Path to Heaven

Chapter 637: 637

The old man with white eyebrows opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, there was a "whew" in the distance. A dazzling white light rushed into the sky, and then burst open, forming a white light cluster, which was clearly visible within hundreds of miles.

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"No! There are a lot of monsters approaching

The face of the thin middle-aged Taoist priest suddenly changed. He reached out and immediately wanted to issue some orders.

"What's going on?"

However, the old man with white eyebrows, who had the same sharp change in face, was stunned at the same time. His eyes flashed with a look of great surprise. Almost at the same time that this white light group was obviously used for communication, there was another blue light column, which rushed into the sky.

The thin middle-aged Taoist stopped and said nothing. He looked at the direction of the white light and blue light.

A moment later, almost all the friars in the northern spirit city saw that a white ice fog appeared from the sky at an amazing speed and flew towards the northern spirit city.

"There is a great monk coming! A large number of monsters have been killed, so the friars who are temporarily blocking the demons will not pose a great threat! "

At the sight of this huge mass of white ice fog, the thin middle-aged Taoist priest instantly responded and said this to the white browed old man beside him. His eyes showed a look of extreme surprise. Whether it is from the escape speed of the white fog and the way the friars instantly kill a large number of monsters, the magic power of the friars in the white fog must be very important. When such friars come, they will have more hope to escape the robbery.

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"Come on, let's meet the Taoist friends who come here!"

The old man with white eyebrow was also very happy. After saying this to the middle-aged Taoist priest, the old man immediately reached out a little bit and offered a rectangular white jade simple flying magic weapon. He rose from the sky and met the white ice fog.

"Who's the Taoist friend who came here? Don't fly over 50 feet in mid air, or you will detonate the magic weapon arranged above!" At the same time, the voice of the old man with white eyebrows spread far away.

In the white ice fog, it is the tripod Topaz tripod that excites the full speed.

At this moment, when the voice of the old man with white eyebrows spreads out, Wei Suo and Shui ling'er exchange colors. The yellow light flashes, but the three feet of topaz tripod are collected. Then, it is for Qingping to offer a magic weapon of flying and escaping, which carries the people.

They are also very surprised now.

Because judging from all the way, it has been at least half an hour since the beast tide arrived in Beiling city.

In half an hour, if it's a fight between two equally matched friars, I don't know how many faces can be fought, and the real yuan in the body can be consumed several times. Therefore, according to the estimation of Weisuo and others, Beiling city is no longer defensible. Even if Beiling city has not been completely slaughtered by monsters, at least countless monsters have already poured into Beiling city. As Weisuo and others arrived at Huangdao city at that time, there were countless friars and monsters fighting fiercely in the city.

Therefore, the closer Weisuo was to Beiling City, the more their hearts sank, and the more they felt that the possibility of the ancient transmission array being intact was slim.

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But I didn't expect that when the northern spirit city really appeared in front of his eyes, it was completely intact. Moreover, the monks resisted the tide of beasts in an orderly manner and did not suffer too much loss.

At the same time, Weisuo walked through the battle group which was strangled by many friars and monsters. He saw that hundreds of friars were setting various kinds of restrictions on the periphery of Beiling city. It seemed that all the friars in Beiling City stayed around Beiling City, and there was no friar running for their lives in a panic. This made Weisuo and others even more incredible.

"How can it be that all the monks in the city have been organized and dispatched in a proper way?" The old man in green can't help but cry out.

"It seems that these two monks are the leaders, and they are only studying the five fold cultivation. Go up and have a look. "

As soon as the old man with white eyebrows and the gaunt Taoist priest in yellow robes rose up and made a sound. Wei Suo and others immediately noticed these two people. With only a glance, Weisuo's eyebrows jumped and showed some puzzled look. Before seeing such a scene inside and outside Beiling City, the first reaction of Weisuo and others was that many powerful monks had arrived here and sat down here. But this is not the case at the moment.

"The golden elixir!"

As soon as the old man with white eyebrows and the middle-aged Taoist priest with yellow robes met Wei Suo and others in front of him, they could see Wei Suo and others at once, and their eyes suddenly showed an expression of surprise that could not be concealed.

It turned out that Wei Suo's Qi watching technique swept away, and found that these two monks should be the leaders of the whole Beiling City, but they were all monks who read five parts. He told Qilong mountain not to cover up his aura and could be used to frighten each other directly.

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"I happen to have to rush to Beiling city for free repair. I don't know the names of the two Taoist friends." Seeing the two monks coming up, qilongshan asked without any nonsense.

"I'm Li Hanlin, the leader of wanlingzong in this city. This is my good friend Han Tianmo." The old man with white eyebrows didn't dare to have a slightest slightness.

