Path to Heaven

Chapter 638: 638

"Will the power of this ancient Rune dissipate in half an hour?"

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Weisuo took a deep breath, and his face was a little ugly. Although he had not seen with his own eyes what the power of the ancient Rune looked like at the moment, just listening to the voice of the old man in green robe, we can be sure that the power of the ancient rune is not solvable at all, that is, the old man in green robe does not know the power solution of the ancient rune.

"According to the records of ancient books, the power of this ancient talisman will not dissipate for at least half an hour." Li Hanlin looked at Weisuo and nodded.

"Only stick to it." Han Tianmo's face returned to his previous coldness, and his eyes flashed and said, "if all the friars above four levels in the surrounding area break out of the encirclement, not to mention these monks who have broken out of the encirclement, several people can survive and escape to the safe city. There are at least 70% of the remaining Taoists under the four levels of the Zhou Tianjing. Moreover, all the monks who are above the level of the four levels have left. These friars will certainly lose their morale. They may soon fall into complete chaos. They can't support for half an hour. All of them will be killed by demon beasts. You can only stick to the city for half an hour, and then transmit it through the ancient teleportation array. At that time, you can transmit as many monks as you can in the past, and you will be left to fate. "

"Half an hour Fuck you! If there's a monster in the dark fog Don't spend half an hour, a stick of incense, you can dry this place .。” The old man in green robe was obviously angry and scolded.

"Han Daoyou, are you a monk or a monk?" Weisuo pondered and looked at Han Tianmo again and asked. Of course, he knew that it was extremely dangerous to be trapped in Beiling city under such circumstances, but he had no better choice at present. At this time, the reason why he asked this question was because he knew very well that when this kind of animal tide came, the whole city would be in chaos in an instant. Even if the means are cruel enough, if you want to restrain the whole city, you have to have a quick response. Almost when the first wave of beasts attacks, you have to make a decision. Otherwise, when the situation is chaotic, you want to restrain, and you can't restrain at all. There is no law at all. All monks stay in the city to resist.

At present, there are at least thousands of monks who can stop monsters and give the northern spirit city time to prepare. To make these thousands of monks not leave without permission, this is not only a matter that can be done with a good understanding of the animal tide, but also a lot of means of control.

"I used to be a monk of zongmen, but now I'm almost the same as sanxiu." Hearing Wei Suo's question, Han Tianmo has always been cold and thin face, but also emerged a trace of bitter meaning. "I was originally a monk of the huangdaozong, but the huangdaozong was almost destroyed in the last animal tide."

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"It turns out that this man is a monk of huangdaozong." Wei Suo and Qi Longshan and others couldn't help but look at each other.

"Tianmo Daoyou is one of the true disciples of huangdaozong, and he was originally a monk of Han family in Fenglin city before he joined Huangdao city." Looking at Wei Suo and others, Li Hanlin, an old man with white eyebrows, added: "the Han family in Fenglin city is also a family of monks. They are experienced in hunting and killing monsters by monks with a large number of organizations. Moreover, Fenglin city was destroyed in the animal tide decades ago. Tianmo Daoyou was the only monk who survived the Han family at that time, so he had experienced two animal tides. As soon as he found out that there were demons coming, he had already judged that it must be a breach in the sky. Through the density of the monsters coming from all directions, he also judged that the scale of the beast tide must be amazing, and it spread from a distance. It was impossible to escape from the city. But we didn't expect that there would be three cracks in the sky! "

"It turned out to be a survivor of two animal tides." Weisuoden looked at Han Tianmo more. He knows this kind of monk, but he can't be the same as him. Seeing that the situation is wrong, he immediately runs away. He must stick to the mountain gate. Therefore, in this case, the probability of surviving is very small. Han Tianmo is very lucky to survive the two animal tides.

"Since you have been able to cross such an amazing distance and come through the tide of beasts, the magic power is certainly far from our comparison. As long as the Taoist friends stay and help, the probability of keeping Beiling city in half an hour is still very high. Because the underground of Beiling city is the natural Qingwu rock stratum, even if it is a demon beast, it is basically impossible to pass through from below. Therefore, as long as we keep the monsters on the ground and in the sky, the relative difficulty has been greatly reduced. " But at this time, Han Tianmo is still afraid that Wei Suo and others will leave the general, and said this.

