Peerless War God

Chapter 352: 352

"Well, I said Er Gouzi. Here, it's Longjiang City, not a place for people like you. You, just go back to your tuwo village and continue to clean up your cubs. "

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The guard will not let him in. And these two dogs can't feel the fluctuation of spiritual power all over the body. To be frank, they are ordinary people. Now there are too many practitioners in Longjiang city. If you let an ordinary person in and touch it a little, you may not know how to die.

The guard is out of good intentions, but the man named Er Gouzi doesn't want to leave at all.

"Ah? Don't let me into the city? Why? I came here to fight against injustice! Why don't you let me in! " The man said indignantly.

It's just, he said, that the guards were not happy immediately.

"What are you talking about. Don't let you in if you don't go in. What do you think this is? Go away! Or you'll see it later! " The guard changed his tone.

"Why don't you let me..." The man wanted to complain, but a young man suddenly stood in front of him and secretly handed a bag of gold coins to the guard.

"This friend of mine has just come out of the mountains and has never seen the world."

Feeling the heavy bag on his hand, the guard didn't talk much. He even waved his hand to hurry in. The boy did not delay, pulling the man into the city.

"Thank you, little brother. But for your help, I might not have come in. If you need anything from now on, please call me The man laughs at the young man.

Youth, of course, is Chen Xiao. And the reason why he would help the man named Er Gouzi was not a moment of enthusiasm.

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Perhaps in other people's eyes, er Gouzi is an ordinary person, after all, there is no spiritual power fluctuation on his body. But in Chen Xiao's eyes, this guy can't match ordinary people at all.

Without any spiritual power, the physical strength can be stronger than that of Wuzong. This is not what ordinary people can achieve!

"I'm just interested in helping you. I don't need you to do anything for me. But I have a few questions for you

"If you have any questions, please ask me. I will tell you what I know." The man clapped his chest. However, Chen Xiaopo was surprised by the sound of the huge palm clapping on his chest.

The strength of hand clapping chest must at least have the level of Emperor Wu!

"I think you are very strong. How do you practice?"

This is what Chen Xiao really wants.

does not have spiritual power, but it can achieve such strength. It must be achieved through certain world's essence. If you can find such a good thing and absorb it, then Chen Xiao's physical strength will definitely reach a terrible level!

Unfortunately, the man's answer let Chen Xiao disappointed.

"Ah? Why am I so strong? It's just practice. When I'm free in the village, I'll go up the mountain to carry stones, and I'll practice this strength over time. "

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Chen Xiao's heart is quite sad. This man, this mind is really speechless.

"Forget it." Chen Xiao waved his hand and said nothing more. He walked towards the city. To his surprise, the man followed him.

"What are you doing with me?" Chen Xiao frowned.

It's very troublesome for him to take such a fool.

But with a man's simple head, where can you think of these things. In his opinion, since Chen Xiao has helped him, he has to help Chen Xiao once, so that the two people are even.

So, what men say is this

"I'll follow you. When you are in trouble, I'll help you, so that I can repay you for helping me just now..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Chen Xiao quickly interrupted the man's words. He felt his head ache when he heard this sentence. "First, I said that I was only interested in it for a while. Second, I don't need you to give me anything back. Do what you want to do next. Don't follow me. "

"But my mother said that I should repay people for their kindness. I have to listen to my mother. " The man grabbed his head and looked silly.

Chen Xiao can't stand this guy. Immediately also not nonsense, a direct turn, Liuyun Xianbu start, instant disappear from the man in front of. The Lord of Tianyang will disappear in the next moment.

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The man named ergouzi, who can let the former God of war run away like this is really powerful

Looking at Chen Xiao suddenly disappeared, the man directly Leng in situ. After a while, he said, "little brother, I will find you. I have to repay you."


After shaking off the man, Chen Xiaoxin breathed a sigh of relief.

When he encounters a fly that is offensive, he can slap it to death. Can encounter this kind of two Leng son, he really did not know how to deal with.

Looking around, there are many people in Longjiang city. Among them, the emperor of Wu and even the emperor of Wuzong are the strong ones.

I didn't expect that many people had gathered in the three main gates.

Chen Xiao touched his chin with a dignified expression.He is not afraid to be enemies with these people, after all, his goal has always been above the six domains! Fengyue mainland is destined to be just a springboard for him, and will not stay too long.

But he himself is, does not mean that other people are also. Chen family up and down dozens of people, can't follow him to Liuyu? Therefore, Chen Xiao still wants to avoid some unnecessary troubles.

Of course, if he can be powerful enough to frighten all people, then it is the man-made enemy of the whole continent, why not?

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On the left is a restaurant. He led the Lord of Tianyang into the restaurant. He went up the second floor and sat down by the window. Let's find out what's going on in Longjiang city.

This restaurant is almost full, most of them are from small and medium schools. The activities initiated by the three major sects are rare in a hundred years. Even if they come to join in the fun, they feel it's not a loss.

"I said," do you know the origin of Chen Xiao? It's terrible to be able to destroy the Lingjian sect and the Tianyun sect. " Said a young man at the next table.

"Hey, I've heard a lot of inside information about this." The young man's companion chuckled.

"Inside information?" Hearing this, the young man immediately became interested and urged his companions to speak out.

The companion also hanged his appetite and said, "this Chen Xiao is said to be the eldest grandson of Chen family in Qingyang City."

"Chen family in Qingyang City?" The young man was stunned, "where is Qingyang City? Why haven't I heard of it? "

"This Qingyang City is a small city. I haven't heard of it. It's normal. However, the experience of Chen Xiao is amazing. " The companion continued, "do you know the Dandao meeting? Chen Xiao is the first of this Dan Dao conference. hear nothing of? It's OK. You know the rookie fight? Chen Xiao is also the first in the rookie competition! "

"Hiss! Great, Tianjiao will be the first! No wonder the strength is so strong! However, how can he match up with the top five? Moreover, I remember that the rookie fight seems to be limited to those under 30. Is Chen Xiao still under 30 years old? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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