Peerless War God

Chapter 259: 259

Compared with the grief and indignation of Yuling sect leader, the Zhao family leader and the blood wolf sect leader were relieved and could only silently mourn for the leader of Yuling sect. After all, the dead Taoist friends do not die of the poor. They are all human beings with the highest interests. Although they act together, it is obviously impossible to share the hardships.

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Now, seeing that the leader of Yuling sect is being tracked and suppressed by Chen Xiao, they have a trace of happiness in their hearts. Fortunately, the evil star did not pursue himself!

At the thought of this, they both looked at each other's mind, and immediately recalled the fear that had been dominated by Chen Xiao. They quickly dispersed and flew to the deeper part of the pulse washing pool. They should stay away from Chen Xiao as far as possible.

However, although the two of them escaped, the leader of Yuling sect complained secretly. No matter where he went, Chen Xiao followed suit and kept up. He could not absorb any spiritual power from the pulse washing pool.

With the continuous development of the matter, the two people also revolved around the pulse washing pool for several times, so that other people could see the scene, and they all looked slightly sideways.

"What's the matter? Didn't the leader of Yuling Gang suppress Xiao Chen together with Zhao family leader and blood wolf sect leader to prevent him from absorbing the power of pulse washing pool? "

"How come it's been a while and the scene is completely turned over!"

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They were all stunned and thoughtful. They had already guessed 7788. I'm afraid that the three people suppressed Xiao Chen together, but they were crushed by him.

Seeing that the leader of Yuling gang ran away crazily, he could not escape from Chen Xiao's suppression range. When he looked sad and angry, the leaders of these forces trembled, and they had a deeper understanding of Chen Xiao's danger.

"This man must not be easily offended!"

At the thought of this, they were all more shrinking and practicing without any intention of intervening. The leader of Yuling sect was also tracked by Chen Xiao for three hours. During this period, he had not absorbed any spiritual power. Seeing that the pulse washing pool would be closed down again, he could not help crying out, "Xiao Chen! Don't go too far, or I'll kill you! "

When he heard this man's angry words, Chen Xiao chuckled with a careless smile: "the fish died and the net was broken? Well, I'd like to see what you can do to get rid of me

If the two people are really converted, Chen Xiao is a huge net, while the leader of Yuling sect is just a small miscellaneous fish. If we really want to fight together, the death of the fish is certain, but the broken net is a little whimsical.

"How can you let me go?" Finally, the leader of Yuling gang was paralyzed and unable to speak.

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And Chen Xiao is still lazy to follow him: "all this, but you take the blame, can not blame me."

Chen Xiao is telling the truth. If these three people don't come to provoke him, he is too lazy to answer. But now that they have offended him, he will not let go. After all, his temperament has always been revenge.

After hearing this answer, leader Yuling's eyes became more resentful, but he had no way. If he really fought, he had personally seen Chen Xiao's strength. He was absolutely unable to compete with him. He could only continue to run away with anger.

Looking at his helpless move, Chen Xiao continued to follow up and extracted all the spiritual powers he had gone. During this period, he also swallowed up the endless spiritual power, and the spiritual power in his body was extremely exaggerated.

However, it has never been able to break through to the level of the two star Wuzong. After all, the spiritual power required by Chen Xiao to break through is more than several times more than that of ordinary martial artists. These spiritual powers are enough to make an ordinary Wuzong breakthrough, but for Chen Xiao, it is just a drop in the bucket.

"It seems that this time it is difficult to directly break through to Erxing Wuzong." Chen Xiao frowned, but his heart was still very happy. Even if he could not directly break through, his cultivation could also rush to a star. In the later period of Wuzong, his strength was greatly improved.

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In the process of pursuing the leader of Yuling sect, he came to an extremely cold area. Here, he stopped suddenly and did not pursue again.

The leader of the jade spirit sect in front of him suddenly found that the power of swallowing and oppressing was suddenly gone. He turned his head and saw Chen Xiao stay in a daze. He was immediately overjoyed. How could he miss this opportunity and run away directly to get rid of Chen Xiao's oppression.

But Chen Xiao saw that he ran away and did not chase after him. Instead, he explored in situ. He did not want to let go of the jade spirit sect leader for a moment, but found something more worthy of doing.

Here, he felt a strange wave. The spiritual power of this wave was more than a thousand times stronger than that in the pulse washing pool.

"It seems that I have discovered the source of the birth of this blessed place of the Ximai pool." With a smile, Chen Xiaoyi sinks directly to this place and goes to explore deeper. The source of the wave is in the very deep place here.

Although the surface of the pulse washing pool was warm and pleasant, when Chen Xiao's body sank, he felt the sharp chill coming, which made him a little unbearable.

You know, he is now a Wuzong level warrior. How can he be afraid of the cold and hot weather? Obviously, the pool water that can make him feel cold and piercing is definitely after some variation, which can produce such effect."It seems that my conjecture is right." Chen Xiao felt the coolness, on the contrary, he strengthened his own ideas. If there were no exotic treasures, such changes would not happen here.

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When he reached 300 meters, the water in the pool was cold enough to freeze a star Wuzong directly. However, the bottom of the pool was still too deep to see the bottom. Chen Xiao had to continue to carry the spiritual power of body protection and sink downward.

He sank another 200 meters. Now it is 500 meters at the bottom of the pool. The water on Chen Xiao's body surface is as cold as a knife edge. Even if Chen Xiao's current strength is supported by the spiritual power of body protection, it is hard to bear.

"Damn it, how deep is the pool?" Chen Xiao's face turned red, which made him very difficult. Today, he is in the middle of the glacier for thousands of years without any disturbance. However, under the water of this small pool, he feels incomparably difficult.

"The more chilly it is, the stronger the energy that represents the treasure below. I can't let it go!" After Chen Xiao's difficulties in sinking, he continued to act without the slightest intention of retreating. After all, the road of martial arts is the same, when fighting with people and fighting for life with heaven. If he could not overcome this difficulty, he would not have been able to sing triumphantly all the way in his previous life and impact on the realm of martial god. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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