Path to Heaven

Chapter 1055: 1055


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The ten or so brilliant lights of the God King of the fire Kingdom seem to be trying to imprison some kind of power, but a very gloomy Qi machine still spreads rapidly in the body of yinlihua.

She looked at Weisuo, with a smile on her face, but the light in her eyes was momentarily dim. All people could see that her vitality was rapidly dying off.

Weisuo across the void, his body sprinkled a drop of crystal light, it is not the crystal light inspired by the small pot of fairy tears, but it is like a drop of real fairy tears, a drop of tears from the fairy king.


The fire domain God King's fear comes not only from his crazy breath, but also from the Yin beautiful flower whose vitality is rapidly cut off in front of him by constantly launching the hole empty footwork and pressing towards himself.

In a frightful cry, the fire Kingdom God directly hit the Yin Li flower at Weisuo, and at the same time, Zhenyuan in his body was stimulated to the extreme again. After that, he evolved a series of divine patterns, which broke through the void and ran away crazily.


All the millions of monks around Dengxian City stayed.

"Yin Lihua exchanged herself for those two people, and then launched a secret method to commit suicide Let the fire Kingdom God not threaten Weisuo. "

"For the sake of Weisuo, yinlihua is so determined, even so..."

All these monks did not expect such a scene.

The scene above the gate of dengxianzong mountain is very sad and gorgeous, which makes people feel trembling.

The charming and moving yinlihua's body is on the light, flies like a meteor in the air, Weisuo has indeed appeared the pause, holds her in the arms.

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But at this time, a sea of tears like crystal light is swept out, again and fire domain God sent out a variety of divine light collision.

This is the true spirit of immortal soldiers. The vast void seems to be completely annihilated, and even the sound seems to be shattered. This piece of crystal light was made by Yuanyin's ancestor. At the moment, the small jar of immortal tears has been handed over to him.


A piece of blue, red and white fire rolled across the sky, and a huge red star also appeared on the top of the fire god king.

At least several kinds of power of the Dharma Realm appeared alternately outside the fire domain God King. Although this five fold power of Shenxuan had cut a level of cultivation, it still showed the strength completely surpassing the four major powers of the general Shenxuan in an instant. Relying on the barrier of the powerful power evolved by itself, it was able to avoid the full attack of Yuanyin ancestor holding immortal soldiers.

Shenhuo burns the sky, its divine power is still like the real God King, but at the moment, his look is extremely hasty.


Blocked by Yuanyin's ancestors, he immediately fled to another direction. However, at that location, Hunyuan yinwa, yangzhiniao, qingluan, Li Shuyi, fengwucang, Yuhuang Zhenren and others had all gathered together. In a moment, all kinds of powers formed violent waves and pressed against him.

There is no need to scan carefully. In the light of his eyes, Weisuo, holding a beautiful flower of Yin, has been approaching him with a breath of palpitation.

The fire domain God King's scalp is numb, speechless panic.


Even, he suddenly felt that there was an invisible demon beast, with an indescribable cold feeling, which was less than a hundred feet away from his head. However, what made him even more horrified was that he made a magic fire and hit that place, but it was completely empty. It was a total void. The monster that appeared clearly in his perception seemed to be It doesn't exist at all.


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All the Dengxian cities were in a dead silence, only the huge roar of the huge divine power colliding in the air. All the people saw that the real king level power was forced to bump around in the air, and was extremely frightened, just like a real bereaved dog.


Once again, the fire king screamed more frightfully.

Weisuo has been less than 300 li away from him, and a red star he made in a hurry was directly evaded by Weisuo and left behind him one step at a time.

At the moment, he was already within the casting distance of Weisuo, but Weisuo still didn't cast the spell, and he just approached him quickly.

"Why are you doing this?" Weisuo didn't look at the fire God King at all. He just held the Yinli flower tightly, just like holding a feather that would fly away at any time.

"We all know you very well. As long as any one of us falls into his hands, no matter what he forces you to do, you will agree. Even if it's a game of death, you will definitely choose to fight... " Yin Lihua's voice is getting lower and lower, but the voice is extremely gratifying, "in this life, I don't regret being your Taoist partner..."

"Shua!" Wei Suo's body once again sprinkles the glittering and translucent brilliance. He has seen all the skills of Yin corpse sect, and no one knows better than him what kind of secret arts yinlihua launched.

"Anyone who can solve the death heart mantra of Yin corpse sect can exchange any secret method of me. I will help him break through the mystery of God!" Immediately, Weisuo issued the strongest sound, thousands of miles around like thunder.

