do you want?" Weisuo still does not have the slightest nonsense, coldly looks at the fire domain God King.

"Hand over the eternal holy King's Scripture, and at the same time cut off the flesh." The fire domain God King looked at Weisuo and sneered.


All the monks around Dengxian city were in an uproar.

Before the battle between Weisuo and the emperor of the holy king, everyone can see that the ancient holy King Sutra is a strong method against heaven. Even if we can't further understand the vitality of heaven and earth, we can also refine the body into a supreme divine weapon. This is the road of immortality of the flesh body in ancient legend. In ancient times, there were gods who specialized in this formula, and their combat power was no less than that of the same time The other gods of Dai Dynasty are also the supreme in the world of cultivation.

The friars of Wei Suo's level cut their bodies once, but they didn't know how much energy they had to lose, and their accomplishments were likely to fall back a lot.

"Will Weisuo agree to this condition?"

All the people were waiting for Wei Suo to make a statement. Even the witch maids in the temple of dengxianzong could hear very clearly. Through the previous conversation, the golden emperor's daughter was also very clear about what happened now.

"Will he agree to this condition? That nun is not his Taoist partner either... " In the witch's mind, this idea flashed.

"Is that all you have?" Weisuo didn't make a statement immediately, but looked directly at the fire domain God King and said coldly, "I don't like bargaining with people. If there are conditions, I'll finish it once."

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Wei Suo's expression made the fire domain God King can't help but stagnate. He originally wanted to say, in this case, you will also hand over the extremely Dao immortal soldier, but was swept by Wei Suo coldly, he was in a cold heart, did not dare to say this sentence, for fear of completely touching the bottom line of Weisuo, let Weisuo at all costs to kill him here. Moreover, he did not know the specific relationship between Ye's brother and sister and Weisuo. He could only see that they were Weisuo's relatives and friends. However, how important these two people were to Weisuo, it was impossible for him to find a chance to take him by his side.

"Only these two conditions, no other conditions." Afraid to touch the bottom line of Weisuo, the fire god king made a voice, "as long as you promise these two conditions, let me leave safely, I will be their way of life."

"Good! I can promise you these two conditions Weisuo nodded and said.


Weisuo's voice surprised all the friars around Dengxian City, including the witch maiden. No one thought that Weisuo would agree so decisively and simply.

"Yes?" At the moment, the two bodies of the God King of the fire domain have been completely reorganized. The divine fire on his body is slowly disappearing, and his facial features are fainting, but his eyes are narrowing. He doesn't know what he is thinking.

"Let them go first, and I will keep my promise and let you go safely." Weisuo looked at the fire domain God King, continued to say calmly.

"Joke, no matter how credible you are, I can't believe you." Wang Dun, the God of fire domain, sneered and said, "you should do my two conditions first."

"Let them go! You are so powerful that you can hijack the weak, and you are not afraid to be recorded in ancient books and ridiculed by all ages. " "Since you want to take hostages, you can hold me. I'll exchange with them.""Oh?"

The fire Kingdom God's eyes flashed, but he thought of something. He reached out and waved a brilliant light, blocking the wind Wu Cang's front. At the same time, he looked at Han Weiwei and Ji Ya and others, and gave a cold smile, "if you want to exchange these two people, you are not qualified. If you want to change, his Taoist partner will exchange, that's almost the same."

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"Profiteer, this person will never want you to have a skill and let you cut some accomplishments by yourself." The voice of Linglong day cold into the ears of Weisuo and others.

"If you are so affectionate It's convenient for me to use this point to deal with you. No matter how high you are, you can't deal with the joint efforts of the supreme fire field and many great powers with one person's strength! " Linglong Tian's conjecture is not wrong. At the moment, the fire Kingdom God King has made a calculation and is ready to break his promise. As long as Weisuo cuts himself once, he is afraid that it will be difficult to keep up with his escape speed. When he leaves, he will try to take another person from Weisuo's side. If Wei Suo wants to save people, he will go to his fire land by himself. Relying on the extremely strong prohibition and some hostile forces of Weisuo, he can fight another war of terror and completely destroy Weisuo.

"Yinlihua, what are you going to do?"

At this time, Ji Ya and others suddenly exclaimed. Wei Suo's face changed slightly, and a stream of xuansha Yin Qi went towards the Yinli huajuan.

Yinlihua separated from him, Jiya and others, and flew toward the God King of the fire domain with all her strength.


Yinlihua inspired the blue ancient oil lamp and beat out the incomplete moon with all his strength, blocked Wei Suo Xuan's evil spirit and continued to plunder toward the God King of the fire area, "I'll exchange them."

Wei Suo's eyes flash, a pale yellow crystal like Daolian, in the Yin Li flower outside the body also instantly blooming.

"Crack" a sound, but this pale yellow crystal like Daolian is broken by two little dragons in the eyes of the God King of fire domain. "Good." The fire king laughed at the same time, "I accept this exchange. Throw out all your magic weapons and treasure bags first


Weisuo let out a sharp drink!

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But yinlihua did not stop, just toward Weisuo beautiful smile. At the same time, the blue ancient oil lamp, the nabao bag and the rest of her magic weapons all flew out of her hands and hit Wei Suo and others.

"Don't move, or I don't care about killing one of them!" The fire domain God King's face appeared complacent look, now Weisuo's face for the first time appeared uncontrollable anger, let him have the first time unspeakable pleasure. In the cold laughter, two firelights turned out on his head and turned into two red fire hoods, covering ye Guwei and ye Xiaozheng. The fire elements on these two fire hoods are like fire jade, which can burn magic weapon bodies. As long as one mind, one of Ye Guwei and ye Xiaozheng will be burned to fly ash immediately.

"All right! You can let go of both of them. Otherwise, if you don't keep your promise in such an exchange, my husband will never negotiate with you next

Yin Lihua even launched a hole empty footwork, nearly exhausted all of her true yuan, and came to the fire domain God King. Her expression is extremely calm, delicate jade muscle in the bear fire mapping, emit a quiet jade light, peacetime nickname is different, she is now in front of all people, called Weisuo as husband.

"Good! If you change it, I will not break my promise. " At the same time, ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei fly out of the sky and shoot toward Weisuo and others. At the same time, a red light enters the body of yinlihua, who does not resist at all. At the same time, he also stepped out to the side of yinlihua.

"If you come to accompany me, I will be absolutely safe." The fire domain God King did not pay attention to Wei Suo in advance, but he was extremely proud to see the Yin Li flower which had been controlled by him, and said this.

"For him, surely the Yin patriarch must be at least comparable to his extremely Taoist immortal soldier?" At the same time, the fire domain God King could not help but transmit such a sentence of yinlihua.

"You are wrong. It's not only me, Ye's brothers and sisters, but also in his heart, at least comparable to that extreme immortal soldier. And you're done. " But at this time, let the fire domain God's proud look instantaneous solidification is, the Yin beautiful flower quietly issued such a sound, at the same time turned to look at Weisuo in the past.

"No!" At the same time, Weisuo suddenly let out a crazy cry! "Shua!" At the same time, there seems to be a Qi machine which is not controlled by any external force in yinlihua's body.

"Ah At the same time, the fire domain God King is also completely crazy, all jump up in the same place, more than a dozen of lights from his hands fly out, trying to penetrate into the body of yinlihua. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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