Peerless War God

Chapter 2192: 2192

The three Mojiao people who robbed the immortals had a clear view of the situation on Nu claw island.

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There was no one alive. Even the blood colored stone disappeared. All of a sudden, he gave out a roar of incomparable anger.

"Who is it? Who is it? If you offend me, you will not die easily. "

"We must find the real murderer in three directions immediately. We must smash his body into pieces and take back the blood crystal stone."

Immediately, the three rainbow lights quickly swept to three different directions, crazy pursuit of the past.

At the same time, Chen Xiao, who has done all this, is speeding westward in a sea area more than 600000 miles away from the west of nujiao island.

At this time, Chen Xiao had already shown his noumenon, and almost pushed the shield method to the extreme.

After flying for a certain distance, they will return to use the blink. In this way, they can escape hundreds of thousands of miles in a short time.

In the first world war with Mojiao, his attached mohai body was destroyed by his opponent's self explosion before he died. Now, he can only show his body and act.

Although there is a little risk of being recognized, it is not a big problem.

At the moment, his position is in the extreme west of the North Sea area of the endless sea. It is impossible to say that the power of the dragon god palace can not reach it. Even the power of the sea god temple is beyond reach.

Along the way, he also encountered several waves of patrol teams belonging to the temple of the sea. They were in charge of the patrol under the banner, for fear that others would not know or admit that they were wrong.

The strength of these patrol teams is generally not high, most of them are just Daodi territory.

After finding out the trace of Chen Xiao and the strength of his holy land, these teams only dare to look at him from afar and witness his departure, and dare not go forward to die.

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All the way to the west, there was no trouble.


A strange sea over, the space suddenly spread a ripple, out of which a figure, it is Chen Xiao.

"Here, it should be safe for a while."

For a few days, he has been moving away from Nu claw island for a long time. I don't know how far away he is.

If you go a little further, you will find the Terran's sphere of influence.

presumably, even if the Mojiao people are extremely angry, they don't dare to step into the Terran's sphere of influence to pursue and kill them.

After all, most of the time, the water between the two ethnic groups does not invade the river.

The vast majority of the endless sea is controlled by the sea people, but in the coastal areas of the mainland, it is in the hands of the Terrans.

"A little further west, there should be a large Terran city called Golden Island."

At the same time, Chen Xiao continued to fly forward, while taking out the map to examine carefully.

In this detailed map, it is very conspicuous to mark a location, called Golden Island, which is the largest Terran force and settlement place in the nearby sea area.

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, besides the small islands, there are many different kinds of small islands.

There is no doubt that among these various forces, the biggest one is the Golden Island.

There is also a brief introduction to golden island on the map. There are no less than ten strong robbers of fairyland who live in seclusion all year round.

Moreover, among these powerful robbers of immortals, there are many famous predecessors with great abilities.

As for the number of robbers of fairyland hidden in the dark, it is unknown.

In short, no one dares to provoke this golden island easily.

This golden island is open to all monks. Of course, it is mainly the Terran friars. If you are a sea monk, you can also go to the island.

The conditions for going to the island are very simple. Just give me money.

And on the island is absolutely safe, no form of hand, unless you want to annoy the whole golden island.

"It's a good place to go. Let's have a rest here for a while, and then make plans."

Chen Xiaoyi thought and made a decision soon.

Since the Golden Island is absolutely safe, he can avoid the possible pursuit of the Mojiao people in the island.

In addition, you can also take the opportunity to have a rest and let a few women come out of the small world to play, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

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Immediately, he turned into a rainbow and flew away to the west of golden island with the fastest speed.

Soon, half a day later.

Chen Xiao flying in the air, under his body a piece of sea, constantly regret, behind is the sky white clouds.

Suddenly, from a distance came a strange movement, which attracted his attention.

"There seems to be someone."

The mind extended to the past, and in an instant, on the sea surface not far away, there was a huge ship forced to stop, and there were still many human friars standing on the ship.

But it was a group of elite soldiers from the sea god palace who forced the ship to stop. There were nearly 100 sea people, and the leading ones were the sea clan strongmen in the holy land.Chen Xiao frowned slightly, feeling a little strange.

In principle, this is the outer area of the endless sea. There should be no large-scale marine activities.

Even if the temple of the sea has the ability to influence this, it will not interfere easily.

But now, it is for such a seemingly ordinary ship, such a big fight, very unusual.

"It's better to go first."

When he thought of this, Chen Xiao, who didn't want to create extra troubles, naturally thought of it as soon as possible.

Not only he, but also many other Terran friars.

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Around here, many of the Terran friars who had passed by witnessed this scene. After stopping and watching for a moment, they all chose to leave quickly.

No matter what this group of elite soldiers of the sea god palace wanted to force the ship to stop, no one was willing to easily provoke such a giant as Shanghai Shengong.

It's better to have one less thing than to have more.

When Chen Xiao was ready to leave and bypass, some changes took place again.

"The Terran friars ahead stop the ship and let's get on board and search." The first of the five sea god palaces, the leader of the five sea god palaces, roared.

"Search on board? Why should you rely on the great power of the sea god palace and bully the small with the big? I'm not afraid of you

On the side of the ship, a middle-aged Terran monk with a vulture face returned.

After listening, the strong man's face on the side of the sea god palace was brushed, and the collective cold came down, which was very ugly.

Obviously, there is a reason why they want to track down the ship, but it is not easy to say the reason publicly.

What's more, the middle-aged monk of the owner of the building ship, in fact, is also in the late stage of his becoming a saint. He doesn't seem to be a good master. He doesn't give any face to the sea god palace.

This is how the two sides have come to a standoff before and have been in a cold confrontation for a long time.

At this time, the powerful men in the holy land on the side of the sea god palace exchanged views with each other. They looked very impatient and obviously did not want to wait any longer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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