Peerless War God

Chapter 712: 712

"Haha, Haimei paper, you said it as if I didn't invite people to dinner. I'm not that hard to get along with? " The shark on the opposite side laughed heartily.

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This man is named Haisha. His race is the same as his appearance. He is a shark man. As for its status, Hai Lan Xin has also said that he is the leader of the sea clan.

The position of commander may not be an important position in other places. It is likely that there is not even a point of actual power. The word "commander" usually means that at least one team of ten thousand people is under the control of the Hai nationality.

A team of ten thousand people, placed within the sea people, is not an existence that can be belittled.

As for the sea killing, I really want to say that there are nearly half a hundred commanders in the Hai clan. He definitely ranks in the top ten! In addition to this guy is a four-star warrior God, but also because his team of 10000 people, all of them are Shark!

Shark man is the incarnation of shark, and shark itself is the dominator in the sea. The shark man incarnated by shark is also a powerful existence in the sea people. Under the same level, the strength of one shark is almost equal to that of two other sea races!

"Ha ha, killing commander is sure to have dinner with his friends on weekdays. It's just that I'm such a weak woman that I'm really flattered to be killed and given a banquet. " Sea LAN heart Jiao smile way.

This is to let Haisha smile and shake his head: "Haimei paper, this is you are wrong. Although your strength is only Saint level, who knows that you are most favored by the patriarch. On weekdays, the generals in the clan should treat you respectfully when they see you. It's really flattering to say that Haimei can accept my invitation to kill laosha. "

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This is not a fake. Although Hai Lan Xin is only a nine star martial saint, no one in the sea family dare to offend this beautiful woman of the sea nationality easily. No one knows what relationship she has with the emperor, but the emperor's love for her is clear to all!

Once upon a time, a general of the sea tribe accidentally contradicted Hai Lanxin. As a result, he was directly sent to the marginal areas by the emperor of the sea and allowed him to come back for 20 years. Once upon a time, a side imperial concubine scolded the sea LAN heart two sentences, and was directly suspended by the emperor of the sea. This kind of thing comes down, make sea LAN heart although do not have enough strength, but within the sea clan, absolutely no one dares to offend her easily.

If we say that Haihuang is the absolute leader within the Hai clan, then under the Hai Huang, there are two people, Hai Huang's wife and Hai Lan Xin. Even, Hai Lan Xin may be a little higher than Hai Huang's wife.

"Kill commander jokingly, Lan Xin is just lucky to get the Lord's love. In fact, there is no difference between Lan Xin and other disciples." Sea LAN heart says.

After hearing this, Haisha naturally understands that Hai Lan Xin doesn't want to get entangled in this topic too much. In this regard, he was the same, so he immediately changed the topic.

"Sister Hai, in fact, this time I invite you to come here. I want to ask you something. I don't know if I can help Lao Sha to answer the questions in his heart."

Hailan heart knows that Haisha invite her to come over is certainly not a simple meal. Immediately, he said with a smile: "kill commander, what do you want to ask? As long as I know, I will tell you the truth."

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There are obvious reservations about this. Wait for the sea to kill to ask, sea LAN heart knows not to know, can all by her own to decide. Of course, Haisha can hear this meaning.

But he didn't care. He immediately asked his first question.

"Sister Hai, I heard that Outland will open in Hailong island in two months. I wonder if this news is true or not?"

Haisha just finished saying this, the opposite sea LAN heart, a pair of willow eyebrows immediately slightly frowned, but it was soon released, and was not detected by the sea.

"Kill commander, I don't know. You know, I've never been interested in things like this, and I've had too much exposure. But I'm a little curious. Commander Sha, where did you get the news? Besides, what is Outland? " Sea LAN heart asked back.

In response to her, it was Haisha's laughter.

"Ha ha, I heard it from an ordinary friend by accident. I'm not sure whether it's true or not. Otherwise, I won't ask Haimei. " Haisha's tone is casual.

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But the words fall into the sea, LAN heart ear, but let her heart a trace of sneer: ordinary friends? Not sure if it's true or not? Oh, is this really taking her for a fool?

However, some things, the heart is clear, the sea LAN heart will not really say it. It's not good for anyone.

"In fact, I know about Outland from other people. It is said that it is a special space that does not belong to the three regions. There are many natural resources and treasures in it, and there are infinite opportunities for others to look for in the past. You know, sister Hai, it has been nearly 200 years since I was trapped in the four star warrior God. If there is a great opportunity in Outland, I will naturally go in and try my luck, right? "

Haisha explained the lower Outland to Hai Lanxin. As for his inner thoughts, no one knows.

Hai Lan heart nodded slightly and said, "if it is such a good place, killing commander can really go in and try his luck. Unfortunately, I don't know about these things. " Hai Lan Xin once again said that he did not know about things in Outland.In this regard, Haisha once again did not tangle with the topic of Outland, but changed it again.

"By the way, sister Hai, I wonder if you have met the emperor recently? I heard that the emperor has not appeared for a long time. Is something wrong? "


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The problem of Haisha made Hailan's heart tighten up immediately. Only then did he understand the real purpose of Haisha's inviting her to come here. However, her face is not any unnecessary expression changes, smile back.

"As for the emperor, I haven't seen him for some time. I don't know if I'm going to shut up again. Yes? Do you want to find the emperor if you want to kill the commander? If you have something to do, I can ask the queen for you. "

The queen in Hailan's heart is naturally his wife.

"This is not urgent at first." Haisha waved his hand and said, "actually, it's no big deal. It's just that so many relics have come out recently. It's hard for me to see them being explored by human practitioners. Always want to take people to drive them away, and then go in and explore by themselves. Therefore, I just want to ask the emperor whether I can secretly occupy one or two relics and let myself explore them. "

The idea of killing by sea is normal. The same idea, during this period, can not be rare in other sea people. After all, the sea people don't like to have too much contact with human beings. On weekdays, several cities on the land will trade with human practitioners. As far as the sea area is concerned, there is hardly any chance for human beings to explore it!

At present, the emperor of the sea has ordered not only human beings to enter the sea, but also restricted the sea people's exploration of the relics. Naturally, it is inevitable for other sea people to complain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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