"It turns out that this man is the leader of all souls." Wei Suo and Ji ya, Han Weiwei couldn't help but look at each other. When the three of them came back from Yunling land last time, they knew that the Beiling city was under the control of wanlingzong, but the wanlingzong was just a small clan gate that did not even have the strength of Dongyao resort. At the moment, the patriarch had only five levels of cultivation, and his hair and hair were white, and his eyes were deeply wrinkled, not because of practicing martial arts, but because he was really old. From this, we can see that the strength of wanlingzong is not very good indeed."Judging from the current situation, the monsters are all blocked out of the city. Should the ancient transmission array in the northern spirit city be intact?" After Qi Longshan nodded, he directly looked at the white browed old man Li Hanlin and the gaunt middle-aged monk Han Tianmo dressed as a Taoist.

"This "Li Hanlin and Han Tianmo were stunned, and their faces became a little ugly. After a little pause, Han Tianmo, a middle-aged Taoist with a cold face, looked at qilongshan and asked, "are you asking about the ancient transmission array in the city, what's the matter?"

"To tell you the truth, we came to Beiling city just to send the array of Dharma to the cloud spirit land through the ancient times." Qi Longshan and Wei Suo and others looked at each other and said without expression.

"I think all Taoist friends are amazing." Han Tianmo bit his teeth and said, "if you stay and help guard the city, the chances of us guarding the northern spirit city will be tens of percent higher. If the city is broken, I don't know how many Taoist friends will fall here. Those who can escape may not even have one in ten. Do you want to escape directly through this teleportation array, regardless of the life and death of so many Taoists? "

"Don't talk nonsense. You don't understand the situation at all. " Qi Longshan frowned and said coldly, "you certainly don't know that we escaped all the way from Luoli city and tianchu city. But I just need to say that there are three cracks in the sky along the way, and you can already know the scale of this animal tide. What's more, I can tell you clearly that in this animal tide, we have met a lot of monsters above level 8, even those with strength above level 8 have appeared. In this situation, do you think you can completely defend Beiling city? "


Hearing this, Li Hanlin and Han Tianmo suddenly turned pale. Two people naturally know what kind of concept is the sky split three mouth!

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"Luoli and tianchu are all destroyed. If you want to save as much as possible the names of the monks in the city, you can only try to highlight them. " Weisuo looked at the two monks whose faces turned pale. In his heart, he had great respect for the two monks who were able to resist the tide of beasts in the whole city. After looking at them, he calmly continued, "you can organize friars with more than four levels in the perimeter to break through the encirclement toward other cities in the rear, and the lower level friars below the fourth level can make them pass through this Ancient teleportation array, escape to Yunling land first. To tell you the truth, I have a magic weapon on my body, which can let monks of this level also transmit the array through this super long distance in ancient times. We can even help you to stop the monsters under the condition that we can definitely escape to Yunling land. In this way, some of the monks who are slightly more powerful can break through the encirclement, and some of the monks who are not strong enough can escape through the array of Dharma, so as to minimize the death and injury of this city Taoist friend. It's impossible to keep the city under the tide of beasts of this scale. "

"The great righteousness of Tao you!" Hearing Wei Suo say so, Li Hanlin and Han Tianmo immediately appeared a look of great respect and saluted Wei Suo, but at the same time, their eyes were very bitter. "But this ancient teleportation array can only be activated after at least half an hour!" After a salute to Wei Suo, Han Tianmo immediately said to Wei Suo.

"At least half an hour later. Why?" Wei Suo and others were all stunned.

"Because we didn't know it was an animal tide of this scale before, and if the whole city was in chaos in front of the animal tide, it would be that the number and strength of monsters had not reached the point where the whole city collapsed. Therefore, Han Daoyou and another Taoist friend killed several friars and made all the monks to establish their own power by means of thunder All the scholars are not allowed to leave the northern spirit city. They all accept orders to guard the city. " Li Hanlin took a deep breath, calmed down for a moment, looked at Weisuo and explained: "for fear that many friars would make the idea of transmitting array, but also because this transmission array would cause confusion, we all souls sect inspired a piece of ancient talisman outside the ancient transmission array, and sealed the ancient transmission array completely. Without the power below the xuanjie level, you can't break through the seal power of this ancient rune. However, if you exceed the power of the xuanjie level, the seal power of the ancient Rune will explode completely, and the ancient transmission array will be completely destroyed. "

"What ancient talisman! Weisuo, ask him what ancient talisman he is As soon as Li Hanlin said this, the green robed old man immediately let out a scream, and his emotion was extremely excited.

"What ancient talisman is it? Do you know the name? " Asked vissault at once.

"It's the magic charm of Chongxuan." Li Hanlin replied.

"You You pit your uncle The old man in green suddenly gave out a sharp scream, as if he had passed out directly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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