Peerless War God

Chapter 735: 735

The assembly hall, to put it bluntly, is the court Hall of the Hai nationality. It is just that it has the name of haihuangzong, so it is called the hall.

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However, Hai Lan Xin did not lead Chen Xiao to enter from the main entrance of the hall, but took a detour to the back of the hall and went in through the back door. Then, under her leadership, Chen Xiao came to a dark room at the back of the hall, just in time to see the side of Bai Bai and a group of Hai people below. Among them, the one woman and two men standing in the front have Haidonghua in it. Behind them are more than a dozen different looking sea people.

However, their strength can not be underestimated, one by one can be powerful martial god.

Chen Xiao believes that these people should still be a part of the strong sea people, and will never be half.

"The woman standing at the front is the eldest princess, Haiqiu. You have seen the third prince Hai Donghua on her left, and the fourth prince, Hai Baifan, on the right. And behind them are some leaders of the sea people. " Hai Lan Xin introduces Chen Xiao.

"You need to pay special attention to the shark who stands at the front. He is Haisha, and Haijie city is under his management. And this guy's ranking among the leaders is within the top ten. " Hai Lan Xin specially points out the sea kill.

Chen Xiao's eyes naturally turned to Haisha, but his strength is not weak. In Chen Xiao's opinion, what Hai Lan Xin refers to is not just Haisha's own strength.

"Gentlemen, the emperor has left the matter of my assassination to me. You don't have to worry about me. " In the middle of the hall, Prynne sat on the vice seat and spoke aloud to the people below.

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She did this right, but in fact, she seldom appears in the hall. The reason, of course, is that Bai Bai didn't want to manage all kinds of affairs of Hai nationality.

But this time, brandy can't come out. Haihuang is not here now. If she can't control the situation, maybe the sea people will change.

It is no exaggeration to say so. It has been hundreds of years since the emperor of the sea was in power. Under his administration, the sea people have been stable and prosperous. However, the Emperor didn't want to fight for hegemony. He felt satisfied that he could control the sea. However, in the view of some commanders, it has become one of the reasons why the emperor is not competent for this position.

And the children at the bottom grew up a little bit. It was good in the early days, but as the emperor handed more and more things to the eldest princess Haiqiu, many people felt that the emperor was already laying the groundwork for his own succession, and Haiqiu was the next successor of the emperor.

Naturally, Haidonghua and haibaifan are reluctant to accept this point.

That's the emperor of the sea! The supreme leader of the whole sea people, in charge of the highest position of power in the whole Canghai area! For anyone, its allure is beyond doubt!

As a result, the current sea Princess Prince between the fight between the prince.

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As for why the emperor indulged his children, it was his own business.

"Queen, your assassination is not that simple. If the assassin can sneak in and escape, it must be received by the emperor of the sea. This is a huge potential threat to the emperor of the sea! We can't just sit back and watch! " Hai Donghua looked serious.

His performance is completely different from that when Chen Xiao was in trouble at the beginning, which made Chen Xiao a little surprised.

"Yes, the third brother is right. We have to look into the whole thing. Before we come back, we have already discussed it. We must investigate this matter carefully. Therefore, I hope the queen can let the emperor of the sea come out to preside over the overall situation. " This is what the fourth Prince haibaifan said. He had no expression. He couldn't tell what kind of guy he was.

However, what he said was supported by many commanders behind him.

"Some time ago, the rumor about the disappearance of the emperor has been circulating. However, under my efforts, I still failed to suppress the news. And most of these leaders want to see the emperor. " Hailan heart speaks again. And her words, immediately let Chen Xiao realize what.

"No wonder you've been so busy. That's why." Chen Xiao interface way.

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The sea LAN heart nods, but did not continue to say, the vision fell on brandy body. Now, it's up to Prynne to deal with it.

"Therefore, I understand what the emperor Haiyin has done to deal with this matter Prynne directly leads the topic to the eldest princess Haiqiu.

Haiqiu was obviously stunned when he heard this. But fortunately, she was at the front, and the others didn't see it.

It's impossible for Haihuang to contact Haiqiu about the investigation. But Prynne dare say so, naturally has its intention. Haiqiu's status in haihuangzong is only under this and Haihuang, even if it's brandy, it can't compare with her. But because of this, Haiqiu has to consider more things.

So Prynne told her directly about the disappearance of the emperor in this way. In Prynne's opinion, unless Haiqiu has enough assurance to control haihuangzong, otherwise, the emperor does not really spread out, which is not good for her.With Haiqiu's intelligence, nature soon understood. Prynne was undoubtedly trying to take her hand and stabilize the present situation. But she can only choose to cooperate.

The commander behind him had several questions about whether she was real. Immediately, Haiqiu turned and nodded to a kind of commander.

"Yes, the emperor has ordered me to investigate this matter carefully. I hope you can cooperate with me at that time. " Said Haiqiu.

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As soon as this was said, the commanders immediately became quite quiet. They may not believe Prynne, but they still believe in Haiqiu's words. Since she has said that she has contacted with the emperor of the sea, the so-called rumor of the disappearance of the emperor of the sea is naturally defeated.

"Don't worry about it. As long as you can use ours, just open your mouth. For the sake of the stability of the haihuangzong, we have to work hard. It's nothing at all. " One of the leaders expressed his support. And then there was more command response.

At this point, the commanders were stabilized by Prynne. Then, they did not continue to entangle with Prynne, and left the Council hall one after another. But when Haiqiu leaves, Chen Xiao sees her obviously toward brandy to pass a look in the past. She'll be looking for Prynne later.

After waiting for the hall to go, brandy turned to Chen Xiao's position and said, "Lan Xin, come out."

This lets Chen Xiao not from look to sea LAN heart. But the sea LAN heart actually did not explain what, takes Chen Xiao directly from another secret door to come out.

"Xiao Chen? How could you be here? " Looking at the sea LAN heart behind together come out of Chen Xiao, brandy is really an accident. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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