"Brother Qi, you are here to help them arrange. I have a lot of talismans here, which should be useful." Without any hesitation, Wei Suo took at least a thousand talismans from nabao's bracelet and handed them to qilongshan. Meanwhile, he said to Han Tianmo and Li Hanlin, "can you take me to the transmission array to see the power of the ancient talisman?"

"This is an ancient Naboo Bracelet!"

"So many talismans!"

Seeing Wei Suo grasp thousands of Dharma talismans, Han Tianmo and Li Hanlin's eyes flash with surprise again. Although it seems that only Qi Longshan is the golden elixir among Wei Suo's group, Han Tianmo and Li Hanlin feel that these people are far from ordinary monks of Fen Nian state, and they can see that Wei Suo is the leader among these people. The monk who can own nabao bracelet and grasp thousands of talismans is definitely a very important monk. You should know that even a shop that specializes in legal symbols may not be able to produce thousands of Dharma symbols all at once. The most important thing is that Weisuo made an obvious statement that they would definitely stay here and stick to the city with them."If Han Daoyou wants to command and dispatch here, let me take him." After flashing a surprise look in his eyes, Li Hanlin immediately nodded to Wei Suo and took the road ahead.

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In fact, Weisuo said casually that they had been to the ancient transmission array once, and they knew their location in the city.

Just a moment later, Li Hanlin and Wei Suo had already swept to the top of the ancient transmission array in Beiling city.

A pale yellow egg shaped light curtain envelops the whole ancient teleportation array. On the whole pale yellow egg shaped light curtain, there are many simple sword like light lines flowing.

Around the egg shaped light curtain, there is also a circle guarded by more than ten monks of wanlingzong.

"No hope What the hell are you doing It's the real double mystery talisman. " The old man in the green robe made another angry cry.

"What kind of ancient talisman is this?" Because the old man with green robe didn't take the initiative to say so, Weisuo turned to look at Li Hanlin and asked.

"According to the records, this kind of ancient talisman is unique to an ancient sect. Every beginner will get one when he is promoted to an inner disciple. If you encounter danger outside, is not the opponent of the other side, it will stimulate this rune, waiting for the rescue of the same door. If the opponent's cultivation is strong and can break through the power of this ancient rune, the power of the ancient Rune will be completely exploded, the jade and stone will be burned, and the friars inside will be blown to pieces, and the opponent will not get anything from the monks of this clan. " Li Hanlin looked at Weisuo and explained.

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"This kind of ancient rune is impossible to solve in ancient times, so don't waste time." Hearing Li Hanlin say so, the old man in green robe can't help but shout in Weisuo's ear.

Hearing the old man's voice, Wei Suo didn't say anything. After nodding to Li Hanlin, he directly released the two black Ming Gu Jun, Yang Zhi bird and Qing Luan.

"Yang Qing, you guard here first." As soon as it was released, Weisuo said to the bird. This ancient teleportation array is the lifeblood of whether they can escape eventually. Otherwise, if the sky of the Tianxuan continent is really constantly cracking and starts to collapse completely, even if they can escape for a while, it will be very dangerous for them. Moreover, they have more terrifying opponents than monsters, zhenwuzong and xuanfengmen.

In Weisuo's imagination, if anyone killed his relatives, or a Taoist priest like Jiya, and he was a great monk in the supernatural realm with supernatural powers, such as the leader of Zhenwu sect, if he knew the trace of the other party, he would certainly do whatever he could to turn over the heaven and earth in that place and find out who was killed.

And if there are an amazing number of monsters attacking, there may be monsters attacking in the sky above. At present, the monks of wanlingzong who are guarding here have only two kinds of cultivation. Wei Suo can't rest assured.

"This is Yang Zhi bird This is the ancient god bird, Phoenix family Qingluan

"What magic weapons are these two statues? Their breath is so strong!"

Li Hanlin's mind was shocked when he saw the Yangzhi bird, qingluan and black bone Mingjun released by Wei Suo.

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For a monk of his level, a black Ming bone king refined by Hunyuan yinwa and with the strength equivalent to the golden elixir is no small matter, let alone a powerful monster like qingluan in ancient times.

"There are a lot of monsters coming!"

At this time, Li Hanlin was all over again.

In the distant sky outside Beiling City, another dazzling white light rushed up into the sky, and then burst into a white light cluster.

Then, in all directions, countless DaoDun lights began to flee and return towards the direction of Beiling city.

"Let go

At the same time, Han Tianmo, standing on the top of the wall outside Beiling City, gave out a sharp roar. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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