Peerless War God

Chapter 57: 57


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Zhao Pengqi wants to vomit blood.

In particular, he did not know that Chen Xiao was playing the role of pig and eating tiger until his cultivation was abolished, which made his heart bleed.

If we had known for a long time, with his intelligence, we would not have made such an unwise choice to provoke Chen Xiao, but now it is too late to say anything.

"I don't know how President Gongsun intends to solve this problem? After all, it's a matter between Chen family and me. Even if Chen Xiao is the president of the art refiner's Union, but now he represents the Chen family, not the art refiner's Union. Your art refiner's Union has openly intervened, even if it's not appropriate? "

Zhao Yongchang's voice sounded slowly. Although Zhao Yuanhao did not open his mouth, he did not object.

This time, not only the Zhao family, but also the Chen family and Chen Xiao are very curious to look at Gongsun Yang. They don't know how this guy plans to deal with this matter.

After all, the situation between the Chen family and the Zhao family has reached the present level. If they want to resolve it, it is almost impossible.

"Now, Chen Xiao has been injured, and your Zhao family has also fallen behind. In my opinion, it's better to give up now. As before, we should not talk about gambling and dating any more, OK?" Gongsun Yang spoke slowly.

"Not good!"

"Not good!"

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Zhao Yuanhao opened his mouth in a hurry, and Chen Xiao also spoke with him.

Zhao Yuanhao was stunned. However, Gongsun Yang did not have an unexpected look on his face. Instead, he looked at them with great interest and asked, "I don't know how the Zhao family leader and Chen Xiao elder want to deal with it?"

"This..." Zhao Yuanhao Leng for a moment, now think, it is really a bit tricky, after all, if there is no Fang Wu to help, at this time the Zhao family is really a downwind.

Even, has completely lost this bet!

Thinking of this, I can't help but turn my head and look at Fang Wu standing on one side.

As a person who hasn't talked much, Fang Wu knows it's time for him to play a role.

After looking at Chen Xiao and Zhao Yuanhao, he said slowly, "I'll compete with Chen Xiao again. No matter whether we win or lose, the enmity between the Zhao family and the Chen family will come to an end. I wonder if elder Chen Xiao dares to fight with me?"

Fang Wu's voice is very light, but when it comes to the word "elder", he accentuates his accent, obviously on purpose.

Chen Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled, instinctively want to refute, but see the surprise look on Chen Tian's face, or slowly nodded.

But at this time, Gongsun Yang on one side said again: "although this war is unfavorable to elder Chen Xiao, since elder Chen Xiao has agreed, I will not say anything, but the battle is over, so we should not deliberately hurt people!"

In this regard, the two parties are not sure, and Gongsun Yang obviously expected the result, so he went forward again, handed Chen Xiao a pill and said, "this is a pill for rapid recovery of cultivation. Take it, or you will not have a chance to win in your present state."

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Chen Xiao frowned slightly, but he did not know what he thought of. He took it and threw it directly into his mouth. His strong medicinal power instantly turned to open, and he was directly guided by Chen Xiao to improve his state of cultivation.

However, Chen Xiao's face, but deliberately appears to slowly recover, gradually ruddy up.

"Let's go!" Chen Xiao spoke slowly.

As soon as this was said, all the people on the challenge arena retreated like the tide. The Zhao family returned to their seats. Fang Wu was the only one left.

"Marrying Zhao Yun can only prove that you are blind!"

Chen Xiao suddenly said this for no reason, which made Zhao Yun's face suddenly cold outside the challenge arena. He was about to speak, but his father stopped him.

Fang Wu's face was also a little dark. He didn't expect Chen Xiao's mouth to be so fierce, but he didn't feel much about Zhao Yun. He simply shut up and answered the question lazily.

Although he didn't open his mouth to answer, Fang Wu's momentum began to climb wildly, and a long sword was taken out of the storage ring.

It's a soft sword four feet long but thumb wide. It's as thin as a cicada's wing. It's cold in the sun.

The most important thing is that from holding the long sword in hand, Fang Wu's momentum suddenly changed. It seems that the spirit of Kendo has at least reached the peak.

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However, with these, it is not enough to hurt Chen Xiao!

Three feet green peak sword was taken out by Chen Xiao. At this moment, Chen Xiao's eyes became sharp. If it wasn't for his momentum, he would have bluffed a large number of people.

Seeing that Chen Xiao is so, Fang Wu in the opposite side sneers. The reason why he challenges him is that he is even above the man who was killed by Chen Xiao. Secondly, Chen Xiao's talent is too terrible. This kind of existence arouses his heart of martial arts. If he can kill Chen Xiao, he will be very happy.

Third, Chen Xiao is seriously injured at the moment, and he is very weak. If you don't seize such a good opportunity, it's a pity!More importantly, one of his subordinates was killed by Chen Xiao. If he didn't do anything, it would be a very shameful thing.

Even if you can't kill Chen Xiao, it's also a very good thing to take the opportunity to abolish Chen Xiao.

At least, it will save his face.


The sword in Fang Wu's hand suddenly speeds up and stabs Chen Xiao at a very fast speed. Unexpectedly, he chooses to take the lead in attacking.

Chen Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly. In the moment when Fang Wu started, he also rushed up.

There is no Dodge, not to mention any defense, so choose hard to rush up!


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Two people long sword, instant fight, huge shock force let two people quickly forward of the body suddenly stopped.

At this moment!

The distance between them was only one foot, and they were blocked by weapons in their hands, but it was only a moment.

Then, the sword in Fang Wu's hand suddenly shakes. The slender body of the sword bends down directly and cuts it towards Chen Xiao's right hand.

At the same time, Fang Wu was not idle under his feet, and swept towards Chen Xiao.

This wave of attacks is very intensive, and they are all very elite. No matter whether Chen Xiao chooses to resist the upper long sword attack or the lower attack, one will surely attack Chen Xiao.

If you change to an ordinary person, I'm afraid that you will directly choose to resist the soft sword. After all, the attack power of the soft sword is the biggest!

Chen Xiao is no exception, the long sword in his hand suddenly retreats, and directly resists the curved sword, and plays back directly.

Seeing this scene, Fang Wu not only did not have the slightest accident, but also showed a faint smile at the corners of his mouth. He suddenly accelerated under his feet and swept towards Chen Xiao's legs.

This time, he is confident to kick Chen Xiao's leg directly. After all, his cultivation has reached the level of three-star general, and his strength has already passed ten thousand. Moreover, he has specially practiced leg skill. If he kicks Chen Xiao, the result can be imagined! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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