Peerless War God

Chapter 353: 353

"You don't know. Chen Xiao's training speed is just like a monster! Do you know what strength he was in Qingyang City? That's a useless young master who has lost his cultivation! But then, all the way up the crazy promotion, even the Tianjiao disciples of the five major sects were killed by him! " Said the young man's companion.

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"Isn't it? Such exaggeration! After so many years of hard training, it was not easy for me to break through to Emperor Wu. Well, there is no comparison between people. " The young man had a wounded look on his face.

But his companion continued to disclose all kinds of information about Chen Xiao, and almost told him how he had come all the way!

One side of Chen Xiao heard these, can not help frowning.

Even such a passer-by knows so much about him. It is conceivable how detailed his origin has been investigated.

However, if he chooses again, Chen Xiao will still do so.

He can foretell that he will soon leave the land, and before leaving, he must arrange a relatively stable environment for others around him.

"Yes. You say that Chen Xiao is a member of the Chen family in Qingyang City. Will the three major sects attack the Chen family? " Asked the young man suddenly.

Chen Xiao was nervous about this problem.

"It's said that the three major departments really have such plans. However, although the Chen family is a small family, Chen Xiao is a real elder of the martial arts association. In this way, the Chen family is also a part of the Shulian teachers' Association. If the three major sects attack the Chen family, they should first ask the Shulian teachers' Association whether they will agree or not. "

Hearing this, Chen Xiao secretly congratulated himself that he had become the elder of the Shulian teachers' Association. Otherwise, he would have implicated the Chen family this time.

However, even if there is a master Association of Shu Lian, it's hard to say that they won't do anything to the Chen family if they are really eager.

Therefore, it is necessary to solve the three major problems as soon as possible.

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In a second thought, Chen Xiao began to think about whether or not to fight against the three major doors in the evening.

Just at this time, there was a noise in the street outside. The sound was familiar to the ear.

"What's the matter with you? I'm sorry to you. Why don't you let people go. "

Chen Xiao picked his eyebrows and would talk like this. In addition to the two dogs in Longjiang City, there is absolutely no second one to be found!

On the street, there is a circle around the dog.

At this time, er Gouzi was surrounded by five men, and two women looked at him in disgust.

"Hum! People who hit our Piaoyu gate, just an apology? Who do you think you are? " The first man in black opens his way.

"What do you want?" Two dog son Leng Leng's return a sentence.

"Hey, this is simple. Kneel down and give us three kowtows. It's over. "

The man in black immediately attracted the advice of passers-by.

However, the other side said, er Gouzi directly refused.

"That won't do. My mother said that a man's husband can only kneel down to his parents. In addition, if someone holds a knife around his neck, he must not kneel. "

This let Chen Xiao eyes a bright, did not think these two Leng son quite have backbone.

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However, in the eyes of some disciples of the Piaoyu gate, this kind of backbone is insulting!

Do you dare to talk to them like that? I don't know how to write dead words?

"Hum! You don't want to be shameless. In that case, you should die! "

The man in black finish this words, burst to two dog son is a slap out. He is a four-star emperor of martial arts. He really has some strength.

However, the following scene made many people's eyes widen

The man in black hit Er Gouzi's chest in a flash. It can be imagined that the picture of Er Gouzi flying backwards does not appear. He is still standing there, even his face has not changed.

This situation, as early as Chen Xiao expected.

Er Gouzi's physical strength is comparable to the peak of Wuzong. The attack of a king of Wu is no different from tickling.

The man in black didn't expect this. His slap on ER Gouzi was just like hitting King Kong Xuanshi. On the contrary, it made his hands ache!

"Well, how do you beat people?" Two dog son grasps the head, a face is simple like, "but you this strength, with give me scratch like, the strength is too small."

This is equivalent to a slap in the face of the man in black.

Emperor Wu's strength was scratched by human appearance, which made him a joke.

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And the onlookers did point out to the man in black.

Can't even deal with a bumpkin. Is the strength of Emperor Wu fake?

Face a black, the man in black immediately angry: dare to let him hand, will never lightly Rao two dog son!

"It's hard for a clay bag. In that case, look at the sword."

The man in black suddenly backed out. As he spoke, a two and a half foot thin sword appeared in his hand and stabbed ergouzi's shoulder like lightning!Although two dogs look silly, but he is not really stupid standing beaten.

Seeing that the other side's weapons were bright, he also had to start, and his right hand grabbed the thin sword of the other side.

This move, in the eyes of many people, is to seek death.

The fine sword's grade is a top-grade treasure, and its sharpness is needless to say. Moreover, the force area of the thin sword is small. Compared with the normal long sword, the power of the straight stab is much greater.

The man in black seems to have seen the picture of the thin sword piercing the palm of erlengzi.

However, when the sword stabbed two dogs in the palm, a metal collision sound sounded! The sword did not pierce Er Gouzi's palm! Not even a skin break!

Everyone was stunned.

How terrifying is the strength of this man's body to shake the top-grade treasure with bare hands!

However, what makes them more shocked is still behind!

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With a clear and crisp sound, er Gouzi grasped the thin sword with his backhand. The next moment, the sword was broken by him!

Yes, a top-grade treasure, so easy to be in front of the big man barehanded broken!

It gives people the feeling that what the other party breaks is not a top-grade treasure, but a branch, without a trace of difficulty.

"I'm sorry. I didn't expect your sword to be so brittle that it broke in a moment."

Er Gouzi was holding half of the broken sword and was sorry.

The face of the man in black was already black.

He had a hard time getting this thin sword. He used to use it to show his prestige. Now he was broken by a clay bag. He had the heart to kill people!

"I want your life!"

The man in black roared, and the air of Emperor Wu broke out completely. Launch a crazy attack on ER Gouzi!

But this big fool may feel that he is not right, in the face of the attack of the man in black, he just protects his head with both hands and allows the other party to attack him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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