Peerless War God

Chapter 736: 736

Sea LAN heart simply said the next pass, brandy understood.

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"Lan Xin, you are too nervous. It's not as serious as you think Prynne laughed.

But Hai Lan Xin obviously didn't think so, and said, "sister Bai, how can this matter not be serious? Look at the commanders. If the eldest princess didn't cooperate with you, they would not believe what you said

That's true.

Prynne was indifferent to smile: "what does that matter? I don't care whether they believe it or not. Anyway, I just have to say that the emperor is OK. What else can they do to me? "

This is easy to say, but Chen Xiaogang just looked at her performance, but this is not the case. Of course, Chen Xiao will not go to the point.

"Well, if there's nothing wrong, go to my bedroom. Assassin or something, I'll leave it to other people. I'll first think about how to talk to Haiqiu Prynne laughed.

However, just as she had said this, a dark shadow suddenly came out of her back like lightning, and a cold light stabbed at the heart of Prynne's back!

Assassin again! The other side actually has been lurking in the palace, looking for a chance to shoot again!

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At this time, the hall does not even have a guard. Under such circumstances, for assassins, it's just a chance from heaven. How can they miss it?

It's a pity that it's so short


There was a metal collision. The assassin saw that his dagger was about to stab brandy. A shadow of a man stood in front of him, and then a long black sword accurately blocked his dagger! And through the black sword above the overlord energy, let the assassin have to fly back!

All of this, happen too suddenly, say is between the electric light flint. From the appearance of the assassin to Chen Xiao blocking his attack, it may not even take a blink of an eye. The assassin who flies upside down, his feet waiting on the wall, rushes up again at a very fast speed and launches an attack again!

Although his attack was blocked by Chen Xiao, he immediately gave up the idea of escaping and chose to attack again.

Just a martial saint, you can't solve it with three strokes!

However, the assassin never imagined that the martial saint in front of him was not an ordinary martial saint!

Seeing the assassin rush up again, Chen Xiao doesn't have the slightest hesitation, decisively opens the fury. Just when blocking the other side's dagger, Chen Xiao sensed the strength of the other side.

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Eight Star Warrior God! That's a big deal! If Chen Xiao's strength is far higher than the realm, and his physical strength is also high, just then, it is likely that he was killed instead of brandy!

But not after the attack. After the fury, Chen Xiao may not be able to kill the eight Star Warrior God in a short time, but he has the strength to entangle with him absolutely!

The momentum soared, and Liuyun Xianbu unfolded, holding a shadow to meet the assassin. The next moment, the hall, immediately sounded a Jinge collision sound. At this time, Hai Lan Xin finally responded.

"Come on! There are assassins Hai Lan heart immediately cried out.

The sound spread out, outside immediately a burst of sound, it is obvious that the guard rushed in. At this time, the assassin's first thought was to escape. Just a few minutes, he and Chen Xiao have been fighting dozens of times, but Chen Xiao every time steadily blocked his attack, is not a pair of easily killed appearance. On the contrary, it was the assassin's own dagger, which had cracks in the fight. It was not better than the chiyun sword!

Although the assassin does not understand why Chen Xiao, a saint level, has the strength to fight with him, compared with escaping for life, this is not what he needs to consider.

Immediately, the assassin decisively broke out, a spirit suddenly spread out, forced Chen Xiao to shock out. Then, the dagger on his hand aimed at Chen Xiao for more than ten times. The energy on the dagger condensed into a huge poisonous snake and opened its mouth to bite Chen Xiao.

Then, without hesitation, the assassin turned around and aimed at the place where he came in, intending to retreat.

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But when he turned around, the energy around him suddenly became frozen. This sudden change made his body obviously pause for a moment. At this time, his back was suddenly slapped by a hand, and a hegemonic energy instantly penetrated into his body. His spiritual power began to dissipate at a very terrible speed!

What's going on?

The assassin had a moment of consternation. Then he fell down on the floor, but he didn't rush out. Then, the elixir field a pain, the body's spiritual power as if the tide general receded.

I've been ruined?

The assassin was in a state of momentary loss of consciousness and did not understand what had happened just now. Before and after only a dozen breathing time, their own eight star martial god, so abandoned?

"Shua!" A gust of wind, chiyun sword fell in front of him, Chen Xiao intact appeared in his eyes.

If it wasn't for this guy who wanted to run, Chen Xiao would not have many chances to take him down. But the other party because of the appearance of the guard, obviously each focus on escape, so that gave Chen Xiao the opportunity. When he shakes Chen Xiao away and turns around, Chen Xiao immediately opens a complete rage, decisively releases the Funing pagoda, causing the other party a short meal, and then seizes the opportunity to move the sky shaking tower to destroy the other party's accomplishments.It's quite a fluke to be able to do this.

"Tell me, who sent you." Chiyun sword pressed on the other side's neck, Chen Xiao asked in a cold voice.

However, in the face of Chen Xiao's problem, the assassin suddenly sneered, and then, his body suddenly and violently trembled, waiting for Chen Xiao to realize that he is not right, the other party has already died! The dead can't die again!

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What a tyrannical poison!

In an instant, he killed the eight star martial god, which surprised Chen Xiao. In particular, he was surprised that the other party would commit suicide so simply. The assassin is estimated to belong to the dead. Can there be any force that can cultivate the dead men with strength as high as eight star martial god? This is not a vegetable. The seeds can grow in pieces if they are scattered.

By this time, the outside guard had come in. Just, looking at the corpse on the ground, let them not from a Leng, did not understand what happened.

Fortunately, Prynne opened his mouth in time: "hurry to guard around to see if there are Assassin's companions. If anyone is found, no matter who it is, they will be arrested. "

If the assassin can appear here and assassinate again, it is enough to judge that he has something to do with haihuangzong.

However, Chen Xiao and Prynne are very clear, want to find this inside, absolutely not so easy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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