Peerless War God

Chapter 472: 472

Chen Xiao naturally will not allow the guards to go back to the suspended ship easily. After absorbing two guards, his strength has been greatly improved. It is not far from further breakthrough. If the fourth guard can be absorbed, it is possible to break through to six star wuzun. At that time, the probability of killing Sun Xing will be greater.

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However, maybe it is because of the desire to protect his life, the speed of the guard breaking out at this time is no less than that of Chen Xiaosi. Chen Xiao wants to catch up with the other party before he rushes onto the suspended ship, and still does it!

However, before the escort rushed to the suspended boat, a figure suddenly stood there, not others, but Chen Xiao's ultimate goal, Sun Xing!

Sun Xing, with a cold face, stood on the edge of the boat, watching the guard who was flying fast. Then, he slowly raised his right hand and clapped it out to the guard.

The aura around the suspended ship went out with this palm, and instantly gathered together, and a large number of forces of heaven and earth gathered on this palm. At the same time, this palm is also accompanied by the law of fire, that is, the law of fire. The palm that Sun Xing claps out turns into the palm of fire!

The guard didn't expect sun Xinghui to suddenly attack him. Seeing that the flame palm had reached him, he responded to defend. Unfortunately, it's too late.

When he heard the sound of "bang", Sun Xing immediately shot the guard to death! Under the power of this palm, the corpse flew out quickly! The gap between martial sage and semi saint can be seen!

But to our surprise, Sun Xing's palm didn't dissipate because he hit the guard. He continued to cover Chen Xiao without any weakening!

This palm is two feet away from Chen Xiao, but in Chen Xiao's eyes, there is a feeling that this palm will reach him in front of him at the moment, and no matter how he dodges, there is no possibility of escaping from the past!

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A distance of two feet does not even take a blink of an eye for martial saint's attack.

"Boom! "

the violent explosion happened in a flash. Under the influence of the law of fire, a huge flame burst out of the air and swallowed up Chen Xiao. And the aura within the scope, under the fire, was burned down!

The attack means of martial saint and semi saint are totally two levels!

Although the people below were shocked by Sun Xing's move to kill the guards, they were more shocked by his powerful strength. It's the first time they've seen a fairy do it!

The flame in the air continued to burn for ten breaths and finally disappeared. Waiting for the flame to dissipate, in the air, where can there be Chen Xiao's shadow.

"The immortal emissary is really powerful. He killed the thief as soon as he did it! "

" now our royal soul gate is finally quiet. "

"Fortunately, the emissary is here, or the imperial soul gate will not exist tonight."

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The crowd cheered from below.

However, before their cheers passed, a figure suddenly appeared behind Sun Xing. At the moment of his appearance, he hit Sun Xing's head with a fist!

In addition to Chen Xiao, who else can fight?

Chen Xiao's fist is not very fast. With his experience in previous life and his strength which is only a little less than that of the nine star wuzun, this punch has almost reached the level of half saint!

However, it is not enough for Sun Xing, who is a real martial saint, to be a semi saint!

Obviously, Chen Xiao's fist is less than the last finger distance from Sun Xing. The next moment, Sun Xing suddenly disappears from Chen Xiao's face. Then, his voice came from above Chen Xiao.

"Tut, I have some strength. No wonder the four wastes will be killed by you. It was a surprise. "

Sun Xing looked at Chen Xiao from a commanding position. Although there was no expression on his face, his eyes were full of disdain, as if he could solve Chen Xiao easily.

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With his martial saint's strength, he really wants to do that, and it is possible to do so. However, Sun Xing is not in a hurry. If he really wants to kill Chen Xiao, he can immediately fight back when he avoids Chen Xiao's fist.

Thinking about this time only five Jin six Liang Star iron, Sun Xing's mood is very bad. So he needs to find something to ease his mood. Chen Xiao in front of me is undoubtedly a very good choice.

Chen Xiao turns around and coldly looks at his former subordinates. As he is now, Sun Xing naturally does not recognize him. There is nothing wrong with this. On the contrary, Chen Xiao doesn't want Sun Xing to recognize himself at once. Therefore, when dealing with the four guards, he would try not to use his famous stunts, in order to avoid being recognized by Sun Xing.

"Hum." Chen Xiao snorted coldly, not much.

This action made Sun Xing sneer, but he didn't expect Chen Xiao to have such a character.

"Ha ha, interesting little guy, I don't know if your strength can keep up with your performance. The best thing is to have a good time with me. "

At the end of the speech, Sun Xing suddenly disappeared from the air. The next moment, he actually appeared in front of Chen Xiao and pressed Chen Xiao's chest with one hand. In his palm, the hot spiritual power clearly carried the power of the law of heaven and earth!Martial saint's strength, this palm naturally is quite fast! Almost no time for Chen Xiao to react!

Fortunately, at the moment of Sun Xing's disappearance, Chen Xiao instinctively stepped back and went out. It was this instinct that gave him time to react. In time, he launched Liuyun immortal step to avoid Sun Xing's palm.

"Yo?! It's very fast. " Sun Xing was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Chen Xiao would evade him.

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Back out of the Chen Xiao, stopped a few feet away, vigilantly staring at Sun Xing. He looked down on Sun Xing's strength. Although one star martial saint, his speed was not much worse than that of two stars!

This makes Chen Xiao's expression dignified.

According to his calculation, he must reach the semi Saint strength to be able to fight with Sun Xing. Now, not only has he not reached the semi Saint strength, Sun Xing's strength is much stronger than expected!

Can't help but, Chen Xiao's heart was filled with the idea of temporary retreat. However, in turn, such an idea was denied by Chen Xiao.

With his strength, if he wants to run away from Sun Xing's hand, the chance is too small. On the contrary, it's better to fight with him simply. In the end, we should fight for the possibility of serious injury again, and then we can start the complete fury again.

What's more, Chen Xiao came here to deal with Sun Xing? He will never let go of such a guy who betrays his master and seeks honor! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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