Peerless War God

Chapter 2191: 2191

It will be much easier to defend Chen Xiao's water blade flying sword when he is no longer distracted to use the Mo Jiao Dharma.

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Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

One after another, the water swords hit the light shield and broke down directly.

The three ancestors easily defended down, almost undamaged.

"It seems that this guy's strength is not so strong, and he just shows up at the top. It's only by using his sword to cultivate and kill the first one that makes him so difficult."

After defending Chen Xiao's cutting water sword, an ancestor of Mojiao immediately made a judgment.

At the moment, the situation has just turned upside down.

The first ancestor of the Mojiao clan caught a glimpse of the giant sea monster. He was watching and breathing to recover the strength he had consumed in the fight against Mo Jiao FA.

This gap just gave the three ancestors of the Mojiao nationality the opportunity to solve Chen Xiao.

"Work together to solve this person."


In a flash, the three ancestors exchanged their eyes and reached an agreement.

At this time, their arrogance reached the peak. The ancestor of the Mojiao nationality, standing on his side, coldly looked at Chen Xiao and said sarcastically.

"You were given a chance to live just now, but you didn't choose. Now you go to die and kill him."

Dozens of Mo Jiao soldiers died in Chen Xiao's hands, and the three ancestors did not care.

But Chen Xiao still has half a piece of blood crystal on his body. He must die.

Three of you are standing in the same place and saying nothing to Chen Yizu.

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With a sharp drink, three huge water columns leaped up from the sea and flew to the feet of the three ancestors and evolved into a ferocious water dragon.

The three ancestors control the water dragon, from three directions, encircle and suppress Chen Xiao.

The water dragon is very fast and flexible. It is the most suitable move to deal with the Terran friars.

"Is it?"

Chen Xiao face expressionless standing in place, quietly watching the three quickly approaching.

"Put on airs and die for me!" The first Mo Jiao ancestor roared.

In a blink of an eye, the three water dragon approached Chen Xiaoshen within 100 Zhang of Zhou.

Three ancestors of the Mojiao nationality, armed with weapons, stabbed at Chen Xiao with a water gun pillar.

This water gun is too thick and too big, which almost covers all the escape routes of Chen Xiaoshen. Even the space is affected, and there are dark cracks.

Chen Xiaoquan seems to be trapped in a quagmire. If he wants to move away again, he needs to spend more mana and time.

The other side obviously wants to use this move to kill him.

However, they obviously underestimated Chen Xiao and thought that as long as they blocked his blink, they could crush him completely. In fact, it was not.

It's all slow to say, but it's actually happening in a very short period of time.

I saw Chen Xiao standing in place, motionless, gently spit a word from his mouth.


Whew! Whew!

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The water sword, which was originally broken and broken, was condensed from the sea surface again, showing its edge.

Chen Xiaoran's sword, which is as long as ten thousand, flies in the water.

With a wave of the blue water sword in his hand, he easily cut off the water gun attack of the three ancestors.

The three old Zubu are full of the water attribute mana of the whole space. They are also chopped by this, and they will collapse directly, and no longer affect the space.

The next moment, Chen Xiao body shape flash, directly disappeared in place, blink start.

When he reappeared, he was already on the side of the injured ancestor of the Mojiao nationality. With a wave of his right hand, he made another fierce attack.

"So fast."

His eyes a cold, quickly raised the weapon grid block.

PA, the blue water sword is blocked, but it can not block the more terrifying cutting force above.

Puff and hiss, he cuts his body directly from the middle and cuts it into two sides.



The other two ancestors of the Mojiao nationality saw the appearance, and their eyes were red.

They did not expect that Chen Xiao's methods were so cruel.

However, although the body of the injured ancestor was cut into two sides, he did not die immediately.

Because his spirit is still there!

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However, at this time, the spirit actually controlled the last bit of power in the body and exploded, which was a direct self explosion.


With a loud noise, the bloody mushroom cloud rises and covers mohai, which is possessed by Chen Xiao.

A blue beam of light shot out of the mushroom cloud. It was the spirit of the self exploded Mojiao ancestor.

However, the spirit just escaped not far away, and behind it, a black awn came quietly.

In an instant, it will be pierced.

In the frightened eyes of the other two ancestors of the Mojiao nationality, his spirit was gradually disintegrated, dissipated in the air with the wind, and completely annihilated in the invisible.The next moment!

In the blood mushroom cloud, a leg belonging to the Terran slowly stepped out and walked out of a human figure.

Naturally, this man is Chen Xiao's noumenon. He is dressed in green clothes. His temperament is cold. He is staring at the two ancestors of Mojiao in front of him.

"Is that what you are?" The ancestor of the Mojiao clan, the leader, is staring at Chen Xiao, his eyes are as cold as nine you.

"Kill him, revenge!" Another old ancestor of Mojiao said.

"Kill me? Now, is it up to you? "

Chen Xiao sneered, as if looking at something in the eyes, full of pity and chill.


Without waiting for the two remaining ancestors of the Mojiao nationality to react, hundreds of blood colored beams of light rushed madly from afar, targeting both of them.

At this moment, the giant sea monster still made a move.

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When Chen Xiao killed the injured ancestor of the Mojiao people, he reached a direct agreement with the sea monster.

Join hands to wipe out the remaining ancestors of Mojiao and divide the blood spars equally.

And Chen Xiao agreed.

Soon, under the joint attack of one man and one beast, the two ancestors of Mojiao died miserably on Nu claw island.

The giant sea monster grabs half a piece of blood crystal stone and puts it into his mouth. He doesn't leave much of it. He quickly sinks to the bottom of the sea in a violent wave and dives into the deep sea.

With this blood crystal, it will slowly digest, perhaps decades, hundreds of years later, it will be able to successfully survive the robbery.

Chen Xiao in mid air, watching it leave, do not know whether this is right or wrong.

The threat of a demon beast after plundering is far greater than that of robbing immortals.

However, even if the sea monster wanted to make waves and harm one side, it had nothing to do with him. Let's leave it to the sea clan forces in the endless sea to have a headache.

Now, he had half a piece of blood crystal, and the harvest was big enough.

With a move of his right hand, he picked up the broken bodies of the two ancestors of Mojiao, flashed his body, and quickly left to the West.

In situ, only left a mess of angry claw Island, in silent narration before the tragic war.

A few hours later, three rainbow lights came from afar, flashed and landed on Nu claw island. They were supported by the Mojiao people.

It's just obviously too late. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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