Peerless War God

Chapter 258: 258

With the spiritual power swept by these madness, Chen Xiao can finally rest assured that he can break through. Immediately, he closes his eyes and enters into deep-seated cultivation.

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At the moment, more than a dozen leaders of the forces who came in were all occupying one side and practising in their own territory. Only the head of Zhao family, the head of blood wolf sect and the leader of Yuling sect, saw Chen Xiao enter the state of cultivation, and they were flying towards him with evil in their eyes.

Chen Xiao's divine sense he qiminrui, even though he was in the state of practice, was also aware of the movements of several people when they flew in.

"These three old things, what do you want to do?" Chen Xiao frowned a little, but he didn't break away from the state of practice. For him, these guys were not worth the distraction when they were practicing. Chen Xiao decided to take a look at their movements first and then make plans.

When they landed, they also directly rushed to all sides of Chen Xiao, separated some distance, and completely surrounded Chen Xiao in the middle. After all this, they all started the secret method and devoured the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

At the same time, the power of swallowing seems particularly terrifying. All the spiritual powers of Chen Xiao's whole body are emptied, not even a trace of them is left to Chen Xiao.

The news also attracted the attention of many leaders of the forces who came with them. When they saw this scene, they also shook their heads.

"After all, I still have a grudge. It seems that these three people are determined to prevent Mr. Xiao and Chen from getting any benefits from it."

"With the interception of these three people, I'm afraid Mr. Xiao Chen can't argue with him. This time, he failed."

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They are all human spirits. Naturally, they understood their thoughts after only one glance. They immediately expressed their grief to Chen Xiao, but no one was ready to take the lead for Chen Xiao. After all, he had great potential before. No matter how much polite greetings we had, Chen Xiao was only an outsider. Their attitude towards Chen Xiao was only superficial. When it came to the time of interest entanglement, he was just an outsider Naturally, we will not pay attention to Chen Xiao.

These three people saw that Chen Xiaozhen could not obtain any spiritual power again under their suppression, and they were also proud to laugh.

"Ha ha, this time I see if you can still laugh!"

"The pulse washing pool absorbs spiritual power according to our abilities. We haven't broken the rules. If you want to blame, it's because your cultivation skills are too low to compete with us."

The moment the three people's words fell, they were always on Chen Xiao's face of deep cultivation, but they raised a cold smile: "so, you are this plan."

"However, compared with the power of swallowing, you seem to be looking for the wrong person." Chen Xiao spoke in a low voice, with disdain in his heart.

His practice of "empty space practicing body formula" is the most powerful swallowing skill in the world. How can such a hegemonic degree not be able to contend with the three little Wuzong?

Previously, it was Chen Xiao who was afraid of being too conspicuous and tried to suppress the swallowing ability of "empty training body formula". However, since this situation has appeared, Chen Xiao has decided to make a high profile.

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"You forced me Chen Xiao's eyes flashed. When he was about to push his body's "empty practice formula" to the extreme, countless empty whirlpools were born out of nothing, and all the spiritual powers within the first five li of his body were extracted in an instant.

The spirit of the past is not only the spirit of the past, but also the empty body.


"How could this..."

"how can this boy's phagocytic power be so strong?"

The three men saw that all the spiritual power that they had not easily swallowed in front of them had been snatched away. They were also in a great hurry to protect them. However, they found that no matter how they protected them, it was futile. Chen Xiao's devouring power was so overbearing that they could not fight back.

"Go, you must leave immediately. If you stay here, I'm afraid it will be us who fail this time."

Immediately, they reacted and fled to get out of the scope of Chen Xiao's phagocytosis, but how could Chen Xiao make them leave so easily?

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"I was ready to squeeze me, but now I want to go so easily. Do you really think I'm weak and can be bullied?" Chen Xiao's fierce light in his eyes, with a smile on his face, chased after them in the direction of escape.

Although the three of them were the Wuzong of the time, Chen Xiao was not weak, and had the blessing of the heaven level body skills such as Liuyun Xianbu. Under such pursuit, they did not fall behind. No matter how fast they ran, they were quickly overtaken and mercilessly crushed by Chen Xiao.

Under the pressure of Chen Xiao's devouring power, the three people can't absorb a trace of heaven and earth spirit power.

"Mr. Xiao Chen, you have to be forgiven

"The previous thing was that we were wrong. Let's stop now."

"If you insist on suppressing us, we will not die with you when we go out!"

At last, the three people were flustered by Chen Xiao's terrible swallowing power, and they opened their mouths in a hurry, threatening and luring. Their ultimate goal was only one, that is to get rid of Chen Xiao's suppression.

If they are suppressed by Chen Xiao all the way, I'm afraid they won't get any benefit from their trip to the pulse washing pool this time. Such a result is undoubtedly unacceptable to the great men who have been waiting for several years.But Chen Xiaogen didn't pay attention to these people. Should he forgive them? When the three of them tried to suppress themselves together, they didn't think of such a thing. Now they say that only the weak side will put the truth and set the rules. Chen Xiao is now in a strong position and naturally will not pay attention to it.

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Seeing the failure of persuasion, the three men were also a little desperate and regretful. If they had not wanted to revenge Chen Xiao and provoke him, they would not have come to such an end.

"Separate!" Three people bite their teeth and finally decide to disperse. Chen Xiao has only one person. No matter how strong he is, it is impossible to suppress three people in different directions at the same time.

After that, the Zhao family leader, the blood wolf sect leader and the jade spirit gang leader all turned into streamers and flew in different directions. Seeing this scene, Chen Xiao also nodded. These old guys still have some brains. If they always hold together, Chen Xiao can really suppress them to death, but now they can only choose one.

"Who is to be chosen? What a headache Chen Xiao shook his head with a wry smile, looked at the direction of the three people flying out, and finally pursued the direction of the jade spirit sect leader.

Chen Xiao can see that among the three leaders, the leader of Yuling sect is the only one who has been defeated by his own hands, and his hatred for him is the deepest.

Seeing Chen Xiao chasing after him, the leader of Yuling gang was almost spitting blood: "why is it me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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