Peerless War God

Chapter 471: 471

In the face of such a situation, if we were to be someone else, we would surely be dead without life. There is no possibility of breaking free of bondage!

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But for Chen Xiao, such pressure is nothing compared with the pressure he has suffered from the liquid world! So

Seeing that two spears were about to hit Chen Xiao, his figure flashed again and disappeared directly in front of them!

The two guards widened their eyes. How could they have imagined that a seven star warrior could break through the pressure exerted by them. Was the other party really just a Seven Star Warrior?

"Boss, second, just in time, kill this boy with me to avenge the third The guard said. Even if the brotherhood is not a brotherhood, it is not.

"I know. Let's go!" Another guard opens.

Immediately, the three guards surrounded Chen Xiaocheng's triangle and attacked again.

However, in the face of the attack of the guard, Chen Xiao did not make any counterattack, still relying on Liuyun Xianbu to continue to avoid, even if he had many small wounds because of the attack.

But this, because of this, made the three guards even more shocked: a seven star martial master could completely evade the attack of three and a half saints. If it was not for their own experience, they would not believe it if they did what others said!

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He can avoid the attack of the three semi saints. In addition to Chen Xiao's support of Liuyun Xianbu, he has accumulated combat experience as a god of war. In the face of three joint attack, each time he dodged, he made the smallest move to avoid the biggest damage. Only in this way can we deal with the three of them.

The people at the bottom, looking at the battle above, are completely dull. For them, it was the guardian of the emissary! But now, one of them was killed by Chen Xiao, and under the other three forces, Chen Xiao could not be taken down. Are they really not dreaming?

However, what will happen next will be more things that they can't even dream of!

Finally, the whirlpool of spiritual power gradually calmed down, which means that Chen Xiao's breakthrough has been completed and reached the five-star wuzun. In the state of fury, it is to achieve the strength of eight star wuzun.

With such strength, the three and a half saints in front of him, Chen Xiao has already had the capital of World War I!

The three spears once again stabbed Chen Xiao at the same time. Their cooperation was quite tacit. Chen Xiao almost failed to avoid the attack several times. But now

The body suddenly one side, avoided the long gun coming from the front, followed, pasted on the gun body, and rushed to the guard in front of him.

This guard is one of the first two down, looking at Chen Xiao close to the body, immediately thought of his companion was killed by Chen Xiao. Heart can not help a panic, quickly back out of the hurry!

However, as a result, the encirclement of the three disappeared immediately. Chen Xiao easily got rid of the attack of the other two guards behind him, and in a twinkling of an eye opened a sufficient distance.

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Seeing that Chen Xiao got rid of the encirclement, the retreating guard couldn't help scolding himself, but was frightened by a martial Zun. Hate to look at Chen Xiao, and two companions toward Chen Xiao again rushed up.

But for Chen Xiao, getting rid of the other side's encirclement, it's time for him to fight back. Although he didn't have the chiyun sword in his hand, he suffered a little from the guard who held the immortal weapon, but under the Dodge just now, Chen Xiao has found the weakness of the guard.

Looking at the guards rushed up, Chen Xiao did not mean to dodge, but also rushed to meet them. The two sides are in a flash, which is less than a Zhang away. At this distance, Chen Xiao suddenly raised his foot to the spear, and the lightning kicked it on the side of the two spears!

The power of terror at this time has been the greatest embodiment, although only kicked in the spear, but still two guards to the skew in the past! Then, Chen Xiao swung his right fist and punched the third guard!

With fists on the spear, Chen Xiao's practice can not be described as crazy! In particular, the spear is still a medium-sized immortal!

But just as his fist was about to collide with the spear, Chen Xiao's fist suddenly moved. He wiped the edge of the gun and hit the guard's face along the body of the gun.


The blow hit the guard in the face. Under the effect of the huge strength of the fist, the guard's face seemed to be concave, and the body flew directly out! And the breath on the body, instantly all dissipated!

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This is one of the weaknesses of the guards. Their strength is too far behind Chen Xiao! With the existence of black dragon scales, Chen Xiao's power is almost twice that of them! Just hit the key with one punch, and then the black fire will enter the opponent's body at the moment of hitting, which is enough to kill the guard!

Looking at another companion is really Chen Xiao's hand, the two guards are completely angry! And in the anger of them, turned around and shot, it was burst out of the strength of 12 points!

In the face of two people's angry attack, Chen Xiao naturally dare not resist. Quickly rushed to be killed guard side, grasp in its head, black fire quickly plunder the other side's spiritual power.Looking at Chen Xiao carrying the corpse of his companion, the two guards became more crazy and gave up defense completely. Every shot was all out! Strong wind pressure Chen Xiao breathing some difficulties.

Unfortunately, in a strong move, as long as you can't hit the other side, are in vain!

Although the attack of the two guards was very strong at this time, their second weakness was that their speed could not keep up with Chen Xiao. With the advantage of speed, the rhythm of the battle is completely mastered by Chen Xiao!

The spiritual power of the corpse in his hand was quickly plundered by Chen Xiao. Then, without waiting for the black fire to completely refine and absorb it, Chen Xiao directly throws the corpse towards the long spear that comes in the face.

Chen Xiao's sudden approach was that the two guards had no time to collect their guns. They did not even have time to react. Their spears had already penetrated the bodies of their companions!

In a flash, both of them were stunned at the same time.

It is such a moment of time, but Chen Xiao accurately grasp the opportunity! His body flashed. When he reappeared, he was already behind one of the guards. He hit him in the back of his head!

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One punch out, knot solid hit in the back of the guard's brain, one will end the other party's life. Then, the fist changes into claw. When you go forward, you will grasp the other party's body again, refining and absorbing the other party's spiritual power.

The last remaining guard watched the third companion fall into Chen Xiao's hands, but his anger dissipated at this time. My heart is actually afraid of this guy who only has eight star martial power!

Yes, he is a saint and a half saint. He is afraid of an eight Star Warrior!

If such a thing is known by others, there is absolutely no one who will not make fun of the guard's timidity. But is the guard really just timid?

After Chen Xiao absorbed the spiritual power of the third guard and threw it out, the last guard didn't turn around and flew back to the suspended ship. It seems that he lost the courage to continue fighting with Chen Xiao! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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