All of them are acquaintances!

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Dean Fred, teacher Dirk nowey, fat Hart and Daniel.

This is classmate teacher!

In addition, Captain Hades, Jonah, Joseph, Andrew, uncle Leo and other villagers also came!


Everyone came up.

"Everybody is here

Monley said hello one by one, and then said to puhaman, "puhaman, ask someone to get some food and wine, I will treat you well!"

"Master, I've got the food and wine ready. I'm ready for dinner at any time!"

Puhaman said respectfully!

"Come on

Monley waved his hand!


Puharman clapped her hands, and a group of graceful maids came into the palace with exquisite wine and dishes, and then put them on the table!

"Let's sit down and talk while eating."

After waving off the maids, Meng Lei said with a smile, "we all went to the imperial capital from the fire dragon kingdom. We are all hungry. Let's eat first!"

Eat and drink!

Five flavors of food and three rounds of wine.

Meng Lei comes straight to the point: "Dean, fire dragon king invited the big guy, what is this to do?"

"I can't hide it from you!"

Fred said with a wry smile, "mon ray, your Majesty would like you to forgive me..."

"Open the net?"

Monlay shook his glass. "I thought Philip 32 was a wise man, but I didn't expect him to be stupid and ridiculous."

"He thought that if he invited my friends, teachers and villagers to intercede for him, I would let him go?"

"I didn't know that he would only do the opposite and make me even more disgusted!"


"Yes, master!"

Sannillian trotted in!

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At the sight of Sanir, Dean Fred's face changed greatly, and even stood up and bowed.

However, sanier looked down and did not look at him, as if he did not see.

"Go to the kingdom of fire dragon and bring Philip 32, the Dragon King!"

"I want to ask him, is he more than seven dragon semi God iron, or his face is greater than Frederick 66?"

"Yes, master!"

Sannil bows down and goes out!


Fred looked at sanier's back, and his heart was full of trouble

"Dean, don't blame me for my ruthlessness. It's just a matter of retribution."

Menglei sighed: "in the past 40000 years, the Terrans have been exploited and exploited by the dragon people for generations, and hundreds of millions of sons and daughters have been beaten by the dragon people!"


"Full of exploitation!"

"Be discriminated against!"

"No status!"

"No freedom!"

"No chance to practice!"

"The four man system is the cheapest of the human race!"

"How absurd? How cruel? "

Monley shook his head and said, "long ago, I made a heavy oath!"

"If one day!"

"If I have enough strength!"

"I will overthrow the rule of the dragon, smash this disgusting abnormal rule, and give the Terran a brilliant future!"

Fred grinned bitterly, but Hades, Dirk noway, fat man and others were all boiling with blood and excitement, and only adoration was left in their eyes!

"Now that I have this ability, I will naturally fulfill my original oath!"

Monley looked at Fred: "so, don't stop me, don't plead with the Dragon nobles whose corpses are all wrapped up. It will only hurt our feelings!"

"I see!"

Fred gave a wry smile and sighed, "I see. You don't have to say anything!"

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"Thank you for your understanding

Monlay nodded slightly, then looked at Dirk noway and others: "Mr. Decker, can you tell me what good Philip 32 has given you?"

"Good? Many benefits

Dirk Nowitz laughed: "he promised me that when it was done, he would not only give me ten source crystals of the law to help me enter the holy land, but also canonize me as the Duke of the Kingdom and a fiefdom of 500 Li!"

"But don't worry, I won't plead with him!"

Dirk Nowitz laughed triumphantly: "I don't hide it from you. After hearing that you killed the emperor and the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty, I guess what you are going to do!"

At this point, Dirk Nowitz's eyes were full of enthusiasm and excitement: "this is the best chance for us to turn over to be the master in 40000 years. If I plead with him, I will become a sinner of the human race. What kind of face can I stand between heaven and earth?"

"Well said Mr. Decker!"

Daniel exclaimed, and captain Hades and others nodded."I am worthy of Mr. Decker I know!"

Monterey also laughed: "I knew when I knew you that you are a pure human race!"

"So, you must be very disappointed when you know that I also contain dragon people's blood?"

"I must be disappointed!"

Dirk noway did not shy away from Dean Fred. He shook his head and said with a smile, "I always thought you were a pure Terran genius. I didn't expect that you were also a dragon man. I was really disappointed for a long time at that time."

"But then again, don't you also contain the blood of the dragon people? Why are you so cruel to the dragon people and don't leave any affection?"

This is also a question that President Fred has been struggling with. He looks at monley with a look of doubt in his eyes!