All the friars around Dengxian city all changed color. The war was doomed to a great victory for Weisuo. But the voice at the moment was the sad roar of the Immortal King. All people could feel the meaning of the voice. This is absolutely a supreme and unquestionable commitment.Wei Suo's Secret skills, all of us can see in this war, whether it's Dongxu footwork or the ancient holy King's Sutra are unimaginable treasures. Moreover, Weisuo has become a double God Xuan with four levels. After this war, his power and strength will not rise to what bottom. His commitment is definitely more useful than any super large door. I'm afraid that any super large door can't be given It is a promise that a monk will be able to turn a monk into a supernatural power. But with his strength, I'm afraid that he can make an ordinary low-level monk finally achieve Shenxuan.

"Death curse, what kind of technique is this?" No matter whether they want to help Wei Suo or not, no one is indifferent. Even the monks who are hostile to Wei Suo begin to ask what kind of technique this is.

"Hum!" The void vibrates, and a drop of crystal light falls in front of Weisuo's body, making the strongest sound. At the same time, a pale yellow crystal like Daolian appears on the Yinli flower and seals the Yinli flower. At the same time, Weisuo also sacrifices the indestructible clean bottle, and takes the Yinli flower into consideration and protects it.


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His footwork continued to approach the cave.


The eyes of the God King of the fire region were almost gaping. The real yuan in his body flowed to the extreme. His hair was stimulated by various rules of vitality and stood up one by one. At the moment, he is only close to the strength of the four levels of Shenxuan at most. The magic power he plays can't stop Weisuo from approaching. A red star Weisuo doesn't dodge at all this time. After hitting the immortal realm outside Weisuo's body, he is directly smashed by Weisuo.


The fire domain God King once again uttered the most frightful cry.

Weisuo appeared on his side, less than a few feet away.

The creepy fire Kingdom God desperately evolved his own strongest Dharma domain. Even some secret method of pressing the bottom of the box was released. The whole heart emerged from his chest. There were seven orifices on it, and seven purple dragons flowed out. They fused with the blue, white and red fire that evolved in front of him, forming a rule of countless vitality The fire spear.


This gun heavily pierced Weisuo's body, so that all the people's eyebrows are not conscious of a jump, as if in their own body.

Weisuo's chest to back, was thoroughly pierced, by this long gun of fire, a piece of flesh and blood were directly turned into fly ash.

"Ah But the fire domain God King actually issued a more frightened cry.

There was no pause at all and one hand hit him at the same time.

It was as if a stone had been broken. The whole body of the fire god king was broken into three pieces again and flew back.

Weisuo continued to move forward, the long gun passed through his chest, lost control, and flew into the sky. In an instant, he did not know how many miles it had hit.

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"Weisuo! If you kill me, you will not end well! "

"You are too rebellious. Not only is your cultivation speed far faster than that of all the people of the same age, but also your magic power is far higher than that of the same level monks. You are not allowed to live in the world. No one of the great powers of the same era will want you to live. You are doomed to become the enemy of all people and be envied by heaven! I have seen your results, you are doomed to fall soon

The fire domain God King issued the near curse like crazy cry.

"You who want to destroy me are dead, but I am still alive. What else can you shout about?" The voice of the God King of the fire region stopped suddenly, and he did not wait for his body to regroup. The divine power, the thousand sword killing evil sword array and the immortal Dharma domain inspired by Wei Suo's book of life and death evolved at the same time, and the terrible power had been severely suppressed on the fire god king.

The fire domain God King's body completely disintegrated and turned into a mass of flying ash, and even a stream of supernatural vitality was thoroughly shaken away.

Shenxuan Wuzhong came across two continents and came to kill the fire king of Weisuo. He didn't even escape. He was completely killed and his body and spirit were destroyed!

"He killed all the gods of the fire domain!"

"Why, why did yinlihua do this for him..." At the moment, in the Mountain Gate of dengxianzong, the witch goddess has been completely numb, as if she has lost her own thinking.

At this time, the information about the death heart mantra of Yin corpse sect has been thoroughly spread among the monks around Dengxian city.

This is a ban that can only be initiated by the female nuns of the Jindan period. This prohibition can only be applied after the nuns of the Jindan period lose their first Yin and then engrave some kind of prohibition of the Yin corpse sect in advance.

It is said that this ban was created by an abandoned nun of the Yin corpse sect in the golden elixir period. After performing this operation, the huixinmai was rapidly atrophied, and the Qi and blood of the whole body turned into Yin Qi, and the heart died.

This was originally created because the Taoist couple abandoned her and died of heart. But now, everyone knows that yinlihua did not want Wei Suo to be coerced, so she used this method.

I'd rather fall than clear the obstacles for the Taoist couple.

The power disappeared, the wind was still howling in the air, and everyone felt the sadness. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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