Peerless War God

Chapter 326: 326

"I forgot to tell you that the core of the world in Xuanyu world has been taken by me. I can take away the ancient relics directly. At the same time, I can also try to take you to this world. Of course, there are conditions!" Chen Xiao light way, the face is still hanging a trace of smile.

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After Chen Xiao, Xiao Ling's face is also wearing a faint smile. She looks at Chen Xiao quietly. She knows that Chen Xiao can handle all these things.

Zhang Biao was already sitting on the side and began to heal. Although he was still able to hold on to it before, but now that Chen Xiao is no longer in danger, he naturally takes the time to recover his cultivation.

After all, the more the relics, the better the strength.

And Green Cloud City Lord and others in hear Chen Xiao's words, immediately full of horror look.

The Lord of Tianyang said: "how can this be possible? You mean this little world will be yours from now on? "

"Yes, the entrance and exit of Xuanyu world has been completely controlled by me. I can come in whenever I want and go out when I want to!" Chen Xiao smiles. As for Xuanyu world, it is naturally Chen Xiao's name.

"You said you could take us to this world on the condition that we submit to you?" From Mo City Lord also open his mouth, looking at Chen Xiao's eyes faintly bright.

The city Lord of Qingyun and the city master of Tianyang have the same eyes on Chen Xiao, and they are obviously very concerned about the answer to this question.

Chen Xiao naturally knew that. These people were trapped in the Xuanyu world all year round and could not go out. Their accomplishments reached the peak of Wuzong and could not break through. If they want to break through again, they can only go further by finding suitable opportunities to go out.

Now Chen Xiao's words undoubtedly give them a great hope!

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"Yes, I can not only bring you into this world, but also I can guarantee to upgrade your accomplishments to the level of wuzun." Chen Xiao wrote lightly that it was just a trivial matter to promote cultivation to the realm of Wu Zun.

In fact, for Chen Xiao, it's just a trivial matter to promote these people's cultivation to wuzun.

As long as we have enough cultivation resources, let alone promote them to wuzun realm, it is not impossible to upgrade them to wusheng realm.

You know, in the past life, none of Chen Xiao's followers, even his servants, had lower accomplishments than Wu Shengjing. Even there were several subordinates of Wushen realm. Most of their accomplishments were promoted by Chen Xiao!

Of course, if these people's cultivation qualification is too poor, it may not be possible, but if the cultivation qualification is too poor, they can not promote their cultivation to the peak of Wuzong in Xuanyu world.

"If you are promoted to Wu Zun for the time being, can you really bring us into this world?" The Lord of Tianyang said in a deep voice. When he spoke, his breath was completely locked in Chen Xiao. Even if Chen Xiao had a slight change in his face, he could not deceive them.

"Seriously!" Chen Xiao said lightly, and immediately waved his hand: "the words have been finished. Believe it or not, there are two choices in front of you. First, I will contract with you and submit to me. I will never betray you! Second, kill them all Speaking of this, Chen Xiao's murder in the eyes of no cover up.

Three city lords, you look at me, I see you, half a day speechless.

At the moment, the city Lord of Chiyang, who collapsed on the ground, suddenly turned over. Then, he slowly stood up trembling. However, before he got up completely, the Xuan level Fu puppet on one side suddenly disappeared in place.


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In the dull sound, the city Lord of Chiyang collapsed to the ground. This time, a stream of vitality was constantly dissipated from the Lord of Chiyang. In a flash of time, he became a corpse.

The poor city Lord of Chiyang didn't even know how he died.

On one side, the three city lords twitch. At this time, if they don't know how to choose, they will live on the dog.

Naturally, Chen Xiao understood this, glancing at the three people and stepping forward directly.

"Be careful!" Xiao Ling suddenly opened his mouth and told Chen Xiao.

"Don't worry!" Chen Xiao smiles.

The three city masters watched Chen Xiao approach him and subconsciously wanted to step back. However, they looked at the Xuan level Fu puppet on one side and finally stopped.

Chen Xiao, however, is standing less than 10 meters away from the three people!

With a move, a stone wrapped by streamer appears quietly in Chen Xiao's hands, which is the core of the world.

As soon as the core of the world came out, Chen Xiao immediately urged his own true yuan to pour into the core of the world.

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The streamers on the core of the world suddenly burst out. Then, three streamers suddenly came into use from the core of the world. They appeared on the heads of the three city lords at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and instantly penetrated into the eyebrows of the three people.

Hesitation speed is too fast, three people even have no time to react!

The streamer drill stepped in and disappeared in an instant.

The three city lords were shocked, and then their eyes began to open slowly. In their eyes, they were at a loss, and then they saw Chen Xiao standing on the side with a smile in his mouth."See the master!" The three men spoke together, and their attitude was extremely respectful.

"Well, you go out first." Chen Xiao waved his hand and said lightly.

"Yes Three people should be together, and then, without hesitation, turned and walked out.

"Hiss Xiao Chen, did you really recognize all three of them? " Zhang Biao on one side looks incredible.

You know, those three guys are the peak of Wuzong whose cultivation is consistent with him. How tenacious are their spirits? How could they submit to Chen Xiao so easily?

Or, in those three streamers just now, what did Chen Xiao do?

However, Chen Xiao couldn't explain to him all the wonderful things about the core of the world. He just laughed and shook his head. Instead of continuing to entangle himself on this topic, he strode towards the corpse of the city Lord of Chiyang.

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Xiao Ling and others behind him look at Chen Xiao with some doubts. They don't know what Chen Xiao wants to do.

Striding to the body of the city Lord of Chiyang, Chen Xiao squatted down and directly pasted his body on the body of the Lord of Chiyang.

The next moment, the strong black flame instantly from Chen Xiao's hand into the body of the city Lord of Chiyang.

After nearly half a cup of tea, Chen Xiaocai stood up again.

The black flame quickly penetrated into the body and into the mouth of the black dragon on the empty tower.

At the next moment, a large number of pure Zhenyuan crazily fed back into Chen Xiao's body. Chen Xiao's body and Zhenyuan were climbing at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, he arrived at the top of the five-star Wuzong, which was only a little short of breaking through to the level of six-star Wuzong.

However, after taking a look at Xiao Ling and Xiao Ling, Chen Xiao still suppressed the breakthrough of the realm, took out a storage ring in his hand, handed it to Xiao Ling and said, "this is from the Lord of Chiyang city. It's for you!"

"Thank you, Xiao Chen!" Xiao Ling's mouth showed a sweet smile, and did not refuse, with her relationship with Chen Xiao, there is no need to refuse. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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