Peerless War God

Chapter 58: 58


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Low voice, as scheduled!

Fang Wu did kick in Chen Xiao's calf, but, the feeling, let Fang Wu's heart sink suddenly.

Because, Chen Xiao's footwall is very stable, to be more accurate, he did not cause any damage to Chen Xiao!

"Is it hard for this guy to train his body Fang Wu was shocked.

But at this time, there is no time for him to think more.

In his one hit, the opposite Chen Xiao also hit back, was kicked in the foot suddenly back, the same speed toward the opposite side of the Fang Wu kick in the past.

This blow, Chen Xiao poured all the strength!

Fang Wu's eyes are cold, but Chen Xiao even plans to fight with himself!

Although I don't know where Chen Xiao's self-confidence comes from, Fang Wu doesn't have the reason to retreat now. He also raises his feet and kicks him.

They met again, and each thought of stepping back three steps. The huge shock force made both of them pause for a second.

Then, at a very fast speed to rush up.

This time, Fang Wu clenched his fist with one hand, and slashed through the space with his long sword in the other hand. It seemed that he wanted to give Chen Xiao one point and two halves.

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"I have a lot of experience in fighting!"

Chen Xiao's eyes twinkled with a light cold light, but there was no panic, the speed is not reduced.

Soon, the two people will be in contact, but at this time, Chen Xiao's body is strange to the left side of the tilt.

From a distance, Chen Xiao's body seems to be suddenly stumbling by something.

However, is it possible for Chen Xiao to trip over things?

More importantly, such a seemingly abrupt action, but it is strange to let Chen Xiao avoid Fang Wu's inevitable sword!

If that's all, it won't be too shocking. What's really shocking is that Chen Xiao, after avoiding this sword, went right behind Fang Wu and changed the angle of his sword.

At the same time, Chen Xiao's elbow was suddenly forced, and his body instantly formed a 60 degree rotation in mid air. Under the huge inertial force, the sword in his hand stabbed Fang Wu's back with a sharp angle.

Back stab!

This is a kind of fighting skill that Chen Xiao understood at the beginning. However, with the improvement of his cultivation, he has never used it again. Now, after his rebirth, his cultivation is low, so it is just right to take it out.

Fang Wu obviously did not expect this, so that the whole person was stunned.

But his reaction speed is also very fast. Seeing the strong wind behind him, the guy rushed to the ground in front of him without thinking about it. He rolled on the ground in an unsightly way and avoided the blow by sticking to the tip of Chen Xiao's sword.

"It's a pity that the speed of this body is still a little slow after all."

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There is a flash of pity in Chen Xiao's eyes. If his cultivation is promoted to the level of a general, his physical coordination and attack speed will surely be greatly improved. If he makes this attack at that time, there is absolutely no possibility for Fang Wu to evade.

"Happy, no one has been able to force me to this degree for a long time. You should be proud, but the battle is over." Fang Wu stood up slowly, with a faint chill in his eyes, pointing his sword at Chen Xiao and saying slowly.

In this regard, Chen Xiao just slightly curled his mouth.

"Falling snow sword technique!"

Fang Wu's heart drinks a low, body again force toward Chen Xiao to rush past.

But this time, Fang Wu's steps are obviously in accordance with a specific step in action, and the sword technique in his hand has become more strange.

Almost at the same time, Chen Xiao felt that the temperature around him seemed to drop suddenly. The whole space seemed to freeze at any time and snowflakes were falling.

"The sword technique that can arouse the spirit of heaven and earth?"

Chen Xiao has a touch of curiosity on his face. This kind of sword skill can be achieved at least in Xuan level or even in prefecture level. Moreover, it can't be used at low level.

Now, I didn't expect that this guy would be able to use it.

However, surprised to return to surprise, Chen Xiao's face did not have the slightest worry, even did not do the basic dodge action, still with extremely fast speed toward Fang Wu.

"Humph, go to hell

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Seeing that Chen Xiao didn't notice, Fang Wu roared in his heart and even took a grim smile on his face.

However, it soon froze.

Because Chen Xiao is not affected at all, but directly pours on him. The sword in his hand is a sword technique that stabs himself with a sword.


The voice is clear and crisp. Chen Xiao is beaten by a huge force, but Fang Wu's sword technique is also interrupted by Chen Xiao!

Fang Wu's face suddenly became gloomy. Chen Xiao's difficulty was beyond his expectation, especially his ability to see through the flaws of various sword techniques and moves.However, Fang Wu has other ways to break the sword!

Fang Wu's left hand suddenly merged into a sword finger. A strange force converged on his fingertips in an instant. A thin layer of sword Qi was formed at his fingertips in an instant.

Then, this finger points to Chen Xiao's Dantian position with extremely fast speed.

It seems that he intends to use this blow to destroy Chen Xiao's elixir field!

And Chen Xiao, in seeing this blow, his face suddenly changed, and then he became gloomy!

Chen Xiao's killing intention is also in an instant into the essence, so that the opposite side of Fang Wu's heart feel scared.

However, the sword finger has been used, and it is impossible to stop it. Even if the breath emanating from Chen Xiao at the moment is very terrible, there is absolutely no reason to give up halfway.

"This move, unexpectedly saw this move again!" The cold light in Chen Xiao's eyes is getting stronger and stronger, and his right hand holding the sword can't help but grasp some.

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At this moment, it is not the first time for Chen Xiao to see Fang Wu's move.

This is the second time!

For the first time, Chen Xiao saw it on the day when his body cultivation was abandoned!

It was a super strong man who was so strong that Chen Xiao couldn't resist at all. At the beginning, the man used this move to directly break Chen Xiao's elixir's elixir field, which led him to fall from the peerless genius to the absolute waste material all night!

Now, the move reappears, and the memory of inheritance recognizes it almost instantaneously.

However, the original Chen Xiao could not judge, but now Chen Xiao can clearly judge that the one who abolished his own cultivation was at least above the realm of King Wu, and was definitely not the Fang Wu in front of him!

But, with Fang Wu certainly can't escape the connection!

Chen Xiao's eyes twinkle, the heart has decided that there is time to explore a lower home.

After all, it's hard to guarantee that if the man can discard himself once, he will not abandon himself again after he recovers his cultivation!

Chen Xiao is never the kind of Lord waiting for death!

I don't want to gamble on luck! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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