Monterey did not hide: "I have a special ability to melt other blood into myself!"

"I see!"

"I see!"

Dirk noway and Dean Fred suddenly realized that monlay suddenly awakened to the blood of fire dragon and the blood of Golden Dragon. It turned out that he had this peculiar ability!

Monray flipped over, took out 100 of the law source crystals and handed them to Dirk noway.

"Master Dirk, you have been stuck in the peak of level 9 for a long time. These rules should help you!"

"Rule source crystal!"

Dirk noway was shocked: "how can this work? It's too expensive for me to ask for it! "

"I went to Longdao this time and made a small fortune. There are so many source crystals of the law!"

"Take it," monley explained

"Then I will not do it!"

Dirk noway was very excited: "thank you, monray. If you have any request, please do not hesitate to ask me to go up the mountain and go down to the sea of fire."

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"By coincidence, I really need your help!"

Menglei also laughed: "teacher, you know, there are a lot of things waiting to be improved, and talents are urgently needed. If you have friends in this field, you can introduce them to me!"

"Don't worry! I'll get back to you! "

Dirk noway nodded heavily. He could probably guess the situation and know what he needed!

"Then trouble the teacher!"

Menglei smiles and looks at the fat man again. He can't help laughing and scolding: "fat man, you usually don't know how to shout, how do you look like quail today?"

The fat man shuddered and said with a bitter smile, "brother, I also contain the blood of Golden Dragon. I'm afraid you will kill me!"

"You're a dragon of gold blood?"

Menglei did not have a good way: "the Golden Dragon has never admitted that there are such people as you!"

On hearing this, the fat man immediately opened his eyes and said, "I knew you wouldn't kill me, hey hey, when I came out, my father would tell me to be respectful to you!"

"What's more, today is different from the past. You kill dragons like hemp and repel the dragon clan..."

"I knew that my old man was so wrong that you would not kill me, my brother, who had been through the window together."

"Brother? Do you dare to call me brother on your strength? Don't put gold on your face

Menglei laughed and scolded, took out a sacred tree fruit and threw it in the past: "eat it, break through the holy land early, or I don't have you as a friend!"

"What is this?"

The fat man looks puzzled.

"Divine tree fruit, a kind of thing that can let people and Warcraft break through holy land!"

Monray explained casually, and then took out a dozen fruits and gave them to Daniel, Captain Hades, Joseph, Jonah and others!

He has checked these fruits, there is no divinity of the mother tree of life, so he can take them safely.

"Break through the holy land?"

"And such treasures?"

"It's too expensive for us to ask for it!"

They were shocked and refused again and again!

"The fruit of the divine tree is useless to me. You can take it in peace of mind."

"What's more, you are all close to me. Who will you not give it to?" he said with a smile

"This All right

They took the fruit of the tree!

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The fat man was holding the fruit and was so excited that he almost cried: "I was insulted when I was born, saying that I have stained the blood of the golden dragon, which is the shame of the dragon clan!"

"I also said that like my father, I can only live in the name of golden dragon blood in my life!"

"Who would have thought that I am fat today! There will also be a day of Holy Land

"Wuwu, thank you, brother. Knowing you is the luckiest thing in my life..."

"Can you make a difference?"

Meng Lei gave him a look: "practice hard and achieve holy land as soon as possible. If you can purify your own blood and incarnate as a golden dragon, I will make you the New Dragon Emperor and be responsible for the management of Xinlong island!"


Fat tiger body a shock!

"I lied to you?"Murmured monley.

"Haha! My elder brother's words are true, I believe them

Fat man, smile!

"Captain Hades!"

Monley looked at Hades and a dozen villagers again: "since all of them are here, don't go!"

"Well, take all the villagers here and live in the palace. It's so lively!"

"No! No way

Hades was startled: "we are all village men in the mountains. We are used to living in the mountains. How can we be qualified to live in the palace?"

"There's nothing you can't do! Dragon can live, why can't you live? "

Menglei waved his hand: "it's just that everyone moved here and practiced in this palace!"

"It's time to beat and boil muscles and bones, to cultivate fighting spirit, to learn magic, to learn magic, and to have a special person in charge of food and drink, wouldn't it be better?"

Hades grinned bitterly, and was speechless for a moment. The others were speechless!


Tanima is capricious!

The fruit of the divine tree will be released at will!

The villagers live in the palace!

How inflated is that!

To do such a thing?

"Where is monray?"

At this time, a cold voice came from the sky, such as thunder

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