Peerless War God

Chapter 473: 473

The spiritual power in the body runs at the fastest speed. Chen Xiao gathers all the spiritual power that can be driven to the maximum extent on his right hand. Along with the distance of the spiritual power, the aura around him was also led by him.

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Sun Xing at the bottom was very interested. Looking at Chen Xiao's big moves, he didn't think Chen Xiao might hurt himself. He just wondered what kind of moves Chen Xiao would use to deal with him.

The spiritual power of the palm has been accumulated to a very strong level, and Chen Xiao's clothes are driven by the aura around, and the whole stock is up.

That is to say, when the psychic power reached the limit, he took a decisive shot at Sun Xing!

Futian zhenhunjue, Fantian Tower!

In the blink of an eye, Sun Xing's head formed a nine story Pagoda with a height of five feet and a black body. And it was at the moment of the pagoda, the terrifying pressure of heaven and earth shrouded Sun Xing.

Even Sun Xing, facing the pressure of heaven and earth attached to the tower, forgot his action for a moment. And only need such a moment, already enough sky tower pressure in front of him!


The huge noise is like a huge thunder, which forms the sound wave visible to the naked eye and spreads out towards the surrounding crazily! The suspended ship hovering in the air, under the sky tower, sank three feet under this blow! If it wasn't for the special material of the suspended ship, it would have disintegrated!

With such a powerful blow, all the people at the imperial soul gate were completely silent. Their eyes widened and fell on the suspended ship, waiting for Sun Xing to appear again.

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With a slight sound, the sky tower has not disappeared. Sun Xing has risen from the Overwork of the suspended ship. His clothes and clothes are damaged and his appearance is also a little embarrassed. Obviously, Chen Xiao such a powerful move, or to his injury.

Unfortunately, the damage is only a little bit.

"Ah I underestimated you, boy. I didn't expect you to have such a powerful skill. But it's no use. You're not even half holy. In front of me, it's still a mole ant! "

With these words, Sun Xing turns into a shadow. Before Chen Xiao reacts, he rushes to Chen Xiao's back, and is slapped at him!

The palm fell firmly on Chen Xiao's back. At the next moment, Chen Xiao felt a huge force acting on him. Under this force, the whole body ran into the hull of the suspended ship without any resistance!


Another loud noise, Chen Xiao severely hit the hull of the suspended ship, that terrible force, even the suspended ship to one side of the past! It's hard to imagine how powerful Sun Xing's palm is!

However, before others recovered from the shock, Chen Xiao had already rushed out of the ship and launched another attack on Sun Xing.

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Endure the pain, death urge all the spiritual power in this body, Chen Xiao again burst out his most extreme spiritual power! The right hand is very simple to Sun Xing point in the past!

Broken soul finger, three fingers return to one!

The huge severed finger was formed after Chen Xiaoshen, and the wild and ancient atmosphere on the severed finger spread out in a flash. However, those who are enveloped by this breath are all stunned. What kind of martial arts can create such an ancient atmosphere?

However, compared with others, Sun Xing was stunned to see the broken finger.

How can he not recognize the broken finger? That's a trick he saw more than 3000 years ago. The one who will release this trick is his former master.

It's just that the man died 3000 years ago! And this move is the unique skill of his former master. How could this boy do this?

When Sun Xing was stunned by the appearance of the broken soul finger, Chen Xiao yelled at him.

"Sun Xing, you bastard who pursues honor, today is your death date!"

Sun Xing's eyes widened to the extreme! At this moment, he finally understood that the boy in front of him was actually his former master, the guy called the peerless God of war in the six regions, Chen Xiao!

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"This can't be..." In amazement, Sun Xing instinctively said this sentence. However, before his last word "NENG" was exported, the severed finger with the extremely ancient flavor had already arrived in front of him!

The next moment

"Boom! Boom! Boom

Three huge explosions rang out again, which in three fingers to one, under the control of Chen Xiao, one breath caused three attacks! It's more powerful than half of the holy city!

The explosion caused a lot of smoke and dust, which wrapped Sun Xing. For a while, no one knew how much damage Chen Xiao's attack could do to Sun Xing.

"Ha ha! Ha ha ha

A burst of laughter came out of the smoke and dust. Everyone was stunned for a moment. Then, a strong wind appeared out of thin air and took all the smoke away. Sun Xing, who was in the explosion, was still standing there safe and sound."Ha ha! little does one think! I didn't expect that! I didn't expect that the God of war, 3000 years ago, would be reduced to a mere wuzun. What a pity, what a pity. "

Sun Xing unscrupulous smile, completely did not put Chen Xiao in the eye.

But his words, but let the people below are stunned: Chen Xiao is a generation of war god 3000 years ago? What is the situation?

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Chen Xiao stares at Sun Xing coldly, so he laughs. After a while, his laughter gradually stopped, but, looking at Chen Xiao's eyes, still full of pity.

"Tut Tut, I think you were in the six regions, and you were very famous. How many people were afraid of your name. But now you are just a wuzun and a mole ant. I really don't want to jump out of it Sun xingdun, followed by what thought.

"Yes! I just don't have enough star iron. If I take you back and give it to Lord Lingxiao, I will not only be exempted from punishment, but also get a lot of rewards. This is really wonderful! It seems that God is still very kind to me. "

Unexpectedly, in knowing Chen Xiao's real identity value Zhou, Sun Xing's first thought would be to take him back to Lingxiao for disposal. If Chen Xiao falls into Lingxiao's hands again, this time I'm afraid it will never be so simple as to destroy both the body and the spirit!

After hearing what Sun Xing said, Chen Xiao finally opened his mouth. However, his words are only nine words.

"That's your last word, isn't it?"

In a word, let all people are stupefied, even Sun Xing, is also stunned. If a wuzun wants to describe a martial saint, the gap between them can't be described too much by the difference between heaven and earth!

But Chen Xiao said this tone, it is so firm, seems to be convinced that they can do the same! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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