Peerless War God

Chapter 325: 325

"What do you think you are? How dare you make me submit to you? " The Lord of Chiyang couldn't help laughing.

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"Ha ha, even if you really kill that useless elder Hu, you think you are our opponent? You know, we are also the highest level of cultivation of Wuzong, and we are not only higher than that rubbish! " From Mo City Lord with a sneer on his face, looking at Chen Xiao's eyes is full of undisguised murders.

"Don't talk so much nonsense to him. Since this boy wants to die, we'll go together and solve him first!" The Lord of Qingyun said the same thing.

At the scene, only Tianyang City Lord's eyes fell on Chen Xiao's body, frowning, did not know what he was thinking.

"Uncle Zhang, you should step down and take care of it. Here, give it to Xiao Chen." Xiao Ling's clear and crisp voice sounded slowly at this moment. There was no fear in the voice.

If so. Xiao Chen is out of his mind to say such words, but Xiao Ling certainly will not.

Just, where did the two ants come from?

Even if they have Tianyang City Lord and this sign, they can't be compared with them. You know, there are three strong Wuzong people on their side!

What's more, at the moment, the city Lord of Tianyang and Zhang Biao are not in good condition. The previous war has already hurt them a lot!

With this in mind, the three city lords are all on guard. After all, Xiao Chen doesn't look like a fool.

Zhang Biao opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he listened to Xiao Ling and retreated.

In his heart, Xiao Ling can't cheat him. Maybe Xiao Chen really has any way to solve the three people?

Although the idea is a bit absurd, but he still chose to believe.

"Together The Lord of Qingyun has a cold drink.

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As soon as the words came out, the other two city lords followed without hesitation. In an instant, they all rushed to Chen Xiao and others.

Breathing, the three came to Chen Xiao.

It was only a few hundred meters away when people got together. Such a close distance was just a blink of an eye for the strong Wuzong people. However, Chen Xiao seemed suddenly stupid and stood still at the same place!

Even, there is no sense of resistance!

Does this guy want to die? There is something wrong with the three city Lords.

"Xiao Chen, pay attention to safety!"

Zhang Biao in the heart some anxious, after the loud reminder, must rush up directly.

However, at this time, Chen Xiao suddenly touched the ring in his hand, and then a fire red figure suddenly appeared in front of Chen Xiao.

the figure appeared so abrupt that the three city lords who were rushing to stop quickly!

This figure is not someone else, it is the Xuan level Fu puppet.

What is this? The city master of Chiyang was shocked. His figure hovered in the air and looked at the Xuan level Fu puppet with vigilance.

From this Xuan level Fu puppet, the Lord of Chiyang can feel great pressure, which has already threatened his life.

Not only the city Lord of Chiyang, but also the city Lord of limo and the city Lord of Qingyun also stopped. They did not dare to move forward easily. All three looked at the fire red figure suspiciously.

However, when they stopped, Chen Xiao would not stop again. He reached out to the Xuan level Fu puppet and immediately rushed to the city master of Chiyang.

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At this moment, the fierce momentum surged out of the Xuan level Fu puppet, and a breathtaking and forceful atmosphere swept around!

In the face of this kind of breath, even the Lord of Chiyang feels very weak. Even if he wants to avoid it, he has some difficulties. It seems that his body is blocked all around?


The Lord of Chiyang city felt something bad, so he drank and shot back.

The other two city lords are not slow. They retreat one after another, so they should avoid this attack first.

However, at this time, the speed of Xuan level Fu puppet increased sharply, and turned into a shadow in an instant, and went straight to the Lord of Chiyang!

The next moment!

Xuan level Fu puppet suddenly appeared in front of the city master of Chiyang, and smashed his fist at him.

The fierce aura of heaven and earth was mobilized with this fist, and the overwhelming momentum kept pressing on the city Lord of Chiyang, which made him gasping for breath.

"Wu Zun? This is wuzun! How can it be? " The city Lord of Qingyang glared and exclaimed.

It is not only the Lord of Qingyang City, but also the master of Mo City on one side.

Although they are already the peak of Wuzong, they are only half a step away from wuzun. However, they are just like a natural moat between Wuzong and wuzun.

A wuzun can easily hang up more than a dozen strong Wuzong people. Even if several of them are the top of Wuzong, they can't be the opponents of the strong wuzun!

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It's just, where did Xiao Chen get such a terrible killing device?If it had been there before, why didn't this guy take it out earlier than before?

In this way, the city master of Qingyun and the Lord of limo retreated faster. However, the Lord of Chiyang had a look of panic on his face.

He can't move!

In other words, even if you want to escape, you can't do it!

"Save Help Chiyang city master anxiously calls, eyes can not help but fall on the retreat of Qingyun city master two people.

However, at the moment, the two self preservation are too late, where dare to go up to save him?

It's almost like dying!


Fierce Zhenyuan, crazy spread, Xuan level Fu puppet hit the city master's chest hard!

Pooh hee

A big mouthful of blood gushed out in an instant, and the body of the city Lord of Chiyang instantly arched into shrimps and ran into a corner of the hall.


The violent vibration sound sounded, that solid incomparable hall wall, was smashed out the spider web like crack.

The body of the city Lord of Chiyang fell on the ground in an instant, and there was no movement for half a day.

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The sound of cool air suddenly rings out!

A move!

Is it just a move to kill the city Lord of Chiyang?

Is that too much exaggeration?

The city Lord Qingyun and the city Lord limo feel a little chilly. If the move just now is not against the city Lord of Chiyang, but one of them

The consequences are simply unthinkable!

He and he did not have the slightest assurance that they could avoid this extremely domineering and terrifying blow!

In situ, Chen Xiao's face is still with a faint smile, as if nothing had happened just now.

The Xuan level Fu puppet is now in the middle of a few people, eyes quietly fall on the ground on the body of the Chiyang city master, seems to be waiting for the next order.

"Now, will you submit to me?" Chen Xiao tilts his head and looks at the city master of Qingyun and others.

City Lord Tianyang, city Lord Qingyun and city Lord limo have bitter faces on their faces. They look at each other, but they can't speak for a long time.

Let them submit to a person lower than their own accomplishments? It's a little embarrassing for them! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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