Peerless War God

Chapter 713: 713

"Kill commander, I will write down this matter for you first. When I meet the emperor of the sea, I will ask him for him." The sea LAN heart so answers.

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Such an answer, as before, is still a vague one. And will really help the sea kill to ask, can all see the sea LAN heart to decide by himself.

However, unexpectedly, hearing Hai Lan Xin say this, Haisha is laughing: "ha ha, there is sea sister's words, then I am old to kill also at ease. When the time comes, if the emperor agrees, sister Hai will tell me the first time. To be honest, a few days ago, I had already taken a fancy to a newly emerged relic. However, due to the orders given by the emperor, he did not dare to take people in to explore. "

"So it is." Sea LAN heart nods, express oneself understand. But what she really understood was not what Haisha said.

"Ha ha. Come and come, eat vegetables, patronize and talk to sea sister, they forget to eat. Sea sister, you come to taste the famous brand wine of this shop. Fish people are drunk. It is said that the more beautiful the sea people are, the more likely they are to get drunk after drinking. If you are as beautiful as Haimei, you can't get drunk with one cup Hai Sha smiles and pours a glass of wine to Hai Lan Xin.

That wine is really good. At the moment of pouring out, the strong aroma of the wine has already spread, which makes people want to drink it.

"Kill commander," you said The sea LAN heart purses a mouth to smile, but also is to hold that cup of wine, elegant and went down. She believes that Haisha doesn't cheat on wine.

The wine is sweet and has an aftertaste.

"It's really good wine." Sea LAN heart praise way.

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Her words made Haisha laugh again: "well, old Sha, I'm right. It's a good bar. Come on, I'll pour one more for Haimei Say, it is to hold up the wine pot to pour wine to the sea LAN heart again.

But at this time, outside suddenly came a knock on the door, which made Haisha's eyebrows immediately wrinkled down.

"Who! I didn't tell you. I'm going to have dinner with Haimei today. Don't you disturb me if you have nothing to do? " Haisha yelled in a very bad tone.

"Commander, something urgent has happened in the team, so I have to disturb you." Outside came the voice of his men.

Hai Sha's expression changed. She said sorry to Hai Lan's heart: "sister Hai, I'm sorry. I'll go out and have a look."

Hai Lan Xin made a gesture of invitation and didn't mind. In other words, she had expected this situation for a long time.

Put down the jug and Haisha gets up and goes out. He stood outside and said to the man for a long time. Then he pushed the door in and looked at Hai Lan Xin with a more apologetic expression: "sister Hai, I'm really sorry. There is a temporary accident in my team. I have to go there in person to deal with it. I can't go on with you. But don't worry, sister Hai. I must have invited this meal. Then, when I'm free, I'll ask Haimei again to make up for it. "

Listen to the sea kill so say, sea LAN heart smile: "kill commander have what matter, although go busy."

"Hey, sister Hai is considerate, so I'll go first." With that, Haisha withdrew from the room and led his men to leave.

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Looking at Haisha's back disappearing from the outside, Hailan's smile disappears immediately, and her expression turns to be dignified. Then he got up and went to the window. Looking down, he could see that Haisha and his men got on a carriage and left quickly.

"Well. Haisha, you'd better not mess around. Otherwise, even I will not plead for you Seeing the carriage leave, the sea LAN heart whispered such a sentence.

When she came, she knew that the meal would never be so simple. I didn't expect that there would be so many questions about Haisha, and she tried to test her one after another. This makes Hai Lan Xin feel that things will never be so simple.

Outland's affairs, even her, also only know a little bit. It's interesting where Haisha got the news from Outland.

As for the sea emperor

Hai Lan Xin is lost in thinking. The current situation of Haihuang is not so good.

"Well? It was... " Suddenly, the eyes of LAN Hai fell on the opposite side of the street. It's a cute young man with two hands.

How could he be here?

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Hai Lanxin is surprised. What she noticed was not other people, but Chen Xiao and Xiaomao.

For Chen Xiao, Hai Lan Xin still remembers the bidding between him and Zhou Leng at the auction. Even in the back, Chen Xiao at the auction gate with Zhou Leng and his party's battle, she remember clearly!

There's no way. It's hard to forget who saw a one star wuzun fighting more than a dozen martial saints and left easily in the end. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't even dream about it!


Recalling Chen Xiao's original battle, Hailan heart suddenly found a thing that shocked her: Chen Xiao's strength has reached the three-star martial saint! And the kitten demon in his arms has reached the five-star martial saint!How could that be possible? How long has it been since the auction? This guy has already reached the three-star martial saint! Is this advanced speed too amazing?

Where does the sea LAN heart know again, the realm that she feels, is what Chen Xiao conceals below show only. If you let her know that Chen Xiao is already an eight star martial saint, she doesn't know what she will be shocked into!

But even if it is the martial saint of three stars, Hai Lan Xin is already quite surprised. In retrospect, Chen Xiao could fight Zhou Leng, the five-star martial saint, by relying on one star Wu Zun realm. Now he has reached the three-star martial saint. I'm afraid that any martial god below three stars can fight against one of them?

Although Hai Lan Xin feels that such a thing sounds too unreal, she doesn't know why. On Chen Xiao's body, she just thinks such a thing is completely possible.

"Xiaobei, come in." After thinking about it, Hai Lan Xin called out to the outside. Then a pretty girl came in. Subsequently, the sea LAN heart points to Chen Xiao, let her please come up.

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Xiaobei, a girl, ran out as quickly as Hai Lan Xin ordered. And sea LAN heart's vision fell on Chen Xiao again.

Is Xiao Chen? I hope you won't let me down.


Then he handed the scallops to the owner. By the way, this time the stall owner is not a scallop family, but a mussel essence

"Dad, it's good to eat. Would you like a meow Xiaomiao holds a roasted scallop and wants to pass it to Chen Xiao. Because there is soup in roast scallop, Xiaomao's mouth is really greasy when she goes down.

"Eat for yourself." Looking at the cat in her arms, Chen Xiao felt funny. Just in front of him was a woman.

"This childe, my young lady has an invitation. I wonder if I can accept it?" Xiaobei said respectfully to Chen Xiao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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